Chapter 32

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So, a lot of the answers from the previous chapter's question point to prof. Vadren being antagonist! Let's see, shall we?


Jack's P.O.V

After the giant robot was brought down, I thought the attack was finally over. I mean, the last chapter ended with "They had finally won." for Pete's sake! (Oh wait, that wasn't on the script...)

Ahem anyway...

Boy was I wrong!

The Alementors returned and brought more of their comrades, unfortunately. But as I scanned the large battlefield littered with lumps of metallic goo and parts, the determination in most of the students' eyes didn't seem to be wavering anytime soon, so it was safe to say that they can hold out until the police arrive or whatever.

"Uh, I'm not sure they'll arrive 'anytime soon', Jack." Anti muttered

I stumbled when my senses had suddenly enhanced for a good five seconds (courtesy of Anti, who didn't even warn me!), but within the said time did I hear the faint sirens of the police and ambulances paired with the snarls and grunts of the demon-Alementors. Is it a city-wide thing? Great.

But a second before the enhancement wore off, I heard a peculiar sound; like boots slapping against the tiled ground on the university's second floor. Glancing to my left, I locked eyes with a masked man clad in full black through the windows of one of the lecture rooms before he sprinted away.

Not on my watch.

"His build looks like one of your professor's, Jack," Anti gasped, "It's that double-crossing traitor-!"

"I know, Anti! I think it's sir Vadren too!"

Adrenaline was pumping through my veins when the very last puzzle piece clicked in the complex puzzle in my mind. How could I be so blind and oblivious to something that was in front of me the whole time? His behavior towards me, the phone call I heard, he must have even hired Alvin and Arthur and planned the whole "kidnap-Thomas-Mark-and-Nate" thing!

"Mark!" I called out to the man, who quickly turned to face me, "I saw someone on the second floor! Go tell the others!"

Once he gave a nod, I dashed across the field, dodging any attack that came my way, before entering the already ajar backdoors of the university. Using the wind to give me a boost, I sped my way through the halls and up the stairs, eyes darting towards anything that made movement around me.

I arrived at the lecture room where I last saw that shady-looking man but, of course, I saw nothing but the same dark room, like no one had ever stepped foot in that place recently.

But that's what I thought.

From the corner of my eye, I saw a chair being raised and I immediately turned around, arms raised to cover myself from the attack. The chair was swung at me and I was quick enough to catch one of its legs before wringing it out of my attacker's grip.

It was the man in all-black.

I lunged at him in an attempt to rip off that blasted ski mask but he dodged skillfully, planting a punch on my stomach that sent me colliding into one of the desks.

I dizzily stood up with the help of the wooden table, leaning against it as I try to catch my breath before realizing a second too late that the man was in front of me. A hand suddenly shot forward and wrapped itself around my throat, before it slammed me down the desk, the pressure cutting off my air supply.

"Jack! I know you're a bit light-headed now but," Anti paused, before full-on shouting, "Use your powers, dammit!"

Oh, right.

I clutched my assailant's arms, my hands shining a bright red before they burst into flames, making the latter scream in either surprise or pain before letting go, patting down the areas that were on fire as the room held a faint scent of burning cloth, I think.

"Game over." I muttered, standing up straight and (for once in my life) towering over the cowering person in black

The man's eyes widened through the skiing mask before scurrying back and out of the room like a coward, but before he can even run away under the cover of the dark hallway, the tiled floors rose up and clamped tightly onto one of the man's legs, ultimately leading to him falling down the floor with a thump.

But it wasn't me who done it.

Mark held his closed fist in front of him while sporting a stoic expression, the rest of the gang following behind, all of them having expressions that varied from surprise to happiness.

Mark and Tyler tightly held onto each of the man's arms as they dragged him into one of the smaller classrooms. They held him down in one of the chairs as Stephanie and MatPat tied him down using the rope PJ and Ethan found in the janitor's closet.

He was surprisingly compliant and silent through the whole thing like he was almost admitting defeat, but there was something...odd about the whole ordeal, but I shook it off as the aftereffects of the adrenaline wearing out.

My heart was beating like crazy when they finished subduing him. My gut was trying to say something to me but I ignored it momentarily, eager to see Vadren's face sporting his signature frown when we uncover that it was him all the time.

"It's over, Vadren," I muttered, grasping the top of the black ski mask, before pulling it off with one tug, "We know it's y-"

I gasped as I stumbled back a couple of steps, hands shaking when I realized that the man that was smirking at me was not the man who I thought he was.

"S-sir C-Connor?!"


And being the annoying author I am, I completely flipped the table and chose the "sweet and innocent" professor as the antagonist! Well, one of them, at least ;)

I've planned it all from the beginning and even dropped some hints in some chapters leading up to here so why he is the bad guy will be revealed in the next chapter, so stick around for that! 

Anyway, question time!

Music is absolute LIFE! What song/s have you discovered and loved? I found this song called "Power" by EXO a few months ago and it's an absolute BOP! 10/10 I recommend, even if I don't understand the lyrics XD

That's all and I'll see ya in the next chapter!

The Demons Arise (A Jacksepticeye Fanfiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ