Chapter 35

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Jack's P.O.V

By the time Mark had turned back into himself, Anti had already retreated and given me the control, leading to me rushing in front of my friend to catch him when he started to fall from the dizziness. I tried talking to my demon in the mindscape but the only replies that I get were sighs and pushes that may be translated to "Leave me alone". Respecting his wishes, I turned my focus onto my confused friend.

"Mark? Are you alright?" I asked

He gave a weak nod and Felix appeared in front of the opening of the earth dome that Dark made. Right on time. I placed one of his toned arm over my shoulders and we helped him get out of that musty place before we heard loud screaming.

It was Mr. Connor, for the sound emitted from the window that Dark (also) broke when he threw me into it. His shouts consisted of begs and pleads mixed with pained ones, sending a shiver through my spine (and probably the others to, since they mirrored the same expression as I currently plastered on).

As I was about to go into that room and investigate what was happening, the traitor had suddenly flew through another window, breaking it in the process, and land on the ground in front of us in the same fashion as I went through earlier.

"He's here," he muttered, "His plan didn't work so he came here to finish the job."

"Who's he? Who came here?!" Felix demanded

As soon as he uttered those words, my vision had suddenly became a bit darker and goosebumps formed on my skin, sending a rush of adrenaline in my system to help me to fight off what we will be facing now.


In an instant, a strong whirlwind swept into our side of the field, making us hunch over and hold our ground to not fly off with the leaves and small pieces of debris. I shouted for the others and we huddled close to each other and went into a fighting stance as a shadow of a man neared us, posture straight and unwavering as if there wasn't a windstorm happening at all.

"I always knew how incompetent mortals are when doing a demon's job. They're too sentimental for my taste."

My eye's widened. That voice...

The sudden whirlwind was suddenly lifted and I almost did a double take at whoever was standing a few feet away from us. He couldn't be...could he? I was about to shout his name but Mark, however, had beat me to it.


The demon chuckled, "Perhaps this vessel is, but not quite. Though, my previous vessel was the father figure for one of you there. A certain Telate Alementor perhaps?"

"How?!" I growled, "I killed you! You should be dead!"

"Death leads everyone's soul into the afterlife," he smirked, "But death cannot lead my soul back to hell."

A multitude of emotions whirled around my head as my clenched fists shook with anger anger that I can barely keep in, but it then contorted into pure and utter sadness. I dropped on my knees when I began to realize what I did two years ago. I killed my real father, and for what?

That bastard is still here.

The next thing I knew, I was shouting out of pure anger mixed with agony as I raised my hands above my head, making a chunk of the ground in front of us rise before it bursts into flames. But I didn't care any less as to how it happened before throwing it at the demon, perfectly hitting my mark.

My chest heaved as Thomas and Tyler had to keep me from doing it again and use up all of my energy. But before I could stop struggling in their hold, a deep-pitched laughed echoed through the field as the flaming boulder exploded, making me act on instinct and protect myself and my friends with a rock wall. Bu after I made it descend back into the earth, the man-demon displayed a wide and creepy grin before preparing himself.

He raised his foot before bringing it back down to the ground, making the ground shake beneath us as waves of fire burst through the bottom of his foot. We quickly albeit sloppily dodged the attacks when it was useless to counter it with wind or water, since the fire kept on burning even though Ethan and Cry tried to douse or deflect it.

"You were behind this all this time, were you?!" I shouted at the demon

His smile widening only confirmed it as he threw a ball of flames at me, which I dodged effortlessly, "Of course. Who else would take the serum used in that demon-repressing pill and reverse-engineer it so that it gives someone the demon instead of making them disappear?"

"So that's why you volunteered!" Mark screams in anger, "It was because of you that my father was always tired! You used him for your own benefit!"

The demon just laughed as he threw another attack at us, "My plan consisted of building an army of Elementals that I can control. An Alementor may be weaker than a Tel. Al., but they're more abundant."

"But what will happen to the demonized Alementors?" I shouted at him, "Are they going to be like that forever?!"

"Ah, that brings me to the other reason why I'm here. Thank you for reminding me, child," he smiled, to which I growled in response, "But to answer your question; yes, they can...but,"

"Quit the suspense!" I spat out, "The readers had enough of it already!"

The demon ignored my apparent breaking of the 4th wall as he fished out a small remote from his back pocket, "This is the decider of fates. The scientists inputted the serum with modified microorganisms that kill the effects of the serum with a single press of the button in case something goes wrong with it. In other words, with a press of this button can make the demons of the Telate Alementors come back, but can also make the demons of the Alementors disappear. It's a "You win some, you lose some" situation."

He smiled that creepy smile again, "But in order to get it, you have to go through me."


Hey cubs!

Excuse the strange format of this chapter, I just got a new laptop and I'm confused as to what happened when I copy-pasted it from word, as well as the grammatical errors, I didn't have enough time to read through and edit it.

But, THREE WEEKS! Three absolute weeks of no updates thanks to projects, exams, school, stress, no wi-fi and others. I'M SORRY! ;-;

I'll try to update tomorrow since school's suspended tomorrow promises.

Anyway, question time!

Strict but competent teachers or easygoing but beginner teachers? Defend your answer!

That's all and I'll see ya in the next chapter!

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