Chapter 13

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Am I dead?

That question seemed to repeat in my head over and over again like a never-ending mantra, keeping me alert and anxious while walking aimlessly in practically nothing.

Is this what dying feels like? Living another life in eternal darkness until we pass onto another life?

Whoa, that was deep.

Just then, when all hope of ever "waking up" for me seemed lost, there was a light. It was dim enough for it not to hurt my eyes, yet bright enough to conquer all the darkness surrounding it, forming some sort of archway.

Now, I know the saying "don't go into the light" and shiz, but in my situation; after hours of only seeing darkness and stuff, I might wanna consider ignoring that.

I went through the archway of light and the first thing I saw was a certain small, brown vegetable being bitten by a certain fire Elementor.

"Felix," I growled, voice raspy, "I will kill you."

"See?!" he cried, "He...wait...he woke up!"

I felt two pairs of arms wrap around me and give me a warm hug that I wished lasted longer. I, of course, felt lightheaded, but that doesn't stop me from sitting up the bed. 

Immediately, the nurse tried to stop me. Keyword tried. After a short debate, she gave up and just helped me instead. Then, Felix and Marzia bombarded me with questions and explanations.

"Easy now," I chuckled, "I'm fine." 

"Don't you dare pull out that "I'm fine" card at me, mister!" Marzia hissed, the motherly tone evident in her voice, "You just got hit with a piece of flaming debris!"

Oh. That explains

"Yeah! Good thing we kept that man away from you before he caused anymore damage," Felix added, "That powder sure took a toll on him."

"And by 'keeping the man away', you mean angering him until he finally dropped from either exhaustion or the effects of the powder." Marzia said, eyeing the embarrassed Elementor

The three of us shared a laugh and continued to converse until the doctor came in.

"Mr. Mcloughlin," he said, "You have accumulated a few 1st and 2nd degree burns, bruises, and a mild concussion, but nothing more severe than that."

I sigh in relief, zoning out the doctor's prescriptions as I faced the night sky through the window, spotting a few stars underneath the clouds. From there, I started to look back at the fight with the crazed Alementor. What did he want? Why did he have red eyes?

So many questions, so little answers.


"Why did you take your medication?!"

Felix offered to take me home while Marzia went back to their apartment. Apparently, he said that the doctor said that I need to take the medication before going to sleep.

"It's a gummy bear!" I defended, "How could I not eat 'em?"

"They made it so that it looked appealing to the one who takes them," Felix explained, "The side effects will kick in anytime soon."

And boy, was he right.

By the time we were at our dorm room's doorstep, I was loopy as heck.

"Tanks Feeeelex," I slurred, leaning on the wall, for I was having trouble standing straight

"No problem," he replied, typing in our passcode (wait, how did he know our passcode?), "Just try not to bother Mark in that state."

As the door opened, we saw the redhead busy playing (and getting frustrated on) a game on his phone.

"On second thought," Felix muttered, "Go ahead and annoy him as much as you want." 

I waved goodbye to my friend before stumbling inside, and before tripping over my own feet and land on Mark.

"What the f-Oh hey Jack," he greeted, "Why are you giving me that goofy look?"

I gave him a lopsided smile, "Felic told me to annoy you, so..."

I reached out and touched his nose, "Boop."

He gave me a confused, which made me burst into a fit of giggles. Chuckling, he brought me to the couch before going out of my sights, only to come back with a glass of water.

"What drugs are you on?" he asked as I sipped on the water

"All of them! All the drugs!" I cried, making wild gestures, "Even the ones that haven't been invented before!"

He gave me a serious stare, "Jack."

"Fine," I grimaced, "A cray cray Alement'r threw a something that was on fire at me and I passed out. Then I woke up in hospital and ductor saying that I have a mild coconut."


"I don kno if that is the term," I muttered, "It's a mild concu-something."

"A mild concussion," he corrected, "And I assumed that they gave you some medication?"

"Ya!" I beamed, "They said before bed, but I couldn't help it. They were gummy bears!"

He sighed, before lifting me up again, "C'mon, let's get you to bed before you do anything stupid."

"You're taking this to the bedroom already?" I smirk, "Real smooth."

His face turned bright pink before grumbling incoherent words. Once we got there, I blanket burrito-ed myself and Mark was about to return to his game, so I whined.

"Can you cuddle with me?"

He rolled his eyes playfully before climbing onto my bed. I let out a contented sigh as I muttered some words before drifting off to sleep,

"Love ya Markimoo."


So...Septiplier, anyone?

Anyway, I'm back! I was going to update on the day after I got back from the province, but school work hit me like a truck!

But anyway, question time!

If you have the materials to invent/recreate in real life something from a video game, movie, TV show or just your imagination, what would it be? I don't have one as of now, but I would like to hear from you cubs!

That's all and see you in the next chapter!

The Demons Arise (A Jacksepticeye Fanfiction)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя