Chapter 6

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We just finished cleaning up our table and took out our schedules so we can share our next class.

"I have Elemental Science next, how 'bout anyone?" I asked aloud

"Same." both Ethan and MatPat said at the same time, causing both of them to laugh

We said our 'I-see-you-later's and I threw my empty box of cookies (hehe) in the rubbish bin (not trash can!). But, as we passed the teachers' lounge, the blaring voice of Mr. Vadren echoed through the empty lounge and was just muffled by the walls and door.

I glanced at the two and they mirrored my expression of curiosity and slight concern. Without a moment of hesitation, we pressed our ears against the door and got little tidbits of his conversation.

"You better...the plans...or else!"

"Plan? What plans?" Anti muttered, "I have a bad feeling about this."

I pressed my ear harder on the smooth oaken door, but the next thing I heard was heavy slaps of shoes against the tiles of the floor.

Uh oh.

I pulled the two with me, hoping to hide all of us behind the potted plant. But alas, Vadren walked out and spotted us.

His arm shot out and yanked me out while MatPat and Ethan were frozen in shock and fear as the professor eyed us warily, wincing when they saw the red-face Vadren has.

"What are you doing here?" he growled, "Didn't you know that loitering is against the rules?"

"Didn't you know that your existence is against the rules?" Anti shot back

I unconsciously smiled at that remark, but beet-face tightened his grip on my wrist, wiping it right off.

I gulped, "We...uh, you see-"

"Well? Spit it out, I don't have all day." he snapped impatiently

"Or one more second if I were to snap your neck right now, you son of a-"

"We were asked to get a sample of this plant for Elemental Science," Ethan said, quickly plucking a stem with diamond-shaped leaves


"Yes! Sir..."

MatPat glanced at the schedule I'm holding before finding the professor's name.

"-Connor asked us to take a stem of a Mahira Plant without giving any hints on what it is, I'm pretty sure that this is it."

The man didn't look convinced, "Let's just see about that."

He dragged us from the front of the teachers' lounge, through the hallway, and to Mr. Connor's classroom, where he was arranging his papers and setting up the projector. After three knocks on the door, Mr. Connor looked up and gestured for us to come in.

"What can I do for you Professor Vadren? Boys?" He questioned

"These students are telling me that you told them to get a sample of a Ma-whatchamacallit plant, is this true?"

Behind Vadren, I was furiously nodding and mouthing "Please say yes" with pleading eyes in hopes that Mr. Connor would go with the flow.

Surprisingly and thankfully, he did.

"Oh! What an outstanding work, boys! You know your plants very well. This one is ground into powder that is used to stun if inhaled," he said a matter-of-factly, "Come to the science lab and I'll give you a sample of the powder."

He put down the part of the plant before turning to Sir Vadren, "Thank you for accompanying them, but I'm sure they can handle themselves."

To this, we were dumbfounded but happy at the same time! Vadren, on the other hand, was grumbling before he left, which was good, but we were left with Mr. Connor.

He crossed his arms and gave us a look that obviously said: "Explain yourselves."

"Well," I started, "We were just passing the teacher's lounge on our way here, but we heard Mr. Vadren yelling. We were curious and eavesdropped, but we got caught. We told him an excuse involving you and here we are."

Mr. Connor sighed heavily through his nose, "So you were eavesdropping on an authority and lied to them. Those violations have serious sanctions, if the principal were to find out about this."

We nodded in understanding and hung our heads, readying the worst that could happen. Getting suspension on the first day is definitely going to be the buzz for the rest of the school year.

"If he finds out."

"Wait, what?!" Anti said in shock

We snapped our heads up in confusion and bewilderment to see Mr. Connor smiling warmly at us, a less visible impressed smirk in that smile.

"We're off the hook?!" I ask in shock

"Of course, I am a big fan." he replied sheepishly, running his hand through his golden brown locks, "Now, better sit down, the class is about to start."


Hey cubs! I survived the exams!

I want to put questions/a question at the end of every chapter to extend this creator-to-viewers thing farther. Sarcastic, funny and serious comments are allowed. AND NO JUDGING OF PEOPLE BASED ON THEIR ANSWERS, YA HEAR?!

My favorite subject is Math and our current Algebra (I'm not human, I swear XD). What's you favorite subject?

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