Part 19

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Sakura walked beside Sasuke through the dark hallway. She was confused by the way he acted and remembered how he almost got her, escaping through the window. Anyway, she managed to lie to him about staring at the enviroment before he proceeded to tell her to follow him. And there she was right now, following the Uchiha King and soon husband to be.

She noticed how he walked and knew he was disturbed. "Sasuke-kun, is something wrong?"

"Hn." he replied.

"Where are we going?"


She sighed in frustration and kept on walking. Somehow, she got amazed by the palace structures. The pictures, the statues, the decorations...

"We're here" he suddenly said while stopping. "Sakura..."

The pinkette paid attention to him. This time, his voice was different.

" me if you need me" he said while opening the door and telling her to enter.

However, Sakura was even more confused now. Was he protecting her? If so, from what? She suddenly shut her thoughts, knowing that he was just pretending to protect her only because she was going to give him a baby.

"Move" he ordered while pushing her in without mercy and then, he closed the door.

"Asshole" She muttered while seeing the new room. It was messy, the curtains were spreaded apart, the mirror was broken...

"I knew he'll bring you here" a female voice said while the Haruno jumped. "Don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt you"

"Please, the last time I hear that I ended up being raped by the King of this place!" she said.

"Oh, excuse my little son's manners. Now, care to sit here?" said a woman with dark messy hair, dressed in a very expensive kimono.

Sakura saw how the woman, who had her Mangekyo Sharingan activated, showed her to sit on the spot on the bed and frowned. "Little son's manners? Are you Mikoto Uchiha?"

"You're smart" she smirked. "Now I know why he choose you as his bride, Haruno-san"


"Sakura" Mikoto said. "Come on, let's have a talk"


"Queen's duties. I'm sure you don't wanna get your friends killed by an innapropiate behavior right?"

Sakura clenched her fist before controlling herself and sitting beside the old woman. "What do you want?"

"To know you better" she said while getting close to the Haruno. "You know, I've been locked up here for too long. I need some company at least for a few hours"

"Oookay?" Sakura said before realizing something. She heard rumors that Queen Mikoto was slowly getting insane by the pearl's powers, making her do things that normal people wouldn't do.

'Shit! If the rumors are true, then that's why Sasuke locked her up! But wait, if she's dangerous then why he let me in her room? Is part of his torture methods?'

Then she remembered why the Uchiha was so nervous a while ago.

" me if you need me" he said.

The Haruno gasped as she returned to reality to find herself inches apart from Mikoto.

"You know, I'm dying to see how good you are in bed" Mikoto said before kissing Sakura.

'What the hell?!?!?!?!'

Out of her instict, she punched Mikoto and tried to run away from her but the Uchiha pinched her dress.

"You wont get away from me!!" said Mikoto while she laughed creepily. "You're mine!!"

Sakura struggled but the Uchiha managed to put her arms apart and started licking her body. The Haruno started sobbing.

'No, not again'

"You're mine.."

'What should I do?'

"We're gonna have so much fun together!"

'Please, no!'

"Cause you're mine!!"

"SASUKE-KUN!!" Sakura yelled in desperation. "Sasuke-kun help!!! Help me please!!! SASUKE-KUN!!!"

Sakura shuted her eyes as she felt someone enter the room and drag Mikoto away from her. The Haruno didn't cared and curled herself in a ball. She was trembling.

"No!" Mikoto yelled from afar. "You can't take me away!"

"Don't open your eyes" said a strong, dark voice she knew very well. "Count to 10"

Sakura did as she was told and started counting.


"I am the Queen! I am invencible!" yelled Mikoto while she was tied up in a chair.




Then she heard someone moving her hands as she felt a strange chakra rise.


"Everyone has a story to tell. I've seen everything and you know it!! No matter how much you deny it, son. You're just like me! You'll end up like me!"


"Fireball jutsu!"


"No, nooo!!!"


"You're cursed! This whole land is cursed!!"


"You can't change your destiny Sasuke! Neither that bride and baby of yours!!!





I opened my eyes to see a burned woman in front of Sasuke. He was sobbing silently. Then he took a big breath.

"Goodbye, mother"

Byakugan Princess: The Cursed Jewel [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now