Hopeful Uncertainty

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Rory wanted to tell him face to face; she knew how hard it would be to see him again and how angry he must be at her for walking away after they had finally made love. After puting it off long enough she texts him.

Rory: Can we meet and talk? It's important.

MM: Are you serious? After everything you put me through, you say goodbye and now almost a month and a half later you want to talk.

Rory: You don't know how bad I feel about this but we really need to talk. I truly am sorry.

MM: I don't know if it's a good idea Rory, you really hurt me. More than once, I don't need it another time.

Rory: Even if I didn't have this reason to talk to you, I would've contacted you. I miss you.

MM: Can't you just tell me through text?

Rory: No... It's a face to face kind of thing...

MM: Fine. When and where?

Rory: Where are you now?

MM: Just got out of a meeting. I'm in East Hartford

Rory: Feel like a drive into Stars Hollow?

MM: Sure, I have a few things that need to get done first but I'll see you in a while probably late this evening.

Rory: That'll work. Mom and Luke are gone on their honeymoon so you can stay here if it gets too late. I can take the couch.

MM: I don't know, we'll see.

Rory: Alright... See you this evening.

Rory cleaned up the house and took a shower, she was really hoping things would go well and maybe he would go to her 1st appointment tomorrow. She did go to confirm her pregnancy with a blood test last week right before she visited her dad, but she wanted to hold off on the first sonogram until she knew if he was in or out. "Oh please want this, don't run from this or hate me." She kept repeating in her head.


What is so important that, she want to talk to me after she said goodbye. I can't believe she would put me in this position. Does she not realize how much I still want her after all the crap she's put me through? I was going over all the possibilities in my head but none of them stuck out except one... Logan... I remember like it was yesterday when she told me she had run into Logan in Hamburg...

Two days after Hamburg

Just getting home from a meeting that went horribly I pour myself a glass of my good old friend scotch and plop down on the couch, my phone began to ring. I knew it was Rory because her ringtone was white rabbit; I pull out my phone, look at the screen and smile at the silly picture from Vegas. Quickly I pick up before it goes to voicemail.

"Well, well, well if it isn't the lovely Miss Gilmore!"


"What can I do for you on this evening of sorts?"

"Well... Uh... You know how I had to go to Hamburg for an article?"

"I sure do, we still on for Friday night?" Friday nights were our "date" nights when we were both in the vicinity

"Actually that's why I am calling..."

"Oh... Okay, raincheck?" I tried not to sound disappointed but figured that Pete guy talked her into dinner

"I ran into Logan in Hamburg... I am going to London Thursday and don't..."

I cut her off "Are you guys back on?"

"Yes, in a sense... We made an agreement... A Vegas agreement of sorts, when we are together we are together and when we are apart well we are apart...

Um...I can't do this anymore... I already have Pe... Paul and I can't be seeing three men, I know you and I only have dates among other things but we are both seeing other people and it's been nice having a friend like you who I have been extremely close to... Closer than friends usually are and well we know Patri... Shit Paul is there to keep grandma off my back but it's Logan, I have missed him and now that he's back it wouldn't be right to be doing those things with you..."

"Okay, I understand. Got to go Rory. I guess I'll talk to you when I talk to you."

In reality I didn't understand quickly hitting end call I chuck the phone across the room. How could she go back to him after the ultimatum? I wonder if she knows about Odette well I suppose that's why Logan made up the Vegas agreement so he could have his cake and eat it too. I know he still loves her and obviously she still loves him. But...

I love her...

For the next few weeks I drank myself stupid trying to forget everything but it made things worse all I could think about was her, the way she smelled, the way she giggled, the way she blushed, the way she spoke about things with such passion, her eyes, her lips, the way I felt when I held her hand, kissed her, touched every inch of her or even just being around her. I would never feel any of that again...

This woman pulled me in, made me feel things I've never felt for anyone ever, the only woman I had eyes for is now nothing more than a 'friend'...

I was pulled out of my thoughts when my phone beeped telling me it was time I had been sitting in my car at the edge of town for the last 45 minutes now mentally preparing myself for whatever she had to talk to me about.

I had made an excuse that I had things to take care of just to I could gather myself before meeting her. Even with all that has happened I still have hope for her and I. I want so much for her to tell me that she wants me even after all the heartache she has cause me I know that she is the only one I want.


I am back!!! I'll be slowly trying to get back into the swing of things so be patient, with me... I have a few chapters already written (thankfully) so I will be working on my other story trying to catch up.

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