Chapter 38

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Ryleigh's POV

When I woke up, I was in the nurses office and Max was laying next to me on the medical bed thing. I turned to look at him and he engulfed me in a hug.

"Be careful!" The nurse scolded him.

The lights in the room seemed really bright for some reason so I hid my face in Max's chest.

"My mum is on the way. She's bringing you to the emergency room to get checked out." Max told me.

"Are you coming?" I asked.

"Do you want me to?"

I nodded.

I few minutes later Sara showed up. Max helped me to the car and we drove to the emergency room.

When we got there, Max helped me out of the car and then picked me up. He carried me into the building. Hospitals have always freaked me out.

After what felt like hours of waiting, I was called back. Max came too but Sara stayed in the waiting room. I sat on the medical bed thing (I don't know what it's called) and Max sat in the chair next to it.

The doctor ran some tests and I ended up with a concussion. I also found out that Veronica punched me in head and that she was expelled from the school. Thank god.

The doctor walked out and Max hopped up next to me.

"I'm sorry..." He whispered.

"It's not your fault."

"I just wish I could've protected you." He sighed.

"It's alright Max."

He gently put his lips on mine, trying to keep my head still.

We pulled away and he leaned his forehead on mine.

"You're too cute Mills." I said.

His face turned a light pink color. I'm glad I still have that effect on him.

He grabbed both of my hands in his.

"I'm gonna take care of you while your head heals. I'll try to be as careful as I can but I'm sorry if I hurt you at all." He kissed my forehead lightly.

"Thank you." I smiled.

"Now let's get you home. The light here probably hurts your head."

He helped be off the medical bed but didn't put me down. My legs were around his waist and my arms were around his neck. I buried my face in the crook of his neck to block out the light.

We found Sara in the waiting room and she drove us home. Max explained everything to her on the way home while I fell asleep.

"Ry, we're home." I barely heard Max whisper.

"No." I groaned.

"Baby come on."

I shook my head.

I heard him get out of the car and the next thing I knew, he was carrying me inside.

He sat me on my bed.

"Alright you should get changed." He said.

I nodded and he left.

I slowly changed out of my school clothes and into my pajamas. Just as I finished, Max walked back in. He flicked the light off and flopped onto my bed.

I carefully laid down next to him. He wrapped his arms around me and I had to shift to make my head comfortable. I eventually put it on his chest and sighed in frustration.

"What's wrong?" Max asked.

"My head hurts."

"That's what I would expect. That's also why I turned the lights off."

I put my hand on his stomach and he kissed my head.

"So while you were passed out, after I finished panicking, I did some research about concussions so I'd be able to take care of you." He said.

"What'd you find out?" I asked.

"That you should sleep. It'll rest your brain."

"I'm not tired."

"Come on Ry. I'll stay here and we can cuddle until you fall asleep." He said.

"Okay fine. I'll try."

I moved my head onto my pillow and Max turned to face me.

"You know I love you right?" He asked.

I nodded.

"Good." He said and pecked my lips.

He carefully moved his hand to my face and stroked my cheek with his thumb.

"Max, I'm not gonna die." I laughed a bit.

"I know. But I don't wanna make it worse. So I'm gonna be as gentle as I can." He whispered.

"And this is why I love you."

I smiled and he smiles back.

"I feel like there's always something wrong with me." I said.

"Well I like taking care of you." He shrugged.

"You're so cute."

"And you're so concussed."

"Is that even a word?" I asked.

"Yes Miss Smarty Pants. As a matter of fact, it is. I learned it when I did the research." He poked my nose.

"You should be a doctor."

"I think I'll stick to singing." He laughed.

I shrugged.

"Alright, go to sleep Ryleigh." He said.

"It's not that easy."

He pulled me closer to him and I put my head back on his chest. He ran his fingers through my hair and I surprisingly fell asleep pretty quickly. 

AN: this ones short sorry but that everything I've written and I needed to get it off my phone

Yours. //max and harvey fan fictionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ