Chapter 3

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"Sorry if I sounded a bit quiet a while ago. I'm just a bundle of awkwardness paired with anxiety." he apologized

"I figured." Anti suddenly said

"Don't be so mean." I replied, unaware that I had said that outloud


"Oh!" I yell in surprise, my cheeks flushing red from embarrassment, "I was talking to my demon and friend, Anti."

"Ooh, can I meet him? I mean, if he wants to or anything, and you're-"

I was surprised to feel a tugging sensation before I was drawn back in "passive form", as Anti and I like to call it. I saw Thomas' eyes widen in what I can only assume is wonder.

"Like what you see?" Anti chuckled

"You don't really seem to stray from the physical features of your host." Thomas commented, "I mean, emerald green hair, green eyes, pale skin and canine-like teeth? I honestly thought you would change into something more frightening."

"I get that a lot," Anti replied, "The big and scary demon stereotype kinda gets in everyone's head, kinda annoying actually."

Thomas' eyes widen, "Oh no! I didn't mean to-"

Anti burst into chuckles, his deep, accented voice echoing around the room, "I'm just messing with ya!"

A few people in the room look at me, but when they saw Anti's green eyes, some averted his gaze while some ran towards me, calling out to the demon. 

See what I mean?! Just like the people in those shows!

Sensing my discomfort, Anti hissed and bared his fangs at them, causing them to stop and flinch back, before returning to their seats with hateful mutters. He grinned at himself before turning back to Thomas.

"Anyway, as you can see, I'm the oldest of us two."

I huffed, "As if!"

"But it's true! You just don't want to believe it!" he protested, "I was put in this world a millisecond before you!"

"But I'm your host; your  vessel. So I was born first."

Thomas cooed in amazement, "You're communicating with Jack via...telepathy, right?"

"This kid's a smart one, Jack." Anti said "Let's see if he's loyal too."

Before I can even protest, Anti already started the conversation, "Do you have any siblings?"

Thomas was confused at first, but still replied, "Yes, three brothers actually."

"And you love them, don't you?"

"Uh, yes, with all my heart."

"Well, I feel the same way with Jack," Anti stated, his voice becoming a bit deeper, "In a platonic way," He quickly added "And if you decide to cross either him or me, mostly him."

Anti's voice was almost demonic as he inched closer at the poor boy's face, "You'll regret it."

I felt myself take back control and noticed that Thomas visibly eased up, but he was still white as a sheet.

I scratched the back of my neck, "Sorry, Anti can be a bit overprotective with me sometimes."

Thomas chuckled, "It's fine, I can relate."

Before I can ask what he means by that, the professor already entered the classroom.

"Apologies for my late arrival, class," he said, "Now, who's going to introduce themselves first?"

The Demons Arise (A Jacksepticeye Fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora