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Would it be too out of line to ask why you and Logan haven't been on the same level since then?"


New Hampshire- Goodbyes

Robert, Colin and I just left the Inn, waiting on Logan. I cannot believe she said goodbye, not just to Logan but to me as well... I thought... Well I don't know what I thought, but after making love to her last night I figured maybe we could take more steps forwards but I guess I was wrong...

Logan came out looking exactly as I was feeling, completely devastated. He didn't say a word when he got into the car, I honestly couldn't say much either.

Sitting at the diner he finally spoke.

"I can't believe she actually said goodbye... I offered her a key to the house in Maine just so she could stay a part of my life, it was meant to be our special place. How could she not take me up on that offer at least then there would be no goodbyes?"

"She didn't want to be your mistress." I blurted out

"She was NEVER my mistress Finn, you know this. She is and always will be my number one."

"Don't you see it Logan. You are engaged to be married to another woman, but you were seeing her on the side, she was your mistress."

"You have no clue what you are talking about. When you find someone you love with every inch of you, you'll understand."

I wanted to say I do love someone with every inch of me but instead I said "If I loved someone with every inch of me I wouldn't be engaged to someone else and sleeping with them, I would be with them and only them."

"You know I would do that but I can't, I have a contract to uphold."

"Fuck the contract Mate. If you truly loved her like you say you do, you would give up anything and everything to be with her and for her."

"I tried... The Maine house would be our get away, where we could be together just her and I. No outside thoughts just us in our bubble."

"I can't listen to this Logan. She is better than that; she deserves to be loved openly. She deserves to be what your most proud of, she deserves to know that she is the ONLY one not some side piece. She deserves not to be hidden away in a house in Maine." I said and walked out of the diner down the block before I called a driver to pick me up.

I was beyond pissed I couldn't handle all this bull coming at me from every direction.


"Rory... I... I just didn't agree with him on something. Can we just leave it at that?"

"Alright, maybe one day you'll tell me?"

"Maybe... Now I'm going to take you back home and I need to make sure everything is set at work after I'll make a trip to my house and grab a few things, is that alright?"

"Sure... Um wouldn't it be easier if we picked up the things while were here in Hartford and you send them back with me and you can go straight back to work?"

"I suppose it would, I was sort of wanting to escort you home."

"Oh Finn, that's sweet it really is, but I can text or call you when I get home. It just makes more sense for you to stay here in Hartford instead of traveling back and forth."

"Call me and we have a deal. But I want to warn you, I do have someone staying at my apartment with me." I say feeling a bit hesitant

"I promise I'll call. Who may I ask is staying with you?"

"Her name is Callie... She is an old friend from back home and recently moved to the states to try and make it on her own."

"Oh... Okay... How much of a friend are we talking about?"

"Do you really want to know the answer to that?"

"Please." She says pointedly

"Callie and I met when we were around 10 years old; she was my best friend, her and her parents moved away two years later. They moved back the year before I was sent off to boarding school. We stayed in contact through all the boarding schools and well every time I went back home we ended up... Well... We ended up hooking up. We lost contact when we both went off to college but since we've graduated we found each other again. But before you jump to conclusions we haven't been together in that way since before Yale, and you really don't have to worry about her ever trying to get into my pants."

"Alright. May I ask why I wouldn't have to worry about her jumping you?"

"Let's just say I would worry more about her jumping you than me."

"Ooooh..." She blushes

"Yep. Now how about we head to my place I have a bag packed already just need to grab it and if Cal is there I'll introduce you."

"Sounds great."



Callie was in fact there, she was a beautiful full-figured redhead and very nice. After Finn gave me a light peck he sent me on my way, and went off to work.

The moment I got home I called Finn to let him know I was safe and sound. After he told me he had some problems at work that needed to be tended to right away and might not be back until really late, I made my way into the bathroom and drew myself a bath.

I thought I would tease him a little and send him a picture of me covered in bubbles, it may have been a bit early for something like that but I didn't care he had seen me completely naked and we were having a baby. A few minutes after I sent the picture I got a reply.

F: Now love that's not fair. I am at work.

R: LOL I'm not sorry. Xx

F: I know xx I got to get back to work if I want to leave before 10pm.

R: Okay I don't want to distract you; I'll just enjoy my bath.


I placed my phone on the floor and laid back but wasn't able to relax before there was a knock at the door. I groan as I pull myself out of the tub quickly drying off and pulling on my mom's silk robe while yelling "Just a minute!"

I wasn't expecting anyone except Finn and he was at work so it must be someone from town checking on me.

"What are you doing here?" I ask when I open the door and see who it is.

Made With Love ~(With Love Series)~Where stories live. Discover now