Part 11

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"Have we arrived yet?" asked Kiba while doing his best to not vomit. Sakura went to him with a cup of tea.

"Almost there Kiba" she said while giving him the cup of tea. "Here, drink this.."

"That smells horrible" he complained before Sakura gave him a punch in his head

"Just drink it you idiot!!" she said angry. Meanwhile Temari was at the other doing her best to stay calm.
The Sand Princess had a bad feeling ever since they concluded the meeting at Stormy Island. She didn't let Gaara know 'cause she didn't wanted to worry him. Not unless she confirms that everything is okay at the village.

She sighed while looking at the horizon that, right now and due to the night, was all covered in darkness.

"You're anxious" said a man who suddenly appeared beside her. She looked at the Hyuga and immediately knew that she couldn't lie to him.

"Lots of things are happening, and I want to make sure everything's fine" she said.

"I understand" he replied "We haven't received any news from the others in the village"

"Yeah... I know Kankuro will do a great job but since they know we have the pearl, I want to prevent any casualties"

Suddenly and for her own good, Temari tried to change the subject and gave the Hyuga prince a grin.

"So, have you decided a name for the baby?" she asked while Neji smiled.

"Not yet, we haven't really got the time to think about it."

"Tenten must really be a pain in the ass right? I mean, she's a nice person but she's really stubborn" she said while smirking.

"She is, but I've learned to see her soft side. She's...really special to me"

"You love her" Temari said. "Not just for the baby, for who she is. I've seen it, when you talk to her, when you're near her... She's really lucky to have you"

"Actually, I'm the lucky one.." Neji said while staring at the horizon and thinking of the brunette girl that is carrying his child.

Temari smiled before noticing a sudden change in his features. Then her smiled faded away as she turned around. A red and yellow light appeared in front of her. "Neji..." she murmured while he activated his Byakugan.

"That's...but how?!" said Neji while Temari tensed and gave her a worried look.

"What? What is it?" she asked, loud enough that Sakura and Kiba heard and joined them.

"What's happening?" asked the pinkette while helping the Inuzuka boy stay still. Then she saw the light that came closer and bigger and she gasped. "Is that?!"

"The village.." said Temari in shock. "It's been attacked.."

"We gotta hurry.." said Neji with determination while everyone nodded.

Meanwhile at Sunagakure, Kankuro, Matsuri, Sai, Chouji and Shino did their best to fight back.

"Kankuro there're too many!!" yelled Matsuri. "Soon they will kill us all!"

"Impossible.." said Sai while killing some Uchiha soilders. "How did they manage to get in?!"

"What do you mean?" asked Shino while using his insects.

"The soilders have civilian clothes! They've been fooling us all this time!" he replied. After a while, the group got surrounded by a bunch of Uchiha soilders.

Kankuro looked around and noticed that there wasn't any chance to get out alive. He looked at Matsuri and grabbed her trembling hand, waitig for the moment. But as he closed his eyes he suddenly heard someone yell.

"Shannarooooo!!!!" said a girl he knew very well  before the ground got destroyed. Then Temari used her fang to send away the soilders.

Suddenly, Kankuro and the others had a slight light of hope now that the knew theur friends were here.

"Temari!!" Kankuro yelled as she went to him.

"Are you okay? What happened?" she asked in her serious voice.

"Surprise attack." Sai replied. "They entered the village as civilians and waited for the night to arrive"

"And what happened with security?" she said.

"We don't know, everything happened so fast!" Matsuri said. Then more soilders came and fought with the group, but after a while, they got captured.

"Surrender!!" said a soilder while walking to them. "Or die.."

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