Chapter 23

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Jack's P.O.V

I narrowed my eyes at it, "Hey Anti, is it me or those black pouches meant trouble?"

"The feeling is mutual, Jack." He said, "But we can't just go attacking random people without any evidence that the pouches are dangerous. Just stay alert."

I reluctantly agreed with my demon friend before looking away from the man. Luckily, I don't have to endure the stare any longer, for the man ran to the center when the other male called for him.

I looked up to see the men silencing us with a finger to their lips. It worked and almost nothing was heard, other than very hushed whispers.

"Hello! I am Alvin and my partner right here is Arthur, and we're The Double A!" he introduced wildly, "I understand that you're all "mature" in a way, and simple element tricks won't amaze you, but our display isn't just simple. If it amazes, well, that's up to you."

Alvin moved forward to the center stage as Arthur moved back, the latter rummaging through the cases before pulling out a pearly-white ball. He then threw it to Alvin, who caught it and closed his fist on it, before quickly opening it again, engulfing the small white ball in flames.

"Pretty elementary, right?" he fake-yawned, but then smirked "Watch this."

He began throwing the ball around his body, catching and juggling it with his two hands and sometimes kicking it back up with his foot when it plummeted downward.

At first, it didn't seem much, but Alvin juggled it around faster, not giving time for the trails of flames to disintegrate before making another line. Soon, the man had made an image with the flames; a phoenix with wings proudly outstretched stood in front of the magic man. Alvin didn't stop and kept on juggling, making the bird as detailed as possible.

And before we knew it, Arthur had made a gust of wind from behind and blew it towards Alvin. Instead of disappearing, the phoenix flew forward, completely shocking and bedazzling us as the phoenix, controlled by Alvin, flew around the gym for a few times, before bursting in the middle, red and orange sparks flying down like snowflakes, yet nothing and no one was burned.

"We're just getting started here!" Alvin yelled, "Though, the next trick requires three people, there, the one with the green hair!"

I was caught off-guard when the man pointed to me, a cheeky smile forming on his lips. I looked around, silently pleading someone else will take my place, but instead, I was met with loud chants of my name. Without a choice, I hesitantly stood up and walked to the stage.

Alvin went over and pulled me to the center whilst shaking my hand, "Good to have you here! Based on your crowd of fans there, I assume your name is Jack, yes?"

I nodded but was about to argue that they are not my fans when I got cut off the eccentric male.

"Now, what you're gonna do is just summon a stream of water when I say so and stand there as still as a statue after, got it?"

I slowly gave a nod while pursuing my lips, very, very uneasy about this plan.

Alvin barked a laugh, slapping my back hard with his hand, "That's the spirit! You can spice up the summoning if you want, but I really suggest that you stay still after, alright?"

A little more confidently, I gave another nod and prepared myself for anything that might happen, eyes following every move of the man. Suddenly, the floor below me rose up, completely taking me off-guard, but I kept my balance.

I subtly rolled my eyes before looking at the other direction, spotting Arthur in the corner, palms upward and as he slowly lifts up his hands. As soon as he stopped and from the corner of my eye, Alvin gave me a thumb up.

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