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Very late but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless. I am also very sorry for the tears that you might shed while reading this.


Mark's P.O.V

"And that's all for today, class. Make sure to complete your all of your clearances—I'm talking to you Jay!" the professor smiled fondly as the class clown gasped with exaggeration, making the whole room laugh, "But anyway, it's been a good year and see you in the next, maybe or maybe not."

We joked around and briefly said our farewells to each other before the final bell rang, signaling us to file out of the lecture room. I looked around the sea of college students crowding the halls and gave a deep sigh, knowing that it was the end of the school year and it's time to say goodbye.

Wow, I guess I did learn something in literature after all.

I speed-walked through the halls, happy memories replaying in the back of my mind like it only happened yesterday, until I slowed down into a halt when I remembered a certain someone whom I used to race against in this very hallway every single day.

Keyword; used to.

Heaving out another sigh, I exited into the open area at the back of the school building, already seeing clusters of friend groups playing around with their elemental powers. Heh, just two months ago, everything was set on fire. I took hours to completely put it out...and another two to cry for him...

As I mentioned earlier, it's been two months since the colossal attack of the demonized Alementors and the Alpha Demon. In honor of the ones who sacrificed themselves for the greater good, we finished the mission and pressed the button.

The next few weeks after that weren't at all easy, seeing that the bastard's words were actually true and that the Telate Alementor's demons came back with full force, but it was nothing the government couldn't handle. When the new serum came out, they had been skeptical of it at first (who wouldn't be, to be honest), but it all turned out for the better as time went by.

On another note, Dark was the only demon that came from the serum that wasn't forced to return to Hell (other than Thomas's half-demon, Virgil), but unlike the latter, he was able to travel from fire-filled lands to my subconscious. As much as he made me want to tear my hair out in frustration, my conversations with him were fruitful and made a lot more sense that the ones I have with my friends.

But speaking of friends, I can already see mine gathering in the middle, some laughing like there's no tomorrow because of what I think Thomas had said while the others quietly enjoying their company, making me run through the field to get their faster.

But before I can shout a greeting to them, an arm snaked around my neck and put me on headlock. On instinct, I swiftly raised my foot and slammed it on the mysterious person's familiar blue shoes. The aforementioned person yelped in pain and cursed before letting go of me, muttering a string of swear words in an accented voice.

"Felix!" I hugged the taller male, no remorse from what I have done evident on my face, "How's your day?"

He rolled his eyes and shoved me in response, "I would've considered it as okay...if it weren't for you breaking my foot!"

We all chortled at his exaggerated gestures before having a moment of silence, as if we were reminiscing the times we were together during the school days; when we were still complete...good times...

"So," Tyler began, "This is it, right?"

"For now," PJ added, "But yeah, it seems like it."

More silence.

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