Part 28

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Naruto was thrown into the cell against his will. He tried to break free and escape but there was no use. The cell was already locked.

"Dammit!" he cursed while kicking the door and ruffling his hair. This was the last place he really wanted to stay. Suddenly he sensed someone moving from another cell. He looked closer, only to recognize the girl with short and messy blonde hair and green eyes.

"Temari!" he said while gasping. "Temari is that you? Answer me dattebayo!"

The girl moved slowly. "N-Naruto?" she said while lifting her head. "Naruto! What happened!?!"

"Many things. What happened to you?!? Where are the others?"

Then he saw tears formig in the eyes of the Sabaku no princess. "Only Neji and I remain alive. The brother..."

There was a dead silence between them. Naruto was in shock but more than that, he was angry. Angry of how Sasuke was making everyone suffer thanks to his obsession with that pearl.

"Where is Neji?" he asked with determination.

"Three cells from here. He's been unconscious for days." she replied.

"I will get you out of here dattebayo" he said, making the Sabaku no look at him in surprise. Then, they both felt someone approaching them.

"Someone's coming" she said in a rush while Naruto stood back and waited for his visitor. He suddenly flinched as he recognized the siluette.

"Sasuke" he growled.

"Dobe" he smirked.

Naruto saw how he slowly entered the cage and closed the cell behing him. He was tense, he knew how the Uchiha was gonna do with him.

"Not so pleased with me visiting you, am I right?" he said in his usual stoic voice. It was almost as if he really wasn't mad at him.

"You know better then I dattebayo" he said carefully. The Uchiha smirked.

"You committed treason. Are you aware of that?"

"I know what I've been doing"

"Then you're aware that you helped the Kingdoom of Sacred Valley to start a revolution against the Uchiha Empire.."

"They wanted freedom and justice, something that you didn't gave them."

The Uchiha frowned, "I'm in no obligation of doing that"

"You had a deal with them dattebayo! You broke it when you sent your men to attack the Queen!"

"They're my subordinates! I can do with them whatever I want!" Sasuke yelled while activatig his Mangekyo Sharingan. Naruto noticed it and got scared.

"Where is Shion?"

"Ah, your new love"

"Where is she!?!?!" Naruto yelled while takig a step foward. Sasuke didn't moved, he just laughed.

"My, it's been a while since we've been this close." he licked his neck. "You still have my scent."

Naruto shrugged a bit but regained his strenght. "This is the last time I'll ask you Sasuke. What did you do with Shion?"

"She's just in one of my chambers, getting ready for my arrival. She could be a good mother for my second  born."

"To bad that I won't receive such a great honor" a female voice said while hitting Sasuke's lower head with a big rock. Naruto moved away and let the Uchiha King fell on the floor.

"Come on Naruto!" Shion said while takig his hand. "We gotta free the others"

"How did you get here dattebayo?!?" he asked confused.

"I may or may not have stolen the Uchiha maps of the castle while being a subordinate of him." she said in a victory tone whole opening Temari's cell. "I got rid of the guards and sent an urgent call to the King of the Seven Kingdooms through a sacred spell."

Naruto was amazed at her. Shion opened the door and got inside Temari's cell. "Hold on Temari-sama. I'll get you out of here."

"Queen Shion!" she said in amazement as she got free.

"Where are the others?" she asked.

"Neji's three cells from here. He's the only one left." she replied. "I need to get my fang to fight."

"We gotta split up" Naruto said. "I know where your fang is"

"Awesome! I'll get Neji and my peo-" Shion started saying before a huge sound was heard from Naruto's cell. It was clear thay Sasuke was after them.

"We gotta go" Temari said. Naruto nodded and before leaving with her he kissed Shion's lips.

"I love you, never forget that" he said while leaving.

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