Chapter 36

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Jack's P.O.V

The first rays of sunlight were already peeking through the edges of the university building but we weren't making any progress in wearing the Alpha Demon down and getting the remote. And as unfortunate-sounding as it is, it's quite the contrary.

Most of us were on defense rather than offense because of our injured friends that became the target of the saccharine-smiling demon, who sent an flaming sphere at Felix, who was unconscious on the ground. But before I could even raise my hand to make a rock wall, Marzia had already stopped it with a pushing gesture and sent it back to the man, who, with one look, made it disappear.

This is going to be harder than I thought.

"I always knew that playing with mortal weaklings is bound to get boring at one point" he yawned, before his signature smirk surfaced, "Let's spice it up a bit, shall we?"

The ground beneath me shook and elevated as I crouched a bit to maintain my balance and stand my ground, closing my eyes a bit as to not see how high I actually was and immediately let my fear of heights consume my senses. To compensate, I looked up to see Mark and the Alpha Demon on their separate pillars a few feet away from me, one looking confused as hell as the other barked out a laugh. Guess which one is which.

The Alpha Demon threw his hands up in a gesturing manner, "Welcome one and all to the battle of the century! But before we start, I think Marky won't be needing that."

He pointed two fingers at my dark-haired friend and a small but sharp stone broke away from his pillar and shot through the air, missing Mark by a centimeter, or so I thought. With an audible clink, my necklace (now with a broken chord) fell onto the surface of the pillar by Mark's feet and the demon expected for something to happen.

But nothing happened.

The Alpha Demon sighed, "You're supposed to come out, Dark."

Still nothing.

"Fine," he seethed, "You finally grown some balls to defy the devil you made a deal with, but I'll take care of you later. I've got this brat to deal with."

With a snap of his fingers, a dome of rock formed around Mark and encased him in it, fists pounding on the rocky interior can be faintly heard from where I was. He then looked at me with a creepy smirk before proceeding to send a fireball at my direction, almost knocking me off the pillar of my fears. I breathed a sigh of relief before putting on my A-game.

Two can play it that way.

Rocks and flames flew across the orange and blue sky as well as sudden bursts of small cyclones and flying waves of water. I quickly was tiring out but the demon whom I'm fighting to death with hasn't even broken a sweat. The Alpha Demon might've also seen it as he gave a sneer.

"What's the matter, oh great Sean Mcloughlin?" he asked, "Did that traitor Anti leave you again to fend for yourself like the coward that he is?"

"You have no right to even talk about my demon!" I barked, "He's ten times braver than you could ever be! You just hide in the shadows and let other people do your job!"

His smile faltered a bit and his attacks increased in speed and power in response to what I said. Great going, Jack! You're definitely not gonna last at this rate, but I'm not going to take back what I said. But just as I thought that all hope was lost, a loud shout of my name made me snap my head to the direction of the school.

Cry had definitely seen better days; his hair disheveled and his hoodie torn up in different places. Heck, I squinted and even saw a thin hairline crack on his mask. 

'He must've encountered a few demonized Alementors' I mused

But even in his disarrayed expression, I could see that in his hold was the object that may turn the tides in our favor; the violet container filled with weakening powder.

But just when I thought that the tables are turned, felt my rock pillar shake beneath my feet, forcing me to drop my guard and hold the top of it for support. But that action made my blood run cold when I my line of sight dropped downwards and I saw how high up I really am, making me freeze like a deer in headlights.

Did I mention that I really, really hate heights?

But the loud laugh the Alpha Demon emitted was enough to make me break out of my frozen state, stand up again, albeit slowly, and face him, gritting my teeth in hopes that I forget the sight of me being ten feet off the ground.

"Time's almost up, little Sean," the demon chuckled, "No being can every surpass my supremacy! Not you! Not anyone!"

Another one of his attacks landed a blow on my pillar and it was just about time before it crumbles from my weight, paired with Cry still having a quarter of the field to fly to get to me and I was running out of options. So, once an idea came to mind, I was already cupping my hands to increase the volume of my already loud voice.

"Cry! Throw it to me!"

And so he did.

The purple container flew through the air and reach me thanks to the enhanced abilities of the masked Telate Alementor but just as I fumbled to unscrew the cap, my rock pillar was already descending like a tree that was chopped down.

As a result of the spur of the moment, I jumped off the rock pillar without thinking (because, let's face it, if I were to consider this option again, I would have already thrown it out of the metaphorical window) and threw the powder contents in the air, using the wind to blow it towards the Alpha Demon, who sputtered in response.

I would have jumped for joy, except for the fact that I was falling ten feet to my doom.

But as I closed my eyes and accepted my inevitable end, not caring for the loud explosion that sounded near where I was, I felt strong, muscular arms scoop me up, bridal-style and I immediately knew that it was my Alementor friend without seeing his face.

But as the said man touched down and I opened my eyes, I was shocked to see red orbs staring back at me.

"Dark?!" Anti exclaimed, beating me to it

"You may have broken your promise, but I have not," Dark stiffly said, before showing a minuscule smile that I almost missed, "How about we finally beat this guy's ass together, what do you say?"

I felt my control over my body decreasing, but I allowed it, knowing that my demon will be able to handle it on his own.

The said demon smiled, "It'll be my pleasure."


Hey cubs!

I know I've been dragging this for far too long but we're close to the finish! About a chapter left then the epilogue! But will you be satisfied in the end? Who knows?

Expect another update later 'cause exams are once again coming up, so I better finish this before I once again stress to the bones again!

Question time!

Would you rather own earphones that will forever be tangled or earphones with only one of them working?

That's all and I'll see ya in the next chapter!

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