I Am With You 100%

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After finally getting the marriage stuff off my chest I decided that I would take the girls shopping; I'm happy that I'm feeling a bit more alive and want to do something with Lane and April.

We made it to the Manhattan Mall through the traffic of cars and people. After about 2 hours I was starting to feel beat, I didn't do too much damage just a new wrap dress for me, a few band T's for Lane and a new jacket for April since hers was pretty worn out.

I asked if I could take a nap in the girls room since I didn't want to disturb Finn while he was reading but really I didn't want to be around him while he was reading, I had no idea how he would handle it.


Finn thought about calling Rory but figured he'd check if they were in the suite so he went over and lightly knocked on the door.

April opened the door with a smile "Hey, I was wondering when you would be over, Rory is napping in our room... I think we wore her out."

"How long has she been in there?" Finn said feeling a bit of concern that she may have over done it

"Oh about a half hour, you can go wake her if you want."

"I think I'll go sit with her for a while, which room?"

April pointed to the room and Finn made his way to the door. Lane was just coming out of the bathroom when Finn had passed it.

"Finn, can we talk first?" Lane whispered

Finn nodded and followed her into another room.

"Before you say anything let me just get this out, okay?"


"Do you remember what we talked about a few weeks ago? You know your worries?"

Finn nods

"She has the same worries, she is ready but she's scared it's too soon. So I want you to promise, now that you have this information that you will take it and think carefully about it and when you ask and she says yes, you let her have as long of an engagement as she wants. Rory isn't in any hurry but wants to feel that, that is where you guys are headed. I told her to talk to you, so let her bring it up. Got it?"

"Got it! Thank you Lane. How did she do today?"

"Awesome! The mall wore her out but she didn't seem like it took a complete toll."

"That's good." Finn said in a sigh of relief

"How was the book?"

"Fantastic actually, I learned a lot about her younger years her and her relationship with her mum, you, the people of the town, her grandparents, dad and boyfriends... Nothing I can't handle though... I only had one concern."

"I hope it doesn't have to do with her boyfriends..."

"Nope, not in the slightest. She just left out something very important to her."

"Okay well, you continue what you were doing and I am going to go make some tea for when she's up."

"Thank you, Lane."

Finn and Lane left the room and Finn headed straight to Rory.



I walk into the room and Rory is sprawled out, she looks so peaceful. I look to her belly, it is still small but I have noticed the change in her body, I've got to say I love it I can't wait until she really pops, there's really only a small pouch protruding at this point, you can't tell unless she's naked or is wearing something that clings to her which is rare these days since it's winter and all.

I sit in the chair in the corner of the room and just watch her sleep, it may seem creepy but she is so beautiful when she sleeps, even when her hair is a mess or mouth is wide open. I quietly chuckle remembering the other morning when I woke up and her mouth was open with a bit of drool. Still beautiful...

I let her sleep for another 10 minutes before I moved the chair closer to the bed and before I sat I kissed her forehead and took her hand in mine.

She shifted a little before she opened her eyes.

"Hey kitten." I said before leaning in to kiss her.

"Hey... How long have you been here?"

"Only about 20 minutes... April said you had been in here about a half hour before I came in. How are you feeling?"

"Rested... So... Did you read it?"

"Yes I did, and I think it is wonderful but I do have one concern..."

She pulls herself up and crosses her legs in front of her; I can see the worry in her eyes.

"What's your concern?"

"I want to start by telling you, that nothing in there would ever deter me from being with you and loving you, we all have a past. My concern is that you didn't write about your grandfathers passing, that had a huge impact on you and I think it should be in there."

"I... I couldn't... I can't..."

"Yes, you can love. Take your time but it's not complete till you have it in there. I know it's hard but what you wrote about it is basically the fact that he passed. Honor him with your words. Is it that it makes it real?"

"In a sense, yes. I know it's real but putting it into words really makes it real. I'm just not ready."

"And that's okay not to be ready. There is no rush."

"Okay... Is there anything else?"

"Actually, yes... A Wookie???" I laughed

"Low point... Not something I am proud of or wish to talk about." She blushed

"Okay, no worries. I just found it a bit amusing if I'm being honest. I've got to say reading about your side of our relationship if you can call it that really gave me a sense of security..."

"How so?"

"Just knowing that you had the same feelings I did, we both wanted to be with one another yet were too scared... We felt the same struggle."

"We talked about that though..."

"Yes but reading your private thoughts on it really put it into perspective, can I ask you one thing though?"


"You wrote about your grandmum Francine telling you to have some fun with your money and you not feeling comfortable with it yet, what changed?"

"I have the one thing well technically two things that make me complete, you and this baby. Money is just money for years I watched you and the boys spend money like it was nothing and I never could understand that, but after talking to her and realizing that no I indeed cannot take it with me when I go and my children and family with be well taken care of, that I can spend some money on me and my loved ones and not have to worry. I'm not going to spend it frivolously but I can enjoy it. I still want to work for my money though and maybe after the baby is born I can get back to work."

"I have everything that makes me complete too. I will support you whether you chose to go back to work or you want to stay home, whatever you want I am with you 100%."

"Thank you, I appreciate that so... How do you feel about everything else?"

"Rory it's you, your story I love it. I loved getting to know you better." I leaned in a gave her a kiss she wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me into her, the kiss quickly turning into something more passionate.

I pulled away "As much as I love where this is going I don't think they would appreciate us getting our rocks off in one of their beds..."

She giggled "Your right. How long until dinner?"

Looking at my watch "Two hours."

"Let's go back to our room and shower." She said with a twinkle in her eye

"Let's go!"


I'm trying to get back in the swing of things... I hope you enjoy!

Made With Love ~(With Love Series)~Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora