Questions and Answers!

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Let's just jump straight into it! Thank you for all who asked us questions! We really enjoyed answering it, even if some are a bit weird XD

Normal Text - are the questions

Bold Text - are the answers

LittlePinkChan asks,

Explain how you get into making this book

Well, it all actually started after I wrote my first Markiplier/ Jacksepticeye fanfiction (I posted this in Wattpad but took it down due to VERY bad writing), one that features both of them having superpowers! I pondered on that superpower concept for a while and said, "Yeah, I can do this!" before I finally pieced together a plot then wrote it all in my notebook.

Lesbian_With_No_Life asks,

How did you come up with the ideas for this story? I love this story so much and I was wondering how you have been able to come up with such great ideas for it...

Well, I'm positive it isn't that great, but thank you! Besides my answer above, I also developed the 'Elements' concept from the moves of Pokemon and my curiosity on how people can integrate the use the elements as part of their day-to-day lives.

What are your friend's names? If you don't mind me asking...

Their names are Gianna, Giella (they're twins), Chloe, and Trisha!

TheGamerBook asks,

I'm very curious, how did you got such an amazing idea for this story? Like characters, setting, powers, etc... Was this book based from one certain thing or from many?

Again, I'm positive it isn't that amazing, but thank you so much! The characters are from my love for Jack, Mark, etc. and how they look cool wielding elemental powers to fight evil! The setting in the first book is based on my high school IRL and the college is all imaginary and research-based. The powers are from my love and want for actual superpowers (don't we all XD). Overall, this book was based on many things, but it's all centered on the Youtubers.

Let's see, how did your best friends contributed in the making of this story? I really see that there is diversity in places, characters, personalities and even atmosphere.

My best friends contributed A LOT in the making of this story, even if they don't realize it XD. You see, some of the characters' personalities are based on their wild, crazy and sometimes serious demeanor, making it easier to describe how a character will act in a certain situation. I also get some jokes and sassy comments from them and put them in the 'just chilling' chapters. They also provided me MAJOR support in writing this book, and that alone gave me a lot of inspiration.

ThunderWolf177 asks,

What inspired you to make this book? 

 Like I said before, my love for my favorite Youtubers, Pokemon, and want for elemental powers XD.

MidnightAndDarkness asks,


Giella: Crush ice? Game!

Gianna: Sure, but I don't have a crush.

The Demons Arise (A Jacksepticeye Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now