Chapter 26

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Jack's P.O.V

You have absolutely no idea how lost and confused I am right now.

To recap, after slipping into unconsciousness because of my "ever-friendly" demon (note the quotation marks), then meeting my missing best friend in this abstract land called Mindscape that I only visited twice, and then watching said best friend hunch over and turn into an demonized version of himself, red eyes and all, before waking up, I find myself staring at a pristine white mask and a slightly Asian-looking guy.

All I could say is a perplexed "what?"

Cry could only tilt his head in confusion before the guy, whom I think was Nate because of the unexpected introduction earlier and the few conversations I had with him, had replied with a "What do you mean?"

That finally snapped me out of my trance and I cleared my throat. Standing up with my back slightly stiff and aching from leaning on the tree for God knows how long, I replied,

"Well to start off, both of you have been missing for four days straight," I answer as casually as I could, "Care to explain that?"

Both men glanced at each other and simultaneously "oh"ed, before fidgeting nervously. I raise my brow in question at the two and in a few moments of silence, Cry finally answered,

"Call the others. It's a long story and we wouldn't want to repeat," he responded


Steph and Matpat were the last to rush in Mark and I's already crowded room, the latter hesitantly tucking his nerdy glasses on the collar of his shirt before folding his arms in fake-annoyance and slight curiosity.

"I hope you have a good excuse to pry me off my research," he muttered before looking up, eyes catching a certain black-haired male, "Oh hey, Nate."

Nate gave the nerd a small wave in recognition before turning to me, for I was already shushing the posse of people who were scattered in the room and/or interrogating Cry, who would only respond to them with an, "I'll tell you later."

Once everybody settled down, I took a deep breath and started, "To answer Matt's question; is the topic of our missing friends a good enough excuse?"

This immediately caused an uproar in the room as question after question was bombarded in our direction, causing my fellow Telate Alementor and Earth Elementor to wince at the loudness while I remain unfazed. Welp, if all else fails, fight fire with fire. So, I took a deep breath and-


And before I knew it, a fly's buzzing was all I heard in the room.

Satisfied, I gesture for Cry to take over and he took it with a step forward. Clearing his throat, he began, "As all of you may know, two of our friends were declared—I'll just get straight into it. They were taken to a hidden base Mt. Margeux, and I think I know where its opening is."

"Wait, that's it?" I muttered, "Long story my a-"

"How?" Someone asked, cutting off the profanity

"Well, I mean, I think I briefly told you guys on our first day here," Cry responded, "While I was meditating on Mt. Margeux to keep Mad at bay, I stumbled across a locked metal door, adding another tally on the strange things I found there."

"Hmm, what other strange things do you think Cry found there, Jack?"

"It's not the right time now, Anti."

"But I don't get it. Why did they kidnap Mark and Thomas specifically? And for what freaking reason?!" Felix agitatedly muttered

An idea formed into my mind that may or may not actually help us, but before I could even process, I already blurted it out,

"Quick, think of all Mark and Thomas's similarities."

"They both have colored hair." Marzia sheepishly stated

"They both can sing well." Tyler chimed in

"Maybe because you're friends with them, Jack?" Ethan suggested

"They're all too broad, especially the last one. They could also have targeted your Elementor friends," Anti stated, "And logically speaking, they're much easier to capture than...wait... that's it!"

"What's it?" I ask aloud, "Hold on guys, I think Anti has an idea."

I let him take over and everyone went silent once his shining green eyes contrasted with the yellowish-white light of the bulb. They all turn to me (or Anti but still, relative term) as Anti grabbed my phone in my pocket, typing in the passcode before opening a trusty news app. He swiped through the most recent until he tapped on an article that was written a few weeks back.

"You may not like what I'm about to say, but I think it's the most logical solution as to why Mark and Thomas were kidnapped," he muttered solemnly, turning the phone so that our friends were looking at the article. The screen showed a headline that I just remembered was the same as to what Mark showed me a couple weeks ago:

"Alementor Gone Mad! Local Element-user Go on Rampage at Elezens."

"Mark and Thomas are powerful Alementors, so it's no surprise the people turning Alementors into monsters had their sights on them," Anti said, "For how long, I have no clue."

"So that means..." PJ trailed off

I exhaled shakily as memories from the encounter in the Mindscape appeared in my mind, replaying the painful moment over and over again. Could he possibly be...? No. Mark may be a 7-year-old, mental age-wise, but I know for sure that he's a stubborn man with a strong will, and I sure he'll be able to resist.

But for how long, though...

I snap out of my thoughts once I regained my body's control, scanning the shocked and melancholy faces of my friends once before I clapped my hands together, gathering their attention. With eyes burning with determination and anger towards the people who kidnapped my friends, I clear my throat once again. This might be the cheesiest and most cliché thing I'll ever do, but I don't care! It's good for plot development.

"Are you all just going to give up?"

A few muttered quiet "no"s.

"Are you all just going to let this be reality, knowing that one day, you'll see either of our two friends destroying a part of the city? Is that it?!"

A strong chorus of negations echoed in the room.

"That's right. We will get them back, safe and sound," I firmly declared, ignoring the reoccurring flashbacks of the mindscape,

"Pack up, we're going on a road trip."


Hey cubs!

Alright, alright! Things are starting to escalate here, so pay attention to detail! Or don't and just enjoy the book. Either way, I'm racking up the plot twist (or plot twists, I dunno how many), so be ready for that!

But anyway, question time!

How many new readers would want to be an Elementor and fight just like in chapter 17? This is just a head count, btw. (Just shout "Me!" in the comments and I'll see how many in about a week or so)

And to those who already got to be in chapter 17, unless I lack characters for the special chapter/s in the future, you cannot enter again. I'm very sorry.

Edit: Dangit! I forgot something. Sorry for the re-upload cubs, but I almost forgot about my promise to the Elementors in chapter 17 with weapons. To be fair to them, I will put them in the next special chapter but  as just a cameo. If you think this is unfair, please private message me :) Thank you! 

That's all and I'll see ya in the next chapter!

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