Chapter 24

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Jack's P.O.V

Hello darkness, my old friend...why do I keep seeing you over and over again?!

Well, I should be used to it by now, because of the countless of times I passed out since the time I got my Elemental powers, yet I'm not really a fan of the ringing in my ears and slight nausea once I woke up.

I am currently lying down on a stretcher bed, being scolded by a nurse as she shifted the rebreather mask that was helping me breathe that sweet oxygen again. But, being the rebel I am, I continuously state that I'm already fine in my oh-so-lovely voice of sandpaper before standing up, promptly ripping the mask off.

After a few minutes of seeing my determined and stubborn state, she let me slowly drink a few sips water before letting me walk again.

I thanked the nurse profusely before full-on sprinting around the parking lot in hopes of finding my friends in the area, completely disregarding any of the orders that were given to me by the nurse.

They couldn't possibly be taken, right? What I last saw before I passed out must have been a hallucination, and that they're here being treated in one of the dozens of ambulances stationed in the parking lot.

Or so I thought.

I soon spot Ethan near the opening I made on the gymnasium door (still not gathering any remorse for breaking that), and the scene is currently being taped off by none other than the police.

He was talking with a policeman as the latter jotted down what they were saying, with PJ and Marzia either standing on the side or helping the nurses with whatever they need help on.

The Water Alementor must've caught a glance of me because he abruptly stopped talking and ran towards me, giving me a bone-crushing hug that I returned with a lot less strength.

We pulled away and he gave me bright smile, "You're finally awake!"

"Hey Ethan, give Jack some space please!"

He silently apologized before we faced the two other Elementors, who were coming over, turning back only to reply to the grateful thanks of the nurses that they helped.

Seeing some of my friends triggered the memory of the colorful-haired Alementors missing in the group, but before I can ask them if they have seen the two at least once after the sleeping gas incident, Ethan had cut me off,

"You've been unconscious for approximately thirty minutes after I woke up, if that's what you're wondering."

Well, not really, but it doesn't stop from peaking my interest, "What happened when I was out?"

"Nothing much," Marzia shrugged, "We were helping the nurses, as you might have seen, Ethan here was being interrogated, even before we came, and the others are finding the rest of the group."

My mouth formed an 'o' shape, but before I can ask the most dreaded question, I was once again cut off with another hug, this time given from behind.

"Helvete! I thought you drove yourself into a coma!"

I chuckled before fake-gasping in horror, "What's with the swearing? Is High school Felix coming back?!"

He pulled himself off of me before pouting, giving me the "Is-this-how-you-repay-me" look, which I returned with an innocent shrug that prompted him to pout.

"You're back!" PJ exclaimed, "And so are the others!"

"Yep, they were gathered on the other side of the parking lot, having a grand 'ol time," MatPat commented, before pointing at the Fire Elementor and Earth Elementor, "While we were looking through the ambulances, these two were playing with one of the nurse's stress ball."

Tyler and Felix immediately gawked and denied it, leading to a very obvious conclusion and us laughing as they exasperatedly told us multiple reasons as to why they were playing with it in the first place, completely contradicting their first claim.

But all happy things must come to an end eventually.

After we all had our fair share of laughter and teasing, the question I was going to ask a while ago had already been asked by Marzia,

"Where are Mark and Thomas?"

The group looked around in case the two had been hiding around the vicinity, wondering where the eccentric Alementors were. The atmosphere shifted from a cheery one into one filled with worry and apparently, I wasn't the only one who was frozen in place.

From the corner of my eye, I caught Stephanie and MatPat exchange glances like they were fighting a silent battle as to who will break the news to us. Stephanie looked away in minutes later and said the answer I expected the most, but had still hit me hard,

"They're missing," she sadly stated, "Matthew and I had gone over every ambulance's check-up files and none of them had their names written on it."

"We asked as many of the students as we could, but none had seen them." MatPat added

There was silence after that, with the exception of the slightly stressful and panicked sounds in the background. Besides, none of us had anything important to say.

Until Felix decided that it was the right time to drop another crucial statement that took both me and the others by surprise.

"Cry's also missing."


Hey cubs!

The picture above is what my friend, Fazzy, has come up with for April Fools.

Oh wait, did I also mention Fazzy was the one that made the April Fool's chapter in the first book, and also messed up Chapter 10 in this book to scare some of you? Go thank him for that, guys! XD

Question time!

What will you react if I had posted that chapter from the picture above instead of this one? XD

That's all and I'll see ya in the next chapter!  

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