Chapter 29

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Here's the special Thomas Sanders chapter you asked for!...and with an additional surprise at the end ;) 


Thomas's P.O.V

I (literally) punched in the key code of my dorm before stumbling into my safe space. Even after all this time, I still couldn't get used to how much running it takes to get to one building to another just to get there in time...that or the fact that I'm a procrastinator and I tend to dash to my class five minutes before the designated time.

After unceremoniously dumping my bag onto the table, I plopped down on the bed and looked around the room that was void of humans except myself, of course. After my mind helpfully supplied that my roommates, Joan and Talyn, aren't going to be here until late at night due to their part-time jobs, I figured it was more than enough time to discuss some important matters.

"C'mon guys, let's talk."

Immediately after I uttered those words, three-fourths of my Sanders Sides popped into the plane of reality, two looking very happy while one remained stoic-faced.

I sighed, "That also means you, Virgil."

A curse from the said Side and a scold from Patton later, Virgil rose up in the corner of the room in the pace of a snail, a scowl painted on his face as he fidgeted with the sleeves of his purple jacket.

"You know sentences like that make me anxious," he grumbled, "This dramatic build-up isn't helping either."

"Oh loosen up, Anxiety." Roman rolled his eyes

"Loosen? Do you need a screwdriver for that?" Logan queried, conjuring up the tool out of thin air

"Logan! You don't know that idiom?!" Patton gasped, "We sure are screwed now!"

"Guys!" I called out exasperatedly, "We need to focus on the task at hand here!"

"Of course," the smart trait replied, throwing away the screwdriver before pulling out a small notebook and pen in a fashion similar to MatPat's (seriously, where is he getting these things?)

"Who needs our help, Thomas?" Roman flamboyantly asked, using wild gestures that almost knocked over the water bottle innocently sitting on the counter, "Friends in trouble? Helpless citizens?"

"Your project in Chemistry?" Virgil muttered, earning an unamused look from me

"Anyway," I began, "For the past few days, you all saw the strange looks of our professors and classmates in every class we attended, right?"

"Tell me about it." Logan responded

"Of course, we just appeared suddenly after being kidnapped," Virgil pointed out, "I'm surprised rumors haven't surfaced yet."

"Rumors about what?" I asked

Virgil huffed before leaning against the wall, "Rumors about how you haven't gone wild or crazy yet. You've seen the news and all of them state that once Alementors disappear, they come back a different person; a monster."

"Well, there's always first times, right?" Patton tried to reason, "It's not like people will start to avoid or doubting Thomas because of it, right?"

The water wielder clicked his tongue, "That's actually already happening, Pat."

"Maybe you're just overthinking it, Robert Downer Jr." Roman chimed in, "Didn't you see the crowd of people who welcomed us back or asked if we were alright?"

"But more people stared and whispered behind our backs," the darkly-dressed trait retorted, "Don't tell me you didn't hear what Jake and his group "whispered" during Elemental Science."

The awful memory resurfaced and I looked down, fiddling with the hem of my shirt as to cope with remembering such a terrible thought. I know that the opinion of that jerk and his group shouldn't have mattered to me, but being called "Crazed Alementor" still hurts.

"Your condition is bad enough as it is," he muttered, "But I just gotta appear and wreck your life even more. Like, I'm a filthy demon, for Pete's sake!"

"Don't you dare talk bad about yourself!" Patton hissed, already handling a sphere of compacted air, "I will fight you!"

"You can't argue with facts, Pat," Virgil sighed, "C'mon Logan, tell him."

"Your statement is a complete and utter falsehood," Logan replied a-mater-of-factly, "In these recent days, I have to agree that Thomas is more anxious and left out than usual, but that doesn't mean that it's a problem. Take for example the College Algebra quiz two days ago."

"Yes! Thomas's score there was mathematical!" Patton giggled

"So? All of you combined should be more than enough to persuade Thomas to study for it," Virgil countered, "Thomas is probably sick of me constantly nagging in his head."

Before I could even argue with what he said, Logan slightly chuckled before facing the anxious trait with a knowing look in his eyes.

"But what I was pointing out isn't actually the pre-test, but what you did during it."

And that's when the situation dawned on me.

To summarize, after winning over a heated debate against Roman and his proposal of humming the remaining half an hour away with Disney songs, Virgil urged me to double (or quadruple, but who's counting) check my already finished quiz paper. In-case he got one or two questions wrong, to say the least.

But what shocked us completely was the fact that I used the wrong formula in an entire section of the quiz that was probably worth more than half the points needed to pass the test.

So, after half an hour of panic, little headaches and hand cramps, I had successfully changed and corrected my answers in the nick of time, and the "A+" that I got was my proof.

"See?!" My regal trait cried, "You may be the result of mixing Thomas's heightened anxiety and half of the demon-making substance that made Alementors crazy and be like mindless zomb-"

"Woah! Pump the brakes, Princey!" I scolded

"Sorry," he sheepishly responded, eyes downcast to avoid the stink eye that Virgil was giving him, "My point is that even though you're all of that, you're still one of us; the one that completes us!"

"Yes, we were wondering if we were going to have a water wielder." Logan added

"It's destiny!!" Patton squealed

I glanced at the trait and the shock written on his face was an understatement. But before he could reveal even more sappy emotions, he collected himself and settled on a small smile on his lips instead. Well, even a little progress is progress.

"We're more than glad to have you in this small family, Virge."

The anxious side was about to respond but was cut off by the university's sirens piercing through the once peaceful air, making him flinch from the sudden sound before the loud voice of Prof. Vadren followed.

"An army of Alementors infiltrated the university! We are under attack! I repeat, we are under attack!"



So! You can already enter your characters in the next chapter! Please read the mechanics and follow it, thank you!!

That's all and I'll see ya in the next one!

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