Chapter 4

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Ryleigh's POV

Once Mrs. Mills told me I could stay the night, I started to calm down. Maybe it was because I'd get to stay with Max. Or maybe just because I wouldn't have to go back home to an empty house.

"Why don't you call your mum and tell her that you're with us and you're safe." Mrs. Mills suggested.

"My mum is on a business trip so it wouldn't matter." I told her as I started to cry again.

"Calm down Ryleigh, it's okay." Max whispered to me and rubbed my back.

"Are you two sleeping on the couch or upstairs?" Mrs. Mills asked us, well mainly Max.

"We'll go upstairs." He told her.

"Alright, well goodnight. And behave."

"Night mum." Max said and rolled his eyes.

"Goodnight Mrs. Mills." I chimed in.

"Oh please sweetie, call me Sara." She said.

I smiled and Max and I made our way upstairs to what I assumed was his room that he shared with Harvey.

"Okay, well Harvey's spending the night at Dobby's so you can take his bed." Max smiled at me.

"Max?" I asked.

"Yeah?" He responded.

"Um, well because of the storm, do think that I could maybe, uh, sleep with you?" I asked nervously and looked at the ground.

He walked towards me and lifted my chin up with his finger so I was forced to looked at him.

"Sure you can, if it'll make you feel better." He said and smiled.

I smiled back and we got into bed. I faced the wall and away from Max because I didn't want to make things any more awkward. I mean I already asked if I could sleep with him. We just met TODAY. Oh god.

I was as close to the wall as I could get but still felt like I should be closer to it. The closer to the wall I was, the farther from Max I was, and the less awkward things would be. Right? Right.

"I don't bite you know." I heard from behind me followed by a chuckle.

I didn't respond. Maybe he'd think that I was already asleep.

"Ryleighhhhh. I know you're not asleep." He said, dragging out my name.

"Maxxxxxx. Yes I am." I said, mocking him.

He laughed and wrapped his arms around my waist to pull me closer to him. Then he let go, so I pulled the blankets off and laid on top instead of underneath.

"What are you doing? You're going to freeze." He told me.

"I'll be fine. I just don't want this to be any more awkward than it has to be." I said.

"It's not gonna be awkward. Just get under that blankets because I'm not letting my best friend freeze." He demanded.

"Oh so I'm your best friend now?" I joked.

"I-I don't know. I just don't want you to be cold. But I mean maybe you are its just..." He tried to explain.

"Max it's fine. You're my best friend too. I've never gotten so close with someone so fast. Heck, I've never even been this close with someone." I said.

He smiled at me and I got back underneath the blankets and faced him.

"Hey Ryleigh?" He asked.

"What?" I said.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure." I said, even though I wasn't very sure.

"Sorry if this is kind of personal. You don't have to answer it if you don't want to, but why did you get upset when you mentioned your mum being away?" He asked.

"Well," I said while trying to choke back my tears. "My mom goes on a lot of business trips. She's almost never home. Lilly mostly lives with our aunt because of it."

"So you basically live on your own?" He asked me.

"Sort of. My aunt comes and checks on me everyday but my mum doesn't want me to go live with her. She's already basically lost Lilly to my aunt so I don't want to hurt her even more. And it seems like my mum has been hiding something from me lately. Something that has to do with my dad because whenever I tell her I'm going to call him, she always tells me not to. And..." I trailed off. Wow, I just poured my heart out to Max. Maybe it's because I've never had someone I could do that with. I've never had a best friend or even many friends.

Max wrapped his arms around my waist again and said "I'm sorry, I wish there was something I could do. But why can't you just call your dad anyways?"

"I've tried but he doesn't answer. I mean it's probably because he's busy and I can't control that." I said.

Max just nodded and we looked at each other for a while. It was silent, but a comfortable silence. And then it was broken.

"We should probably get to sleep." Max said.

I just nodded and then we both got comfortable. Max still had his arms locked around my waist but I wasn't going to protest. I laid my head on his chest and he put his head on top of mine. We were extremely close to each other and it wasn't something I was used to. He kissed the top of my head, which I wasn't expecting, and then we both drifted off to sleep. 


AN: I've actually been writing a lot for this and I usually hate writing but I'm already on chapter 9😂

Yours. //max and harvey fan fictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora