You Are Vile

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... Once Rory left he turned around and looked at his phone... It was the last person he thought would be calling...



I took a deep breath, I couldn't understand why after years this person was calling me.

"Morgan here."

"Finn, baby. How are you?"

"I'm good, Rose. Please don't call me baby. Why are you calling?"

"I wanted to say I heard about the baby, I'm sorry."

"Thanks, is that it?"

"No, definitely not. Steph and I saw Colin and you leave the hotel we are staying in, we were wondering if you would have time for us?"

"No our schedule is pretty packed. Look Rose, you can't call me years after the last time we talked and expect to be friends."

"Oh but Finn, darling. I want to do more than friends do... I want to give you what you chased after for years, and well Steph misses Colin and we thought we should all get together."

"I said it years ago and I will say it again Yes, I chased you throughout college, but you are not good enough for me anymore, you are not who I want, it was a fantasy. I have who I want and I am not going to ruin it, even if she wasn't with me I wouldn't waste time bedding the likes of you."

"Oh... So, your still with the woman who killed your baby?"

I gritted my teeth "Now listen and listen good! If you ever speak that way again I will have your head, you hear me. No one disrespects the love of my life. Rory and I lost our baby for unknown reasons. How dare you say that about her! You are vile!" I was fuming

"... R...Rory... You're with Rory?" she stuttered

"YES and we are getting married in less than a week. Now I am going to hang up and hope you have the brains to never call me again and keep our names out of your filth ridden mouth!"

"Finn... Wait..."

"What?" I hissed

"I'm sorry, okay. I never thought you would even care if you lost a baby. Shit I never thought you would be with one woman."

"That's because you don't know me Rosemary, you never did. We played the same game for years but never once did you even take time to get to know me. Rory took the time, we started as friends, became best friends, into lovers and into a couple over a 13 year period. I have loved her for close to 13 fucking years, Rose. It's really none of your business but I was and still am devastated by the loss of our child and so is she." I had a tear rolling down my cheek

"Just so you know I always loved Rory, I never would've spoken ill of her if I knew I'm sorry.... Wait, does Huntz know?"

"About Rory and me, Yes as a matter of fact. About our loss? I'm sure Odette told him because you see Rory and Odette are close friends now and Odette was there with Rory's mom, sister and best friend to comfort her after the loss of our child. You also shouldn't speak ill of anyone especially when you don't have the facts."

"Well it seems like you got your shit together and everyone is having a grand old time." You could hear the green in her voice

"Well some people grow up and some people don't."

"Are you saying that Steph and I haven't grown up?"

"That is exactly what I am saying. Steph was like a teenager with Colin constant back and forth, that is why he finally gave up and now he is happy and in love. You, you are calling me to hook up, plain and simple, but it's too late for that shit I am the happiest I've ever been with her I love her with every inch of my being."

"I'm married, Finn. How do I not have my shit together?"

I laughed "That's a prime example. You're married but calling your college playmate to hook up."

"We never got to play..." She pouted

"No and never will. I have to go I am spending an evening with my fiancé, best mate and our families and this conversation isn't worth the breath I used.

Like I said use your brain, don't call me again, don't call Colin or Robert either and keep our names out of your disgusting mouth." I hung up the phone and let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding.

I turn around to see Rory standing there, her arms wrapped around her body with sadness etched across her face.

I walk up to her but let her have a bubble. "Rory? How much did you hear?"

"I... I came to check on you. When I came out you had just spoken about back in college and it was a fantasy..."

"So you know it was Rosemary, I hope to fuck that, that vile shelia never calls me again."

She nods "Are you okay, love?"

"Yes, actually. I liked how you handled that. I was just saddened thinking about..."

"Our baby?" I finished and she nodded. I reached out and pulled her into my arms.

"I love you Rory and I hope you know that. I am still pissed that she would dare to call me years after she slapped me because I didn't want to dance with her or bed her."

"That's why she slapped you?!" she looked up at me

"Yep. Shit I have to warn Colin. I really don't believe that they have the brains to understand when I say don't call, don't call."

"I'll go get Colin and you wait here... Also, I love you too Finn." I smiled and she went to grab Colin.


I told Colin about the phone call and the fact that Rose and Steph were staying in the same hotel we were, he wondered if they had been invited to the event as well... After a bit of discussion Colin made a few phone calls and gave me a number to another hotel a little further away but much nicer. I managed to get the Executive suite and a regular suite and told them we would be checking in late.

Colin and I headed back to the table and announced that we needed to get back to the hotel and pack up as we were changing locations.

Dad paid the bill and we all made our way back.

Rory pulls me aside "Why are we moving hotels?"

"It seems that Rosemary and Steph are staying here and Colin speculates that they are going to the charity event as well. We figured that it would be better to only have to encounter them in social settings. That and this place is a dump."

"I understand. I don't want to see them either way but I can handle a social event. This place isn't that bad, I've stayed in worse."

"I know you have and no more of that. Let's get out of here."

Our group went down and checked out, they didn't bother to ask why we were checking out so early or anything, I made a mental note to make a call to the branch owner.

20 minutes later we pulled into a lux hotel, checked in and settled in for the night.

Tomorrow we would do some touristy stuff.

Made With Love ~(With Love Series)~Where stories live. Discover now