Part 7

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"SHUT UP!!!!!" yelled Tsunade while slamming her fist against the table. "Geez, we're the leaders of our lands! We should sit and find a way to solve this mess against the Uchiha Empire."

"Well I'm not so sure about it. The Uchiha's military is the strongest of all. Their capacity of using their ninjutsu is unbelievable." Kakashi said while reading his book.

"Either way we have to do something. The Uchihas slaughtered the Uzumaki clan during their civil war." said Hinata. "And they almost did the same with mine."

"That's out of our business" said a faudal lord of the Land of Spring. "That conflict was at their own territory"

"That's the case of the Uzumaki clan. But the Hyuga has always had their own territory" Neji said.

Mei sighed, "all of this because a pearl. I don't see the day when we'll put an end to this fight.."

"Either way we have to find a solution for this problem" Sakura added.

"You shut up stupid witch!!! You may be here but that doesn't give you the right to speak!" said one feudal lord while the others cheered.

Tenten rolled her eyes and  turned to Itachi Uchiha. "We aren't going anywhere if we keeep fighting like this.."

"I know, the feudal lords are getting on my nerves" he said. Suddenly, between all the noise the Byakugan princess stood up.

"That's enough! Kami knows how many deaths we could've prevented if we only just stopped fighting an hour ago" she said in a serious tone that even Neji got scared. "I am Hinata Hyuga, rightful heir of the almost destroyed Hyuga clan. In a matter of hours I became a prisoner of the Uchiha Empire and I've seen how many people suffered because of this"

She took the pearl from her neck and showed it to all the lords. Gaara gave Temari a 'When did she get it?' look.

"This is the cause of all the caos we've been. And it will still create destruction if we don't find a way to destroy it." she said, staring at everyone. After a while she had her seat and waited 'till everyone stopped murmuring.

"Looks like we have no option" said Mei, "Since when you have the pearl in your power?"

"Enough time to know it's real powers" The Hyuga said. "However, that's not the real matter."

"No, it isn't but.." she said while caressig her hair. "I believe there's only one way to keep the pearl's powers in control"

Tsunade looked at the Mizukage, "We can no longer control their powers, and the journey to the place you're thinking is way to risky"

"What kind of place are they talking about?" asked Kiba.

"Hmmm....It's hard to guess" said Sakura while thinking. "I believe it's the place where the pearl was created."

"The Legend says the pearl was created in a Kingdoom capable to manipulate spiritual jutsus" added Shikamaru in a serious tone while the lords talked.

Kakashi heared the lords talk and closed his book, "The journey may be too risky, but if we speak reasonably, it's the place were it truly belongs. Even if right now, is dominated by the Uchihas"

"That'll be like suicide!! If we're talking about the Kingdoom of Sacred Valley it'll be like givin up the pearl o to them!!" one lord from the Land of Mist protested.

"That's right! This whole war is pointless" said another man while Kakashi sighed.

"Well, I guess we'll take a while on making a decision." he said.

Hinata turned to see Gaara. "How are we gonna be able to convince them? she murmured. "It's obvious they don't want to fight against them"

"I know" he replied. "And also tge Queen of Sacred Valley isn't here so we can't make a decision on returning the pearl to their rightful owners"

"Unless..." she said while lowering her head and thinkig for a while. Then she turned to Itachi. "Itachi-san"

The Uchiha turned to the Hyuga princess. "What?"

"Is there a special code to follow in this kind of meetings?" she asked.

"Code?" he repited. "Well, based on the last meetings there was a code the first rulers followed during the first war. If I'm not wrong, tales say that when the first assemble occured, Hashirama Senju was elected King of the Seven Kingdooms to put an end to the war against Madara Uchiha."

"I thought that war was related to the pearl" asked Neji.

"It is, but it wasn't considered as a first priority. The Senju and the Uchiha Clan have been in war during the first eras until they made the act of peace" he explained.

"That act of peace had a price" added Izumi. "The Uchiha clan was going to make peace only of the Senju decided to steal the pearl from Sacred Valley"

"And they did it" Temari said while sighing.

"But before breaking into the palace, they made the first assemble" Tenten said. "and elected Hashirama as their King. They also created the Nation's Code to register the way to direct this kind of meetings."

"In that case" Hinata said while raising her voice.

"I call for a vote!"

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