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Rory and Finn spent one more night in New York neither of them leaving the bed except to use the bathroom or answer the door. Paris stopped by a couple times one to bring Rory's medication and the others to bring food and check on Rory.

Finn was very grateful for Paris and made sure that she had the new address and that she knew she was welcome anytime.

The first night after Rory had finally fallen asleep Finn got out of bed and made a few phone calls, first to his mom and dad and then to Lane whom he asked if she would call Lorelai.

He couldn't handle anymore phone calls and went in to the bathroom, started the shower and sat in the shower and let himself cry.

Rory found him in the shower awhile later, she pulled off her clothes and stepped in behind him and held him. She knew in this moment he needed her and he had been there for her so she needed to be there for him.


Once Lorelai got home she was at Rory's side and only left to shower and change. Finn was at a loss he didn't know what to do. Rory couldn't handle feeling so empty so she found ways to keep herself busy mainly she cleaned, not that the house needed it but it was just something for her to do.

Neither Finn nor Rory answered any phone calls, texts or emails since they got home, Odette came to the house worried that Rory wasn't answering the phone. Lane talked to her and told her what had happened, Odette was in tears, knowing exactly what she was going through, she asked to see her and Lane took her up to Rory's room where Rory was lying staring into the nothingness. Odette crawled into the bed and hugged Rory.

Odette was the only person that Rory actually fully opened up to but only after Odette told her about her experience, she also reassured her that she would be able to go on with life and find happiness again but she would never forget about the baby.

It had been a little over two weeks now and Rory was starting to feel a little more like herself, Finn on the other hand was still troubled, neither of them pushed the other away but still had yet to really talk.

April came by in the morning and got Rory to go out for some coffee and this was the first time Finn was left alone. He thought about calling Colin or Robert since he hadn't seen either of them since before everything, they were keeping their distance out of respect, ultimately he decided just to take a drive.

After stopping at a few places just to walk around he purchased a little something for Rory and began to make his way home. He had thought about getting back in contact with his old therapist and wondered if Rory would want to go talk to someone too.

Arriving home, Rory was sitting at the kitchen table nursing a cup of coffee Finn walked over and pulled a chair next to her and sat down. Rory took his hand in hers and leaned her head on his shoulder.

With his free hand he pulled out a rectangle velvet box, placed it on the table and pushed it in front of her.

"What's this?" Rory asked

"It's just a little something, you can open it when you are ready."

Rory let go of Finns hand and took the box and carefully opened it.

"Oh my... It's beautiful..." she said with tears in her eyes

Finn had gotten her a diamond heart pendent with a white gold heart pendent behind it with the words "Baby Morgan 2017" engraved on it with a set of wings next to it.

"I wanted you to know that you'll never forget our first and I wanted you to be able to hold it close to you... I'm not making sense but I hope you understand." Finn said not looking at Rory

"No it makes complete sense, thank you Finny."

"Your welcome. I love you Rory I hope you know that."

"I love you too Finn I really do."

"I was thinking about going back to my therapist..." Finn blurted out

"I think that would be good... April mentioned me going to one and I think it would be helpful... Maybe even going together?"

"Like couples therapy?"

"In a way yes, for grieving..."

"Maybe that isn't such a bad idea... Would you want to go to my therapist or find a new one?"

"Do you like yours?"

"Yes, I went to him for many years..."

"Why'd you stop?"

"Because I had you..."

Rory said nothing just looked at Finn with curious eyes.

"After I started meeting up with you while you were on the trail I started to feel hopeful and truly happy for the first time, so I stopped going."

Rory wrapped her arms around Finn and hugged him with all her might.

"We will be just fine, I can see that now... Let's make that appointment and start taking steps to get there."

This is the first time since the shower in New York that Rory initiated contact anything more than holding hands was all Finn's doing. Rory hugging him gave him the hope he needed.


Valentine's day came and went, they went out to dinner and spent a special evening together but neither were ready to become intimate again.


Finn and Rory had been going to weekly therapy sessions for a month now; they both were able to communicate about the loss of their child and how they felt. They both felt that it was really helping them get back to where they were neither realized that in losing their baby they also lost their communication.

After one session where Dr. Michaels did separate sessions Finn thought about things him and Dr. Michaels spoke about and decided he needed to take Rory out and show her how much he really loved her and so he began to make all the preparations.

Rory and Dr. Michaels private session went well, Rory explained to him that she was feeling like she was really getting back to herself and that she was ready to move forward with her life, she had gotten in contact with Hugo and he had a job offer for her but she was still undecided. Rory didn't know if journalism was her true calling anymore, she really enjoyed writing her book and began to wonder if that was what she really wanted to do, is write books...

Dr. Michaels asked if she had written about her grandfather's passing yet and she nodded. It was hard but not as hard as losing your child she told him, Dr. Michaels was pleased that she had finally written what she didn't think she could and told her to move forward with the book and once that is said and done she will have her decision whether to go back into journalism or to write books.


Rory and Finn both felt things were looking up and we're hopeful for the future...

"Someday you'll look back and know exactly why it had to happen."

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