Rory Gilmore 101

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It was interesting to find more out about Rory's childhood, she's told me stories here and there but never in detail, I knew about her mum being a maid but didn't remember her ever mentioning that her mum was raising her in a potting shed, which proved to me how humble they really are.

I loved reading about her mum's quirks and knowing Rory carried some of those same quirks, their relationship was definitely something else from the time she was basically born they only had each other and I think since Lorelai was so young when she took Rory and ran that, that cemented that they would always have a strong unusual bond. I was immensely proud of Lorelai being so young that she took point and would do anything and everything to make sure Rory had everything she needed, even going to her parents for money to fund Rory's education, which I'm sure, was very hard for her to do. I'm glad that Emily placed strings in the agreement or Rory would've never known Richard or Emily and it was I'm sure the main reason she was brought into my life.

I know that Lorelai still had some issues with Emily but were slowly being resolved since Richard's death.

Her father was a whole other story; I knew how flighty he had been. I was lucky enough that she had shared most of her younger years with me already but it was interesting to hear her private memories of it.

I chuckled at the thought of her being presented to society at a debutante ball, not that she couldn't pull it off just the fact that her not being raised in it and then being shoved into it by her grandparents I could only imagine how she felt especially being escorted by her then boyfriend Dean and her father, two men I didn't have much respect for. Dean the respect lessoned as I read on...

Everything up to Yale I knew about but with more detail, the only thing I can honestly say I was surprised about was Jess appearing and disappearing from her life like it was nothing, I knew that they had recently become closer and I respected that as long as he didn't come in and cause issues and disappear again leaving Rory in any type of turmoil.

I took note when reading her first year at Yale as she didn't speak much of it and I wasn't there. Reading about her affair with Dean whom was married was new to me, I knew they were dating but didn't know of his marriage, I began to wonder if this is one of the things that Rory was hesitant about.

Rory definitely had some skeletons in her closet but nothing I couldn't handle, we all have skeletons...

Now what's funny is that she kissed Paris or should I say Paris kissed her on spring break, sweet innocent Rory kissing another girl not something she has ever told me but all in all I knew she had a wild side to her even if it was Paris making the move. It was too bad that I never got to see that side of Rory while we were in Yale, yes she did have her moments but nothing compared to after Yale she definitely had a wild side that was one of my favorite things about her, she fit in three different worlds; Society, Stars Hollow and completely undomesticated.


When I got to the initial meeting of Rory and myself and the guys I was a bit shocked to find out that she wasn't immediately drawn to Logan but she was drawn to me, I remember how rude we all were and the fact that I had a hard time looking at her because I found her completely ravishing, I would've never guessed she was drawn to me. It gave me a new sense of security.

Then when I was looking for that "red head" naturally I was looking for a woman of beauty but she wasn't a red head but a beautiful brunette with gorgeous blue eyes and after hearing what dorms she was in I found an excuse just to see her, but Logan jumped the gun and started his charming yet arrogant ways, and I knew that would be it for me.

He made his dibs and I just had to sit back and watch.

I thought I knew all about their relationship since Logan was always loosed lipped when it came to his conquests but I was wrong. For the most part I knew everything thing but the details were never given especially when it came to Logan making himself looking bad. I knew about the bridesmaid's debacle but didn't know that they weren't technically broken up and then to find out that Honor was the one who broke the news to Rory that she and Logan were broken up.

Logan had our help with the grand gestures but I thought it was just for attention not him trying to cower his was back in to Rory's heart.

The rest of the Yale years I learned a lot about her and Logan's relationship and her kissing Jess but ultimately regretting her decision to try and get back at Logan.

Reading about when Logan left to London and how sad she was made me sad for her, I wish I would've been around for her more, really I wish I was from the beginning and not just by a bystander who always asked her "Do I know you?"

I knew who she was; I just wanted to find ways to talk to her. I seriously meant it when I told her to pick me at that Yale soiree... I have been angry with myself for years for not being a bigger presence in her life and standing my ground when I found interest in her, but I knew that I was not the kind of man she needed she was special and needed to be treated with the utmost respect and I didn't know if I could be that for her yet I watched as she got with Logan who was a much worse man whore than I and continually got hurt, which lead me to becoming a walking zombie medicating myself with drugs and alcohol. I am still ashamed that I never had the nerve to step in.


I am glad I got my shit somewhat together when she graduated and took the initiative to keep her in my life...

To be continued...

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