Chapter 14

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I swiftly sat up on the bed, thankful that Mark was curled up on the other side of the bed instead of within my arm's range since I've done a beautiful impression of a wacky, inflatable, arm-flailing tube man.

"Jack! I am so dang sorry!" Anti cried, "I know I went M.I.A, but I wished I shouldn't have! The first thing I saw when I came back was that dang hospital bed and the doctor and I was too ashamed to talk to you and I'm sorry, really, I'm so-"

'Anti, dude, chill,' I telepathically said, 'It's alright. I'm sorry too, you were only looking out for me and I thank you for that.'

" you sure?"

'I am 1000% sure.'

I felt the cool and minty sensation all over again, but this time, I was enveloped in it, like a hug. I closed my eyes and let out a hum. The soothing feeling must be Anti's version of a hug, but I didn't mind. 

"I also heard you gotten some burns and bruises," he said, "Anything else?"

'A mild concussion, I think.' I replied

"Oh, the mild coconut?" he "questioned" cheekily

I felt some heat on my cheeks as I grumbled, "I really wished the medication had minor memory loss as a side effect."

Anti chuckled, "Well, jokes aside, lemme help you."

I felt the minty feeling again, but it coursed through my entire body. Then, it slowly changed temperature until I felt warmth, my wounds and head being accented more. Now that I grew accustomed to it, a wave of deja vu just washed over me, like I felt it before.


Then it hit me.

Slowly, I unwrapped my bandages and saw my pale white skin, no burns nor purple bruises. Anti just healed me! Again!

"Much better, am I right?" he said,"Sorry if I didn't heal your cuts and bruises after the fight with those robots, a lot of energy has been drained from me then."

'Don't apologize for that. You've done what you can.' I stated

"Alright, but you might wanna wake up slugger over there, you both have classes, y'know."

'Hmm, maybe later. This is my opportunity to take a shower first.'


We entered school campus and I was thankful that my friends didn't gawk at how my wounds healed in one night and actually understood my explanation (not like a certain someone with a name that rhymes with...shark mismatch). 

We ended our conversation once the bell rang and Thomas and I went to our usual lecture room. But once we got there, our professor told us that we were meeting coach Zaria will be meeting us in the training area behind the school.

Once we got there, all of the rock pillars and the pool was gone, replaced by the grass as if it wasn't actually meddled before. Now I'm wondering if they have special grass that grows fast (just like my hair).

"Listen up!" Coach Zaria boomed, silencing us at once, "Wondering why you all are here, I suppose? Well, since the Crazed Alementor Crisis has blossomed, I was tasked to teach you all basic defense skills against a stronger opponent."

I heard a tiny scoff to my left and Coach Zaria's head immediately snapped towards the student, and instead of a scowl, a smirk had plastered on her face.

"Is there something that you would like to say, Jake?" she asked

Jake huffed, "I've taken mixed martial arts, beating them would be easy-peasy."

"Well then, I'm an Alementor, so shall you demonstrate your skills?" Coach Zaria replied

The other students and I immediately parted and gave them some space to have their fight, and not a moment later, Jake was pinned on the floor by Coach Zaria.

"Fighting an Alementor without any knowledge will lead you to an immediate defeat and possibly cost you your life," she said,"This is the very reason why I was told to conduct to teach you their strengths and weaknesses. But! I will not be doing it alone."

She glanced at me with a genuinely warm smile.

"If you haven't been living under a rock, you probably heard of the latest Alementor attack near the university,"

There were mutters of "yes" and "of course". A few even took quick glances at me, already knowing what the coach will say next.

"The attack was not handled by the authorities, but three of the students in the university, specifically in the freshman year. Two from other classes and one from here." she said proudly, "And so, I am assigning Sean Mcloughlin to assist me in these lessons."

A loud applause sounded almost immediately as I stared at the coach, wide-eyed. But I was not the only one who has a shocked expression.

"What?!" Jake yelled, "You gotta be joking ma'am! That scrawny boy couldn't possibly take on and survive one of those Alementors' attacks!"

"I don't kid when it comes to this, Jake," she stated, "In fact, I watched Sean display his skills with my very eyes and made him a member of the Wielder Wolves."

He just stared at her with shock before retreating back to his group of friends. Coach Zaria smiled in triumph, before turning to the rest of us.

"Alright! Let us begin!"


Hey cubs!

A LOT of events had come and gone and I'm just...overwhelmed!

First, we had a book fair and we need to dress up as cowboys/cowgirls. Then I won the best costume along with another person in our batch! 

Second, after the program, we had our break. I went to the book fair and as I was leaving, I slipped on the stairs and landed hard on my left foot. Welcome ankle sprain! Thank you for almost making me pass out in the middle of the gym!

Finally, I'm part of our honor roll!

I am super tired but happy, my ankle is now alright, and thank you all for 4K READS and being super patient with me (especially you BlurBerryBoy, I owe you an ENORMOUS thank you!).

Now, what is/are your greatest achievement/s?

Anyways, thanks for reading and I'll see ya in the next chapter!  

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