Chapter 14

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Ryleigh's POV

I woke up to a pissed aunt Lisa standing over me and Max wasn't there.

"Um...hey?" I wasn't really sure why she was here.

"You're in trouble young lady."

"Uh, what'd I do?"

She pointed to my neck.

Oh. That. I forgot about that.

I looked down.

"I assume Max did this." She said.

I nodded.

"I told you that you shouldn't date him, didn't I?" She asked.

"I don't really care if you think I should or not." I don't like being in trouble but I tend to do things that get me in trouble. "Where is he anyways?"

"I told him to go home." She said.

I rolled my eyes.

"It won't happen again, I promise." Whether or not I'd keep that promise, I didn't know.

"It better not."

"Can I go to a party tonight?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Nope, you're grounded for the weekend. No seeing Max or anyone else and definitely no party."

"Whatever." I said rolling my eyes and she walked out of my room. At least she didn't take my phone.

I checked my phone and I had a text from Max.


Maxie💙: sorry I left your aunt kinda kicked me out.

Ry❤️: it's fine but guess who's grounded for the weekend?

Maxie💙: you but why?

Ry❤️: hickey

Maxie💙: sorry babe

Ry❤️: it's alright but I'm not allowed to go to the party or even see you this weekend

Maxie💙: do you wanna go to the party?

Ry❤️: kinda I've never been to one😂

Maxie💙: you can sneak out through your window again and meet me at my house

Ry❤️: I'm down

Maxie💙: 😂okay get here at about 7

Ry❤️: sounds like a plan


time skip to 6:00 because nothing happened all day

It was about 6:00 so I started to get ready for the party. I had never actually been to one but I had seen pictures so I was able to figure out something to wear.

After I got dressed, I did my hair and makeup. I put on a little more makeup than usual because I wanted to look like I tried, which I did. I also made sure to cover the mark on my neck.

By then it was 6:55 so I carefully climbed out my window, down the tree, and knocked on Max's door.

Harvey answered.

"Oh hey Ryleigh. Max is in our room getting ready still. You can go up there though." He told me.

"Thanks." I said and walked inside.

"You look great by the way." He said, but I could tell it was only in a friendly way.

"Thank you. Are you bringing Ela to the party?" I asked.

"Yeah. I think I'm gonna ask her to be my girlfriend tonight." He seemed a bit nervous.

"Well good luck, you guys would be cute together."


After that I went upstairs to the twins' room. I knocked on the door because I didn't just want to walk in.

"I said I'll be ready in a minute, Harvey!" He said as he opened the door.

I laughed.

"Oh hey Ry." He said and pecked my lips.

I couldn't help but notice that he was shirtless. I stared at him for a bit before he brought me out of my thought.

"My eyes are up here, babe."

"S-sorry." I said, embarrassed.

"So it seems like you like what you see." He said and wrapped his arms about my waist.

"Get dressed." I said and pushed him off.

He rolled his eyes and finished getting ready, except for one thing.

"Ryleigh!" He yelled from the bathroom.

"What?" I asked as I got there.

"Can you fix my hair please? It's not cooperating."

I laughed at him. Wow Max.

"Sure." I said and fixed it for him.

"Thank you." He said and kissed me.

We walked downstairs to see Harvey and Ela waiting for us.

"Finally." Harvey said.

Max rolled his eyes and we walked to the party. It was only a few streets over, so no one had to drive us there.

As we walked into the house, which I assume was Griffin's, loud music greeted us. And by 'greeted us' I mean blew our eardrums out.

I guess this is what a party looked like. Loud and full of people, a few of which looked like they were drunk. Uh oh.

I tightened my grip on Max's hand. He smiled at me and kissed my temple.

"Relax love." He whispered.

"Please don't leave me." I said. I was really nervous because I didn't really know what to expect.

After a while, Max went to the bathroom and left me alone in the kitchen. A girl came up to me and handed me a cup. I didn't know what was in it but I drank it anyways. Life lesson, don't do that. I didn't really think anything of it though because it was good.

I had drank a little more than half the cup by the time Max came back.

"What's that?" He asked and pointed to the cup.

I shrugged. I honestly didn't know.

"It's good though." I said.

He took the cup out of my hand and smelled what was inside of it.

"Ryleigh, how much of this did you drink?" He asked.

"A little more than half."

"Shit..." He mumbled.

He poured the rest of it into the sink and then turned to look at me.

"Ry," he said walking up to me. "That was alcohol."

My stomach dropped. Oh no.

"We're going home." He said.

We told Harvey and Ela that we were leaving and then walked out of the house. 


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AN: A small cliff hanger I guess😂 I'm updating later than usual, oops.

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