Chapter 31 Pt. 1

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Note: Mild swearing, but it's censored. Enjoy!

The alarms were still screaming their shrill sounds by the time the sun had completely submerged, sending the university into darkness. But one obnoxiously flaming car was enough to light up the army of robots and demonized Alementors in the area, moving in sync like soldiers walking into the battlefield, but that field was replaced with the open area around the university and dorms. Only one thing was in their minds, and that was to kill.

"Of all the times we chose to have a group study and that we're actually making progress, the apocalypse just had to ruin it!"

Felix huffed angrily, ignoring the giggles from his left side as he continued to round up the half-sleepy and half-terrified people into one big oblongish circle, "Seriously, why are we even in-charge of this? Where are the professors?!"

"They went on a recollection trip, remember?" someone to his right said, "The seniors were the ones that taught us today."

The Fire Elementor let out a short oh before blowing up again, "Well, why aren't they handling the situation instead of us?!"

"Because we've done this before!" Jack finally boomed, "We have the most experience with these kinds of things! Now quit whining before I shove my foot up your ass!"

Felix rolled his eyes at the threat and continued doing his job; gather everyone in the open area at the back of the university and let Jack do his leadership thing.

"Everyone! Eyes on me!" the Telate Alementor finally screamed, the loudness causing even the people at the back to stop panicking and look over, "This is not a drill anymore! Eliminate the robots, but not the Alementors! Incapacitate them, make them unconscious, but do not kill them! Understand?!"

Murmurs of yeses and agreements flowed through the tension-filled air, giving Jack the signal to start talking again, "Aside for your powers, use whatever weapon you can to defeat those bots. Stay in a group and survive. Got it?!"

A unified shout of YES echoed through the field and had probably gotten the attention of the enemies, for they poured from the sides and even out of the school to face the students.

But Jack paid no mind to it and smirked, raising his fist in the air, "To victory!"

"To victory!!!"

The students began charging at the army of foes, some with the element of air and Theresa, who finally has her mechanical wings, began to glide up for a momentary vantage point, while some front liners like Dani and Lyra brandished their flaming weapons to intimidate their enemies. And finally, one slash from Rafe's mechanical claws was enough to draw first blood as the two armies clashed.


"Where is he?!"

Lotus kept repeating that sentence like a mantra in her mind as she continued to dodge the stray attacks that didn't hit their targets, this time a boulder that came from the west. Scanning the battle that was raging in the area, she tried to spot the black hair and tall frame of her fraternal twin, but she couldn't see in the mass of students and robots that was around her.

She huffed, "Curse my shortness."

The Water Alementor was about to run to the next corner of the area when something –or rather someone – dropped in front of her, making her jump in fright like the times her twin had jumpscared her. But the thing is, it wasn't her twin.

"Why aren't you fighting little one?" The crazed Alementor purred, "Are you, perhaps, afraid?"

The poor girl was frozen like a deer caught in headlights, her mind suddenly going blank when she tried to think of her escape and back up plans. If only she knew where Jack had run off to, then-

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