Chapter 8

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I timidly raised my hand up, trying my best to ignore the shocked stares of the older men around me. The woman clasped her hands in joy and pointed to me, bellowing out a short laugh,

"Now that's really a brave soul!" she said, "Better get in position, rookie."

I went to the farthest left corner, which was right behind the rock wall. Hands already clammy, I awkwardly went into a starting position.

"On your mark, get set..."


I was trying so hard not to roll my eyes at the suspension build up and just focused on calming my heartbeat and quickened breathing, which seems to have been put out of auto-pilot.


I ran forward, almost colliding with the rock wall, and pushed myself on it, before hopping down to the first stepping stone. I was going to jump to the next one, when it suddenly shook violently, as if an earthquake had struck.

"Watch out for surprises!"

With a lot less ease, I managed to complete that part of the obstacle course, but not before losing my balance a few times when I got to the steady ground. The world was spinning around me, but I pushed forward and in the tunnel.

I thought I was getting a breather, although the tunnel was slightly claustrophobic. Ha, keyword thought

"Too slow!"

I hear a loud noise coming from behind and I turned my head, eyes widening when I saw that the part from behind closing in itself! I crawled as fast as I can to reach the exit, head pounding once I reached the end.

I got up and faced the same thing, but with the ground trying to take a bite out of my feet! The last one almost caught me, but with Anti's helpful speed boost, I yanked my foot out just in time.

"I think I'm starting to regret my decision," I telepathically say to Anti

"See? Suffering is at the end!" Anti stated,

I turned to the second row and started to weave through the panels, whilst also dodging the flaming spheres being chucked at me! But even though, I completed that part of the course, they didn't cease. Then I saw the next part; a pool of water.

Greatly focusing on my leg, I jumped into the pool, only to have the water crawl up to my waist and carry me to the end, Moana and Percy Jackson style. When the balls of fire still didn't stop; I raised a wall made out of the transparent liquid I was in.

I made it and climbed up the final part of the course; the balance beam. Unfortunately, it was the closest to the part of the course to the group of fireball-throwing people.

"Let me take over, Jack," Anti said, "Trust me."

After hopelessly thinking of any alternatives other than that, which I found none, I let my body go numb as my demon friend took over.

I felt him smirk and run through the beam, surprisingly keeping his balance while ducking and dodging the fireballs. One fireball had managed to fly in front of us, but Anti frickin' front flipped!

The woman and the fireball-throwers were so surprised and amazed, Anti took that distraction and made a dash for the end, front flipping AGAIN when he reached it.

"It's for effects." he explained nonchalantly

I rolled my eyes at him but snapped back to where Anti was staring at, my eyes widening when I found a robot in front of us, flamethrowers instead of hands, then another one to our left, a water jug strapped onto its back, then to our right, a more complex vacuum-like sucker in hand, then Anti whirled around when he heard an odd sound, finding another one with drills instead of hands and feet.

"Training 'bots, initiate offense #10!"

The robots whirred to life and started advancing towards us, the earth "bender", I am assuming, digging down until he was nowhere to be found. Suddenly, I heard a fsh! and saw the flamethrowers burst into flames!

Anti tried to dodged every single one of their attacks, but they keep on repeating their moves...wait.

"Anti! Give me control!" I cried

"No can do Jack!" he countered, "I promise your parents I'll take care of--Oof!"

We cried in pain once the earth "bender" popped out of the ground and landed a hit on his back. He tumbled down, releasing control once he had stopped tumbling.

"Jack!" The woman cried, "Are you alright?"

I wobbly got on my feet again as I not-so-casually dusted myself off, "I'm fine, ma'am."

I faced the robots again and their ruby-colored visors seemed to mock me. I had enough.

I plastered my own smirk and replayed all of the robots' moves in my head. Of course, how could we not have noticed it yet? They're programmed, they follow the same coding and flowchart, meaning, they repeat the same moves.

I spun around multiple times and made my small twister before taking flight. The air "bender" turned its vacuum-like contraption in front of me and started to pull me towards it, but I already saw it coming.

I made a medium-sized fireball and aimed it at the robot, yet it didn't hit it due to the water "bender" spraying it with his hand-hose. Ha, just what I thought.

The collision made a light mist around our area, and unless they have a sensor to let them know I'm near, they're blind. I bent the fog around me shot it at the first robot I saw; the fire "bender".

It hit its mark and the robot was blown back, red visor dimming. Next, I absorbed the water particles in the mist and made a water jet to shoot at the air "bender". It missed its center, but brought critical damage when it had hit its side.

Unfortunately, the mist ceased and they could see me clear as day. Uh oh.

The water "bender" had to blast its own water jet at me and I lost focus on my twister, making me fall unto the grass. I picked myself up again and faced the robots with pure rage, probably from the adrenaline coursing through me.

Using the emotion as energy, I made one last huge fireball and threw it at the unsuspecting robots, turning them into ash when they came in contact.

As I was walked back towards the baffled group, I heard a rumbled from behind and turned around, catching the drill of the earth "bender" in my flaming hand, before kicking it into the forest with a flaming kick.

The woman, confidently bounded towards me and shook my hand, a bright and proud smile that radiated happiness within it.

"How about a spot in the Varsity?"


Hey cubs!

First of all, I am SO sorry for not updating in a long time. Schools and projects have gotten in the way (being the leader for 5 groups isn't easy guys XD)

But, I managed to dish out this 1000+ words chapter for you guys! Because you deserve it =) Especially the ones who absolutely FLOOD the comment section with hilarious and amazing comments! You people know who you are ;)

What's your favorite animal? Mine is any kind of wolf!

Anyways, thanks for reading and I'll see ya in the next chapter!

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