Chapter 31 Pt.2

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Jaylen watched in the distance as two boys sprout wings made of fire and rock separately before taking off into the air, making him wonder how the rock wings were able to make the boy fly, but before he can even ponder further, his thoughts were interrupted by a very familiar battle cry; a shout that signifies that his twin brother is going to do something reckless again.

He rolls his eyes fondly before turning to where the cry sounded, immediately spotting Taji's reddish-brown hair that was braided with green ties. He was blasting water at the robots and Alementors around him, some of his attacks were well-placed enough to render his enemies unable to fight back, but some didn't have enough luck.

Jaylen smirked in amusement as he created a sphere of fire with one hand before chucking it at the robot that was too close for Taji's comfort, overheating and deactivating the machine immediately.

Focusing on centering his energy on his arms, his hands shined a fiery red hue for a split second before setting itself on fire, yet all he felt was a warm sensation on his hands as he formed them into fists. He began making his way to his stupidly daring brother, planting his fire-encased fists on any enemies that were in his way. Even though his arms can be compared to a twig, his hits were no joke.

The Fire Elementor huffed as he landed another fire punch on the robot to his right, opening his mouth to say something but was cut off by his twin.

"I know, I know, you would say," Taji's voice contorted into a mocking one, "I would tell you to be more careful, but-"

"Thinking is not my style." Jaylen finished, his voice having the same mocking tone

The Water Elementor didn't look the least bit offended and actually looked pleased, "You know me too well."

Jaylen rolled his eyes fondly (again), "I had to endure your presence from when we were fetuses up to now. What do you expect?"

Taji was about to reply another one of his sassy comments when something had thrown a rather large stone at them, making them roll in separate directions before they faced a group of enemies and the robot that threw the attack.

"More targets!" he cried gleefully, "Bet you I can take down more bots than you!"

And before Jaylen can utter another word or warning, his twin was off, making wild motions of his hands that bent the water around him to his will and made sharp slashes at the robots, damaging their hard metal bodies.

With one last shake of his head, Jaylen decided not to reprimand his brother (since he knows that it was a lost cause and a waste of breath) and just join in the fun. But unlike Taji, he did not dive in head-first into the fight and observed the enemies with calculating eyes.

He noticed that the robots were ruthless with their attacks, but of course, they were still robots; machines that operate on repetitive algorithms. And followed that was a game-changing discovery; they take two minutes to recharge after an attack.

Using this knowledge to their advantage, he called for Taji's attention and the other boy immediately looked at him after sending another wave of attacks at the opponents. The fire wielder gave him a familiar look that meant 'mess with them' and his twin smirked in reply, breaking eye contact to fulfill his brother's plan.

He made an upward motion with his hand and the water under his feet instantly obeyed, rising up in the air before it formed into a large arrow that pointed at him like he was free food.

"Hey defects!" he yelled, waving obnoxiously and catching the rest of the robots' attention, "Try and land a hit on me! I dare you!"

As expected of them, they all aimed at the Elementor before simultaneously attacking with fire, creating a fire wave that made Taji squeak in surprise before covering himself with a water shield to protect himself.

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