Through Thick and Thin

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--"Paris, I'm bleeding..."


"What do you mean?"


"Okay, okay. Try to calm down Rory. Let's get you into the exam room and we'll see what's going on."

Paris called to her assistant and had her get me into a room.

"Rory, give me your phone I'll call Finn."

I handed her my phone and changed into a robe and lied down on the table.



I found a little café a few blocks from the office building and ordered a piece of lemon pound cake and a tea.

I brought my laptop with me since I didn't know how long I would be waiting...

After about 30 mins I started to get antsy, so I put my laptop away and took the last sip of my tea and started to walk down the street when my phone began to ring.

"Hello, Love. Ready to go?"

"This is Paris, you need to come immediately. Just walk in, room 2."

"What's going on, Paris? Is everything okay?" I asked confused

"I don't have time for this..." I cut her off

"No tell me what is wrong NOW!" I yelled

"Rory is bleeding, I'm about to check if she is miscarrying. Please hurry." My heart dropped

"Okay I'll be there in a moment." I hung up and started running back to Paris's office building.


It took me longer than expected to get back to the building, I rushed to the elevator and checked which floor Paris's office was on and hit the correct button.

My mind was all over the place, I was numb not knowing what was happening, not knowing if I would still be a father, I started to panic when I began to think how Rory might be feeling, I didn't want her to be alone.

Finally the elevator door open and I rushed into the office and asked for room 2 and the receptionist pointed to a wooden door half way down the hall. I walked as fast as I could to the door and before opening it I took a deep breath.

Reaching for the door knob the door swung open. Paris pushed me back and closed the door quietly behind her. I looked at her feeling like I was on the verge of breaking down.

"Finn, I'm not a gentle person so I'm sorry if this comes out wrong but Rory miscarried, don't make this her fault, I honestly don't know why this happened but I have to do a procedure and she is going to need you, but before you go in know she is very vulnerable and I'm sure feeling lost."

I nod, tears rolling down my cheeks, Paris opened the door and motioned for me to enter.

Rory was lying on her side, on the exam table I could tell she was crying, I quietly put down my bag and crawled up behind her and pulled her into my arms to just hold her.

"I'm so sorry." She said between sobs

"I'm sorry too, but it's no one's fault love."

"I lost our baby, it's my fault." She said trying to shake me off of her

"Stop it Rory, I am not going to let go of you. It's not your fault. I love you and I know this is really heartbreaking, I feel it too but know no matter how long it takes to heal I am not going anywhere, I am going to be here through thick and thin."

"What if we never heal, what if this is what breaks us?"

"I think we will heal over time but if we never do it's not going to break us. I am devastated but you need me right now and I need you we will get through this."

"How are you so sure?" she said sounding a bit angry

"The only way I can explain it is in my love for you. I don't have the words right now but hopefully over time you will see what I mean."

She went silent and I held her tighter. We lay like that until Paris came back in.

Paris came over and put her hand on Rory's trying to comfort her.

"Rory, I called your doctor and she agreed to me doing the procedure. Are you ready now, or do you want to take a little more time."

Rory didn't respond just cried more.

"Okay, I will give you a little more time but I want to make sure you don't develop an infection. I'm going to cancel my appointments, so my main focus will be you. I will be back in a little while."

Paris began to leave when Rory spoke up...

"What did I do wrong?" she sobbed

Paris came back over and took Rory's hand moving so she was eye level to her.

"Now you listen to me and listen to me good. You did nothing wrong, sometimes these things happen for no reason. I need you to not blame yourself, I will run all the tests I can to see if there is any reason but you are healthy and your doctor said that everything looked great at your last appointment and she is a doctor that I would approve so know that you were doing everything right."

"What if this happens again?" she asked

Did she want to try again? I would never stop trying but I can't imagine how she really felt.

"Don't think that way. If and when you are ready to try again I will make sure you are monitored very closely."

"Is it more likely now that she has had one?" I ask immediately feeling guilty for being insensitive

"Miscarriage is usually a one-time occurrence. Most women who miscarry go on to have a healthy pregnancy after miscarriage. Less than 5 percent of women have two consecutive miscarriages, and only 1 percent have three or more consecutive miscarriages." She said very clinically

"I'm ready." Rory says

"Okay, Let me just go grab a few things and I'll be back." Paris said and left.

I slowly get off the table and move to the other side and bend over to kiss Rory. "I love you." I feel the tears on my cheeks again.

"I love you too." She replies quietly


An hour after the procedure, we were allowed to go back to the hotel. Paris wanted to keep us around for as long as she could but Rory was ready to leave as soon as the procedure was finished.

I gave Paris the information of where we were staying since she wanted to get a prescription for Rory and knew I wouldn't want to leave her and we left.


Back at the hotel, I got Rory into bed and just held her...

My heart was broken. Not only because we lost our child but because I hated to see Rory so broken and nothing I could do would fix it...

I knew we were in for a rough road before us but I wouldn't let it break us.

I had to be strong for her but needed to find a way to do so without making her feel like it didn't affect me...

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