Finn and His Grandmum

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"She's beautiful dear, and what an intelligent young lady."

"Yeah she's pretty great grams."

"And a baby! Wow! You will be such a great father! Can I ask something?"

"Of course!"

"I know you have loved her for a long time, but now that it seems that you two are actually together... Is she the one?"

"Yes, she's the one. She's been the one all these years. Even if we never had this chance she would always be the one."

"Great! I think she is too! Now can you go over to the dresser there and open the top drawer and bring me the box at the bottom?"

I nod while heading to the dresser, I open the drawer and it had tons of pictures and a few journals, I find an old cigar box and lift it to show grams to make sure it's the one and close the drawer and bring it to her.

"This box, this box had all my most precious sentimental treasures. Everything in this box I want you to have but first I want you to have this and understand that you don't have to rush but if she's the one I'm sure it's your intention."

She hands me an old velvet box and I open it, it took my breath away. It was a beautiful ring with a European-cut diamond; I'd say about 2 carats, in an Art Deco mounting, finished in platinum. It is embellished all around with a dozen tiny diamonds, engraved details and delicate milgraining.

I look up at my grams and she smiles. "It was a ring that my father bought my mum in 1925. They were married in 1919 but he couldn't afford to buy her a real wedding ring until 1925. When you're ready I'd be honored if you would use this ring to give to her."

"Are you sure? I mean what about mum? Marc? Alex? One of the girls?"

"I talked to Maya about it and she agreed with me that it should go to you, you are so much like my father. It's only right that it goes to you."

"This is very kind and it's bloody amazing, but grams I am not sure if she will ever marry me."

"What do you mean?"

"I know she loves me and wants to be with me but I don't know grams, I guess it stems from her turning down Logan's proposal and not wanting to get that serious."

"Finnegan Xavier Morgan! That was Logan, not you. Did you hear yourself? You are comparing what you two have to what her and Logan had and you cannot compare it. I've been hearing about how wonderful she is for over a decade, you've pined for her then you fell in love with her. Do you have doubts about her?"

"No I don't have doubts I know we will be together until we are old and gray but I don't know if she would marry me. I would marry her in a blink of an eye though."

"Let me investigate a little and see if I can clear things up."

"That would be great grams, but don't make it too obvious! I don't mean to sound insensitive but you seem like you're doing pretty decent..."

"I feel fine I know my heart is not good, my last appointment didn't go great and they are concerned more than ever before, your mum and dad is preparing everyone because I have decided not to carry out with any treatments. Surgery is too risky at my age and I don't want to spend the rest of my life in the hospital."

I tear up again and hug her.

"I support your decisions but can I just say that I'm not ready grams."

"I'm not either my boy. When it's time, it's time. You look through that box learn a bit more about me, there is things in there that I've kept to myself all these years and Finn please know that I love you, I will always love you and I am so lucky to call you my grandson, you have made me so proud. Make sure Rory and that baby know that they are loved unconditionally and any more children you are blessed with."

"Thank you, grams. I'm honored to be your grandson. I love you too. Rory and that baby are my life; I will continue to make you proud. I want you to listen to me, you are not going anywhere just yet, but I will be here until that day comes."

"Okay enough don't make your grandmum cry. Will you go get Rory?"

"Yes Grams." I got up hugged her and kissed her forehead


I stop in the bathroom to gather myself before heading down to send Rory to my grandmum.

Once I get downstairs I see Rory around the table with my mum, dad, Marc, Alex, Nettie and Bella eating and talking, I move a little closer but keep my presence unknown so I could observe how my family and her interact.

To any outsider it would look like she has been part of the family her entire life, my mum beamed at Rory, I had never seen dad look so carefree well except when he and my mum are together. It's like my whole family accepted her right away. This right here is what I didn't know if it was ever possible. I love that beautiful, amazing shelia.

I step into the dining area and clear my throat. They all look at me.

"Rory, she's ready for you." She nods and excuses herself from the table. I walk her to the stairs.

"Are you okay Finny?" she says as she wraps her arms around me resting her head on my chest I hold her tightly to me.

"Yes kitten. More than okay. You go have a chat with grams, and then I would like to go back to the hotel, get a bit of sleep and wash the flight funk off. After we are rested some I would like to come back for dinner."

"Good idea, I feel gross after that long flight. I love you Finn."

"I love you too Rory, now go on she is waiting." I send her up the stairs with a pat on her ass and was rewarded with her beautiful giggle.

Made With Love ~(With Love Series)~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang