Part 24

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The Sabaku no nodded while turning to Kakashi. "I'll see you all at the hospital. Ino, let's go back to the palace"

Kakashi leaned to Tsunade and waited for permission.

"Not yet Kakashi" she said while healing her. "We can't move for now"

"We have to take her to the hospital, Tsunade-sama" Hinata interrupted. "If not..."

"If we move, she may not make it."

Kakashi took a big breath before turning to see the Hyuga princess. "You have to make a choice, Hinata-sama"

Hinata started sobbing in denial. "No...I can't."

"It's your duty" he said slowly. Hinata stood silent for a while. She knew she didn't had the right to decide over someone's life. She couldn't take away the life of her cousin's son. But neither she could take away the life of Tenten.

"I-Is she really not going to make it?" asked Hinata, waitig for some type of hope to arise.

"I'm not so sure" Tsunade said. "Even if she did, she might stay in a coma for who knows how long. Either way, it's just a theory"

Tsunade took a deep breath.

"But I need you to make a choice, King of the Seventh Kingdooms"

Hinata took a deep breath and stared at Tenten. What would she do? Take the life of Tenten and bring a probably orphan baby to this world? She didn't know if Neji was still alive... Also if she choses Tenten's live over the baby's she wouldn't live with the guilty. Tenten and Neji will suffer.

Also the Land of Snow could end without a new heir. If Neji's dead by now and she choses Tenten's life over the baby, the girl would end up alone and without the chance to rule the Hyuga compound due to her bloodline.

"Hinata.." Kakashi said.

"It's decided" she replied. " your best to save both of their lives please.."

"Understood" the old woman said.

"...but if you can't.." Hinata hesitated, "Save the baby."

Minutes became hours and Tsunade kept on trying to save Dragon's Eye life. After a while, Tenten's usual skin colour returned to her face. Hinata gasped in happiness.

"She's makig it!" she said.

"T-The..b-baby.." Tenten mumbled.

"Tenten-san! Thank Kami!" Hinata said in tears before getting interrupted by her friend.

But suddenly, the brunette started coughing and bleeding more that Hinata could've ever imagine.

"Damm it! She's lost too much blood" Tsunade said while working on her, but it was useless. Tenten's pale skin returned and she started trembling and yelling in pain.

"Tsunade!" Kakashi said, alerting her of the baby's life.

"Hai!" she replied while telling him to hold the brunette. "Hold her still" she added while cutting her belly with her kunai to drag the baby out.  Tenten's screams of pain echoed the whole space.

Kakashi used his strenght to hold her still as she struggled. Hinata stood speechless watching and hearing all the pain.

Until a baby's cries could be heard.

"It's a girl" Tsunade said while showing the baby to her mother. Tenten's expresions relaxed as she watched her beautiful daughter cry.

And then she cried to.

"Hi-Hikari.." she said between tears, her breath getting erratic. "I-"

"Tenten-san, stay strong please. We'll do our best to heal you" Hinata said anxiously.

"Hinata" Tenten said while taking her hand and placing it on the baby's head. "T-Take c-care of her"

The Byakugan princess shuted her eyes and moved her head in denial. "I-I will Tenten but don't say this! I can't let you die, we have to find Neji."

"You will find him Hinata.." she replied, as tears rolled her face. "When you do...tell him that I'm sorry.."

Hinata didn't know what to respond. She didn't even knew if by this time, her cousin was still alive.

"I..I will Tenten..." she said while opening her eyes to give her a determinated look.

But by that time she had already left the world.

Byakugan Princess: The Cursed Jewel [Book 2]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz