Chapter 1

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I slowly opened my eyes to get accustomed to the sudden rush of bright light and found myself on the cold oaken floor. I rolled to my back, ignoring the confused stare of my sleepy roommate, Mark, and reminisced my dream.


It was silent for a moment, before I felt a weak but evident energy rush around my system.


"Did you see my dream?"

Another silence.


You see, being my demon and "partner-for-life" as Anti and the others jokingly labeled, he gets to see me in my dream in a third person view but cannot interact with anything in it or talk to me, unless he planned that dream himself, like what he did when I was still in the hidden complex of my father.

"What happened?" Mark yawned, immediately taking my side

"If it wasn't obvious enough, I tried to fly." I deadpanned

Mark huffed in both amusement, "Are you that excited for the first day of our first year?"

"If you know me well enough, I'm always excited!" I said, scrambling up before seeing one of the gifts my parents gave me before I departure, "Especially when there's a box of cookies waiting for me on the table!"

I reach out for the container of goodness, only to be pulled back onto the ground by Mark. I pouted and crossed my arms, making him laugh harder. Also, I swore I heard Anti trying to muffle his giggles. 

But after the laughter had died down, the red-haired male looked at me seriously.

"There's no use in stalling, Jack. What's wrong?"

I gave him a heavy frown, but it quickly turned into a face of guilt, "Another nightmare. It's him again."

Mark's face softened as he pulled me into a hug, muttering sweet nothings into my ear as Anti helped me feel a bit calmer. From what it feels like forever (or two minutes, really), we pulled away.

"Thank you." I whispered to both of them

"Alright," Mark smiled, "You also might need to shower next."

I snort as he pinched his nose jokingly. I playfully shoved him as a smirk was plastered on my face, "Fine, but you're next, ya big smelly."

I got up and grabbed my green towel that's right next to Mark's pink one. I swear one day those two colored cloths will turn into Cosmo and Wanda. Still thinking about the statistics of that happening anytime soon, I entered the bathroom.


After having a brief but refreshing shower, I put on a shirt and some jeans, I exited the bathroom and grabbed the pink towel off the hook and launched it at the man reading the newspaper. It was off by a meter, but with a motion with my hand, the wind had brought it on top of the friend's head.


I burst out laughing as he fumbled to get out of the fuzzy trap, muttering incoherent words and a string of curses along the process, I was still on the floor, clutching my stomach, when I heard the bathroom door slam shut, emitting a loud sound throughout our dorm.

"Is he angry at you?"


I picked up the fallen newspaper and read the front pack while happily snacking on the cookies. Best breakfast ever!

"Telate Alementor discovers new means of transportation using Elemental abilities." I read aloud

In the past years, the Telate Alementors were fully accepted as part of the society, which was a bit hard on our part considering there were still a few who despised us and actually rallied to take away our rights and stuff. 

But with a little more persuading, they finally took our side or kept quiet with their hurtful opinions. We are all equal, although those who realize it are slightly better than those who don't.

Scientists developed a pill that lessens or completely diminishes the Tel. Al.'s hurtful demons, and surprisingly, Mark's dad helped with the process, but I don't exactly know how. 


I look up to see Mark standing there, drying his wet hair with the wind his hand is bending, He gave me a look of disappointment when he saw the empty box that was once filled with cookies, but quickly replaced it with a smirk.

"Let's go."


Alright! A few more reminders yada, yada, yada.

This is a college AU and I am not on that chapter of my life yet. I am basing this on research, but feel free to give me tips or correct me if what I wrote was inaccurate.

Another is the update schedule. I have the plot ready and all I need to do is to put it in story form, but OF COURSE school has to be there to make my writing schedule wonky. 

We have Mid-Quarter exams next, next week and I am the director and scriptwriter for our mini play in Theater/Theatre. Hooray for more writing, but I'm nervous in leading my group. I will probably stress myself out, but I am going to endure this and survive!

That's all and see ya in the next chapter!

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