Taco's and Swimming

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The shower is just what I needed to wake my ass up; I did nothing but stand under the cascading water.

I put on my cobalt blue bikini and threw on some pajama bottoms and hoodie before making my way into the kitchen where Finn was sitting drinking a glass of scotch on his laptop. Finn looked up as soon as I stepped into the kitchen.

"Feeling better?"

"Oh my god, so much better. That shower is amazing!"

"That's good. Are you ready for some coffee?"

"Oh yes please..."

Finn got up, pulled a mug out of the cabinet and poured some coffee. After he handed me the coffee he sat back down and patted his lap, I smiled and complied with his request my taking a seat on his lap.

"So... I was wonder if we could talk a bit before Colin and Robert so up?"

"Sure... Is something wrong?"

"Definitely not and I wasn't planning to discuss this tonight but, Rory how would you feel about us living together? Not here, find us a house."

My eyes widened and I smiled "I would love nothing more, I mean I can't live with mom or sleep on people's couches all the time and I would like to live with the man I love while I grow with his child and then raise that child in a home."

He wrapped his arms around me.

"You don't know how happy I am to hear that, kitten! One or two more things though..."

"And are those?"

"I would like to get on it and move as soon as possible... Also I might have found something, we can go look at it after your appointment tomorrow?"

"I am game! Where is this house?"

"I think I am going to keep that as a surprise."

"I have one stipulation to this whole house thing." I say

"Let's hear it..."

"If we are really going to do this I am going to pay half of it and you are going to let me or deal is off."

"That's a hard bargain! I wouldn't mind paying for it completely but I totally understand and will agree to your terms." He chuckled

I couldn't stop smiling.


I knew the boys had arrived when you could hear bickering coming down the hall I got up from Finn's lap and swung the front door open surprising both of them when I saw the looks on their faces and what they were wearing I started to laugh.

"You scared us mother, why are you laughing at us?" Robert whined

They were in their board shorts and tank tops one carrying a float and the other a huge bag of food.

"You came in your swim shorts!" I barely got out as I laughed harder

"Finn told us to bring our swim attire so we did." Colin said as they came in

"Are you mad? You do realize it is December and it's probably 30 something degrees outside, why didn't you wear regular clothes and change here?" I said still laughing as Finn came up to the boys and I

"I realize this mother but it was Roberts lame brain idea to wear them here!" Colin said rolling his eyes

"But you went along with it mate!" Finn said

Colin put the bag of food down and placed his hands on his hip "Shut up! Now come give me a hug!" Finn rushed up to him and gave him a boyish hug

"Not you! I meant Rory!" Colin says trying to get out of Finn's arms, as soon as Finn let go he gave a fake pout

"He loves you more than he loves me." He says trying to keep a straight face but he begins to crack up

I give both Colin and Robert hugs.

"So... I smell tacos anyone want to tell me if I'm wrong?"

"Let's eat and have a little chat shall we?" Finn says

We all sit down and Colin passes out the food, I was in heaven I have been craving tacos for a week or so.

After I scarfed down my second taco I figured there's no time like no to talk about Logan...

"So Finn tells me Logan and Odette are in town and Logan is looking for me?"

"Yes, he had texted me yesterday saying that he was here with Odette and that he was going to find you to talk to you. I didn't text him back but I was talking to Honor and she said they are staying with their parents, she didn't know what he was doing here until I said something."

"I see, Colin could you set up a meeting for me in a public place?"

"With Logan?"

"Yes, I think it's best if I just get this done and over with, No one is sure why he is here except him and I need to figure it out so I can be happy and live my life. I can't stress about it, it's not worth the possibility of losing my baby."

"I'll set something up if that's what you really want but you're not doing this alone!"

"Thank you and no I will have Finn there with me." I look at Finn and he nods

"I think Robert and I would prefer if we were there as well, we don't have to be right there but at least close just in case you need us."

"I would like that."

"So when would you like to do this?"

"Well tomorrow morning I have a doctors appointment and then..." Finn cut me off

"Her appointment is at 9am and we will be free after that until 3pm"

I was glad he interjected I didn't know exactly when we were going to see the house, I look at him and smile.

"Okay so how does noon at Salute, sound?"

"Oooo Italian sounds great but I was thinking maybe Sarah's coffee house, something a bit more informal."

"Okay Sarah's it is was noon okay?"

"My appointment will only take about an hour so let's go for 10:30am or 11am and then we can go to lunch."

"I'll call him now and see if 10:30am works." Colin says and makes his way to Finn's office to call Logan

"I hope that's okay with you..." I ask Finn

"It is, the sooner the better!"

"Robert does it fit into your schedule? I hope Colin isn't going to be put out by this."

"Mother, we have flexible lives, I have tomorrow off and I think Colin can work when he wants." Robert states

"Okay, you know you guys don't have to do this for me, Finn and I would be just fine."

"We know this but we want to, we love you mother! By the way where is Callie?"

Finn and I both laughed.

"She went to go have dinner with her girlfriend she will be back in a bit and meet us in the pool." Finn said

"Is her girlfriend hot?"

"If you meet her you can be the judge of that." Finn chuckled

Colin came out of the office "Tomorrow at Sarah's 10:30am he and Odette will be there."

"Thank you Colin."

"You're welcome, now if everyone has had their fill let's get to the pool!"


For the next 3 hours we laughed and played in the pool, Callie showed up about 10 minutes after we got there and Robert immediately was on her tail.

I swear when I pulled off my sweats and hoodie I saw Finn drool, I loved the affect I had on that man even when I don't feel totally good about myself he makes me feel sexy.

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