Soon to be...

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Over the next couple days their friends and family took care of the things that needed to be taken care of and that allowed Finn to take Rory out and explore some of Australia but decided against getting together with some of his mates he hadn't seen in almost a year because he didn't want to feel obligated to invite them to the wedding as they hadn't really been close for years.

Finn took her all around visiting things she had put on her list of must see places which included but was not limited to the Sydney Opera house and the Sydney Harbour Bridge, she loved absolutely every moment of it.

At the very last minute Rory decided that she wanted to follow another tradition and not have the groom see the bride before the wedding, so after Finn pouted he agreed and set her and the bridal party up in the bridal suite at their nicest hotel even better was the fact that where they were to get married was extremely close to the hotel.

After everything was set up, Rory and the girls packed up to go to the hotel and get ready for her bachelorette party.

When Rory was about to leave she rushed up to Finn jumped up and wrapped her arms around his neck as he picked her up and wrapped her legs around his waist. Her lips smashed into his which quickly grew into such passion that Finn had to pull away worried that it might cause Rory to feel uncomfortable.

He knew she still wasn't ready to be physical and he fully accepted it although it was very hard at times but he knew it would be only right when she was ready, even if it didn't happen for another few months he would understand.

Rory had a sad but thankful look on her face, and she was thankful that he stopped when he did, he respected her that much. She pulled him close to her and his arms went tightly around her waist and they held on to each other.

"I hope I can sleep without you tonight..." Rory said

"Call me if you can't sleep and we can talk until you do."


"Promise, kitten."

"I love you Finny... But tonight remember you can look but you can't touch!"

"I love you too Rory and you don't have to worry about that, you are the only woman in the world I want to touch and honestly even look at..."

Finn really didn't want to set her down but knew she had to go get ready so he loosened his arms and placed his hands on her waist allowing her to drop her legs.

She pouted a little with the lost contact although they were still in each other's arms it wasn't as close.

"I really do hope you have fun tonight, but I can't wait till tomorrow afternoon."

"Me either love, I'm ready for you to be my wife!"

"I'm beyond ready for you to be my husband."

"Okay, Okay enough of that ooey gooey mushy stuff, time to go sweets. You both have the rest of your lives to gross out every one with that." Lorelai interrupts trying to keep a disgusted look on her face but seeing her daughter so incredibly happy made her break and produce a huge smile.

"Don't keep them waiting love. See you tomorrow, party it up tonight and remember what I said." Finn told Rory refereeing to her calling if she couldn't sleep

"I remember Finny. See you tomorrow!" She gave him a big smile and tippy toed giving him one last smooch.


Rory and the girls including Odette, Emily, Francine, Maya, and Finn's sister Nettie (Bella was too young for a bar and stayed back with Steve and Kwan) went out to a 1920's themed bar and enjoyed a few drinks before heading back to the hotel. Emily, Francine and Maya retired after the bar and now they could celebrate properly and to do the night right in Gilmore girls fashion, slumber party with music, movies and lots and lots of food with a bit more alcohol.

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