That Is NOT Coffee, That Is Fake Coffee

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I woke to Rory snuggled into me, this was the first woman I ever snuggled with, let alone shared a bed with to actually sleep. This woman right here was something special and I knew from the moment I met her and now 13 years later we are having a baby together, I don't know what I did in my life to deserve to really have a chance to be the man that she and our child deserves...

Rory begins to stir, I kiss her lightly on the forehead "Good Morning."

"Morning..." She said sleepily

Looking at her alarm clock it was almost time for it to go off. "Love, if you don't want to shower before our flight you can stay in bed and we will stop on the way to the airport to get some breakfast but if you would like to shower I would suggest you getting up the alarm is just about to go off."

"Coffee..." She whines

"As far as I can remember with my mum's last pregnancy one cup of coffee is okay... Do you want coffee and then shower or coffee no shower?"

"Coffee then figure it out."

I chuckled "Okay I'll go make you some, would you mind if I had a shower before we go?"

"Go for it, but only if you don't mind me coming in the bathroom and grabbing a few things I forgot to pack last night."

"No problem, it's not like you haven't seen me in the buff."

She giggled I loved that sound. I got up and started the coffee maker and sat and watched it, Rory came out and sat next to me and we watched together, it was something I always remember her doing and one morning I sat down next to her and now her little habit had rubbed off on me.

I poured her a cup and handed it to her. "Yuck!" She screeched as she put the cup down and shoved it away.

"What's wrong?"

"That is NOT coffee, that is fake coffee. Decaf, the evil impersonator." She said with disgust

I laughed. "If you drink that now, we can stop and get you real coffee! Why does the Gilmore household even have decaf?"

"Fine I'll choke some of this down but this means I need a shower to wake me sorry ass up. I'm pretty sure as soon as Luke found out I was pregnant that he brought it in the house and hid the good stuff."

"To save time we could shower together? I mean if you want your privacy I'll let you shower first, I don't want you feel like I'm pressuring you or anything..." I know that this was something someone would possibly consider moving fast and I needed to trust her again but to me it's just us being comfortable around each other again.

"Actually that doesn't sound bad, not at all. I know that you're not pressuring me it's something I grew accustom to over the years I like when we shower together, you don't always expect something sexual out of it and you don't know how much a girl can appreciate that."

"To be honest with you I never showered with anyone that it didn't turn into something sexual and our first shower together I just enjoyed washing your hair..."

"Well let's get to it... We need to be leaving in the next hour don't we?"

"That we do love." I smiled


After Rory and Finn finished up in the shower and got ready they headed to the airport stopping in at Luke's for a coffee and breakfast to go that Rory called to order.

Sitting in the car Rory was enjoying her coffee and eating her pancakes with her had when she remembered last night's memory


"Wow, you haven't called me that in years..."

"I know I kind of remembered it last night... Can I tell you something else I remembered?"

"Go for it."

"Do you remember when the God's summoned you to come back to Yale and treat me to a night of debauchery?"

I took a deep breath not knowing if she remembered what played out that night... "Uh yeah... Why?"

"Do you remember waking up in my apartment alone?"

"Yes. I figured you had a class or something and by the time I actually woke up I needed to get my ass back to New York."

"Did you know that we shared the bed that night?"

"Uh... I thought we might've" shit where is she going with this

"When I woke up next to you I felt too content for you not to be Logan so I got up but while doing so I kissed you on the lips and thanked you before I left. Do you actually remember anything from that night?"

"I remember everything... Do you?"

"I remember the drinking the dancing and walking home leaning on each other after that is a blur just waking up the next morning. Besides that blur that was most likely just us walking home getting in and passing out am I missing anything?"

I didn't know how to answer... I stayed silent for a while not know exactly how to tell her...


"Oh yeah sorry I was just... Thinking back to that night... Can I focus on getting us to the tarmac and once we are on the plane we'll talk?"


Talk? What does he want to talk about? Did I make a fool of myself, confess to something what?


We rode in silence the rest of the way to the tarmac, after getting comfortable on the jet I was a bit apprehensive about what Finn wanted to talk about so I left it up to him to bring it up and if he decided to forget it, I'd let it go too.

Not even 10 minutes later we were taking off and Finn turned to me and looked like he was about to speak but looked away again, he did this a few times before he actually spoke...


I am hoping to get more of my precious time again today so that I can publish another chapter and write more. Cross your fingers.

Thank you all again for reading, voting and all your wonderful comments and messages! They mean a lot!


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