Let's Talk

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As soon as Finn was done packing I told him the plans and headed out the door, Colin had send me his drivers number to call and tell where to pick us up and the car was outside waiting.

I held his hand the entire car ride to the airport, when I took his hand in mine he looked at me as gave me a small smile before resting his head on my shoulder.

When his phone rang he picked it up I could see it was his dad. Finn told him that we were almost to the tarmac and would be leaving shortly and hung up.


Colin greeted us, pulling in Finn for a hug and walking him onto the jet. Once Finn was set up and I was sitting next to him Colin asked if he could speak to me I nodded and followed him to the back.

He pulled me in for a hug and grabbed my arms to take a look at me; I flinched when he grabbed my arm.

"I'll get to that in a moment; don't think I didn't notice... You look beautiful! Has he said anything to you about what is going on?" I knew he caught my flinch.

"Thank you Col. No he hasn't... I don't want to push him."

"I understand. Now let's get to you... What's going on why did you flinch?" He asked while he moved my sleeve up my arm his eyes went wide. Before I could answer him he spoke again

"Who did this to you? I'll kill them."

"Col, I'm okay. Can we not talk about this right now?"

"I'd prefer if we did but fine, understand that I won't wait long."

"Let's get this jet in the air and if Finn falls asleep, I will tell you."

"I'll let the pilot know and we can talk later, there is something I would like to talk about too."

I nod and give him a hug and head back to sit with Finn while Colin went and spoke to the pilot.

Finn grabbed my hand and looked at me. I leaned and gave him a light kiss. "It's my grandmum, she's not doing well. My mum is having a hard time with it. My grandmum has been ill for years but it's taken its toll. No one thinks she'll be around much longer." He blurted out sadly

"Oh Finn. I'm so sorry. I know that's the worst in these situations but I am here for you as long as you need me. If you need space, tell me I'll understand."

"Thank you so much, kitten. I appreciate your support more than you'll ever know."


We had been in the air for just about 2 hours; Finn had fallen asleep cuddled up next to me. Once he shifted a bit I got up and sat next to Colin.

"You wanted to talk?"

"Yes, Now I'm going to give you the option of going first or I can."

"I think I know what you want to talk about, so you can go first."

"Alright... I'll just get right into it. I saw Logan last night. He said that you and he are expecting and that you want to keep the baby from him. I understand that you are with Finn now but what I don't understand is why you'd not want his help other than the fact of the Dark Lord and the Cocktail Waitress." He turned taking my hand in his, his eyes pleading for answers.

"That was not his news to share, it's not his news to share because I am not pregnant with his child and I have told him this but he and his mother are choosing not to believe me."

"You're positive it's not his?"

"I'm 100 percent sure Colin. It's Finn's. Finn and I spent the night together in New Hampshire."

"Wow, I agree definitely not his news to share. I thought I heard noises coming from his room, I just thought it was porn."

I laughed "Yeah not porn, but reality!"

He smiled and laughed. "Okay let's get serious again. Tell me about your arm... I know it's not Finn. Did Shira do this?" He asked motioning to my arm

"Shira? How does she fit into this?"

"Finn told me that she came and confronted you, and then Logan told me the same."

"She didn't lay a finger on me."

"Please, tell me who."

"Logan, the morning after Finn and I told him about us and I told him the baby was Finn's he came to our suite saying I was his and he wasn't leaving without me, he grabbed my arm and tried to pull me out of the suite."

"L-Logan did that?" he said angrily you could see his eyes turning dark

"Yes, he was completely wasted. I'm okay Colin. It's okay."

"No it's not, mother; no one should ever lay a finger on you. Let me take a picture of it please."


"I am going to confront Logan."

"No please Colin."

"Think of it this way, it'll be an insurance policy of sorts if he does anything else."

"Maybe, we should talk to Finn about this first."

Finn spoke from his seat "I agree with Colin, Love. Although I still want my fist to meet his face."

"Fine." I pulled my sleeve up and Colin took about three pictures getting all the angles.

"That'll do. I'll send a copy to you and Finn and I then I will question Logan."

I nod while I get up and kiss him on the cheek. I go and sit with Finn.


The rest of the flight everyone slept and watched movies. I was starting to feel sick and quietly made my way to the restroom and emptied my stomach. I rinsed out my mouth and splashed my face before leaving the bathroom. When I opened the door Finn was standing there with his arms across his chest and looked frustrated.

"Sorry, they really need to have more than one bathroom on private jets." I giggled.

He shook his head. "There is another bathroom back there. I saw the look on your face I remember it from the flight to London, you were sick weren't you?"

I nod. "Kitten, even if things are a mess I want you to know that no matter what I want to be involved with every part of this. I want to hold your hair, rub your back, get you a cold wash cloth anything I can do I want to."

"I understand and I thank you but this time it wasn't such an urgency nor as bad. I never know if I can say anything and not get sick at the same time."

"Next time, just grab my hand and I'll be there with you."

He was too sweet to want to be there with me even while I was being sick.


4 hours later, we were landing in Australia.


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