chapter 46

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chapter 46

kasha p.o.v

I was lying down trying to get a tan, cause trust me when you have been in the creepypasta mansion for along time you just become this pale bitch.

I could see Toby out the corner of my eye he was looking at me. It was like he was off in la la land.

Like i said Toby is cute, but i have ben if i didn't i might of gone for Toby.

What am i thinking that means i wouldn't have Molly, stupid kasha don't put this thoughts in your head.

I decided just to sleep abit.







"hey kasha you ready to go get some food" mikayla yelled. I got up looking around and i saw the girls, i looked over next to me and Toby was gone.

"hey girls where's Toby." i said walking over to them.

"he went to the bathroom." ashley  said. I nodded, we headed off to where we were getting food.

I quickly but on some shorts and a black veil brides tank top.

we headed to the food bar, hopefully Toby remembered where we were.

I started ordering food we all got burgers and chips and started talking about stuff.

"so why you bring Toby along and not Ben." courtney said.

"Ben hasn't really been home so i kind of get lonely, and i have been hanging out with Toby" i said.

"do you know where Ben has been" mikayla said.


hey guys i would have done more but im in class and the teachers going to take my phone so here's a chapter hope you like it

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