Chapter 5

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I trudged through the halls with a heavy frown on my face. To my right was Marzia, who was trying her best to ease my mood, but I wasn't budging that easily. 

Unexpectedly, one of the room's door opened and the first one who came out was Tyler.

"Hey Ja--whoa, what happened?" he questioned

"I'll explain when we find the others," I muttered

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him ask Marzia, but she just shook her head and continued following me, leaving the Earth wielder more confused than ever. I must admit, I felt kind of bad just leaving him hanging, but I didn't want to repeat my explanation over and over again.

"I still want to pound that bozo's head," Anti pouted

"Ditto, Anti."

I was snapped out of my conversation when I felt some weight was put on my shoulder. I took a glance at my right and saw Tyler's hand on it with the man himself chatting away about things, but I had just resumed my blank stare in the horizon.


We entered the cafeteria and saw all of our friends, Thomas and a few other people around the biggest table in the cafeteria.

"That's a lot of people," Anti stated, "That's a lot of pressure."

"It's just our friends, Anti, with the exception of those two people. You're just dramatic."

Anti grumbled in a 5-year-old's voice, "No I'm not."

"There they are!" Ethan cheered, waving obnoxiously that caused a few people to stare and silently chuckle

We sat down on the vacant chairs and got out our lunches. I was going to take out my secret stash of cookies from a hidden compartment in my bag, when Marzia slapped my hand in a motherly manner. She must've seen.

"It looks like a reunion here," I jokingly said

"Yeah, and we've got some new people!" Felix cried, "Why don't you go introduce yourselves?"

A male with brown, curly hair and green eyes waved at us, "I'm PJ Liguori, Earth Elementor."

Once he was done, a guy with side parted light brown hair cleared his throat, "I'm Matthew Patrick, or MatPat. I am a Water Elementor."

Anti gasped, "Isn't he the-"

"Aren't you the one who asked me two years ago why was my hair green?" I questioned

He chuckled whilst rubbing the back of his neck, "Yep, I was just curious. Now that I thought about it, haven't I've seen most of you in Elementorian High?"

The former students of the school nodded before we proceed to Thomas, who shifted uncomfortably from the pairs of eyes looking at him, so I decided to save him from the stares.

"That's Thomas Sanders," I said, causing them to look at me in surprise, "I had him in our first class."

Cry chuckled, "That's funny, Mark earlier said that he met him too."

I ignored the screeches of other people in the distance and gave the red-haired Alementor a puzzled look, but he just shrugged it off as he said nonchalantly,

"Choir. Professor wanted us to sing our names and class. Not-so-long story short, his riff singing was amazing."

"Aww, thanks, but your baritone voice is heavenly." Thomas countered

"Ladies, you're both pretty, but we have a problem here," Tyler stated before turning to me, "What put in a bad mood, Jack?"

I sighed and let down my facade. I guess there was no getting out of this one.

"So," I began, "I was late for Social Studies because there was a hold up in the open area before that, and by hold up, a mob swallowed me whole,"

Ethan cooed, "Oh, that."

I gave a nod and continued, "Now, the professor was very strict and told me to sit down, and I did. But when he continued his "lesson", it was all just a rant of how the Telate Alementors disturbed the peace of the three classes and how we're better off gone. So being me, I defended my class and he got angry. So, he sent me for after-class activities."

At the end of my explanation, all of their faces had either shock or anger, Mark and Felix specifically for the latter.

"We can't just leave it there like it's nothing!" Mark shouted, "He's wrong for most--no, everything that he said! Yet you let yourself pay the price?"

"Chill, Mark," I said, "First off, I wouldn't want punching a professor be my first impression to all of those students, now would I? Also, how bad can the activity be?"

Thomas and PJ muttered something inaudible while the rest exchanged glances filled with worry and doubt, making my confident phase falter.

I huffed, crossing my arms while making a pouting face, "Way to be supportive and optimistic, guys."

My remark made them all laugh, lifting up the tension a little bit. But of course, my watch beeped continuously until I made it stop, signalling us that we have ten minutes left.


Hey cubs! (Yes, a new name for you peeps!)

As some of you may or may not know, I am in the middle of our mid-quarter exams. But I couldn't stand not updating, so here it is!

Oh, and thank you for 500+ views! That alone means a lot to me, but you had to pair it with nice comments?! You guys are awesome!

That's all and see ya in the next chapter!  

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