Date Night P.2

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***I really didn't mean to leave a cliffhanger with the last chapter***

***Pictures of dress and pumps from previous chapter at the end of this one***

As we ate I couldn't help think about what he meant by doing things differently, I mean I get it we weren't a couple before I got pregnant but to anyone on the outside seeing us interact over the past 13 years would think we were a happy loving couple.

I began to panic a little thinking that maybe he wanted to take a step back and maybe not even live together anymore...

Finn must have noticed that I was panic because he put his hand on my free hand and I looked at him, his eyes could melt anyone's heart.

"Is the food okay?" he asks

"Oh... Um, yes why?"

He chuckled "Because you haven't taken a bite in the last 10 minutes."

"Oh, sorry. My mind is elsewhere." I tried not to look at him

"Care to share?"

I sat silently for a moment trying to manage my thoughts...

"Are you wanting to take a step back?" I blurted out and immediately felt my face warm

He then stood up and came around to me and bent down...

"No why would you every think that? I love you Rory and I am not going anywhere." He said taking my hand in his

"You... You said you wanted to do things differently, so I could only assume maybe you didn't want to live together anymore or something. I don't know now that I say it out loud it sounds pretty stupid. My insecurities are at an all-time high since we lost our baby. I'm sorry I know I must sound completely crazy..." before I could finish he cut me off and with a very serious look he said...

"Do you think I only wanted these things with you because of the baby?"

I looked down trying not to show him that, that's exactly what I was worried about but it didn't work.

"Bloody hell Rory!" he stood up, letting go of my hand and he started to pace.

I looked up at him with wide scared eyes. I really did it this time, didn't I? I fucked everything up all because my stupid insecurities.

I stood up and grabbed my clutch and started to walk out.

"Damnit Rory, where are you going?" he said lightly placing his hand on my shoulder that little gesture made my eyes water

"I'm sorry Finn I fucked everything up, I should go."

"No." He said spinning me around and pulling me tightly to him "I have loved you pretty much since the day I met you, you know this. Everything we have is something I thought I would only ever dream about. You are my everything, Rory Gilmore." He said in a softer loving voice

With him holding me tightly and then saying those words I just melted into him.

"I'm sorry Finn." I said as I started to cry.

"Let me just ask one thing... Are you having second thoughts about us?" he gently asked but I could feel he was afraid of the answer

"No, never. I love you with everything that I am." I quickly said and felt him relax some

He moved away from me enough to be able to look me in the eyes; he lifted his hand and used his thumb to wipe away my tears, kissing under each eye as he wiped the tears.

Taking my hands in his he took another step back.

"You are what makes me complete, Rory. I have loved you for many years and it only gets stronger as time passes. You are a strong, the strongest woman besides your mum that I have ever met, you are extremely intelligent, beautiful beyond words and a very talented woman. If I could only have one thing is this life it would be you. Everything that I have means nothing if I don't have you..."

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