Chapter 15

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"And that's it!" I shouted, "Remember their weaknesses and avoid losing your advantages as much as possible!"

They all replied in affirmation before I dismissed them. Coach Zaria had split the class into two groups; one for me and one for her, but a little while later, her group came to our place earlier than the time given, saying that she had an abrupt change of schedule. Sliding onto the grass, I sighed.

Now I know the struggles of a teacher.

I mean, my voice is perfectly fine, having to shout all of the time for the past few years in the village I used to live in was good exercise. But it gets tiresome when you have to repeat what you said over and over again.

"Hey, Jack,"

I glanced to my right to see Thomas handing me a water bottle, which I accepted gratefully. Not a moment too soon, the bottle was bone dry. BONE DRY.

"Hey Thomas," I replied once I placed the cap back on the bottle, "Did you understand the lesson, or did I just ramble about nothing again?"

He chuckled, "You did great! Though, I've been meaning to ask you why did you choose to group us in the second activity based on whether or not we drank banana milk before?"

"To be honest, I haven't had the slightest clue of why I said that," I admitted, "But hey! At least the groups were even, right?"

We both shared a laugh as the other students were waiting for Coach Zaria to come back or either maturely or immaturely playing with their elemental powers.

Suddenly, a few dozen training robots popped out of the ground in a triangular form, eyes glowing a dim crimson. Thomas and I immediately stood up, eyeing the group carefully.

At the sight, most students immediately huddled beside me or behind me, waiting for my first move. But some bravely stupid people came closer to the passively-active machines.

"Stop!" I whisper-shouted, afraid that they might be triggered by the loud noise, "They're dangerous!"

"Relax Sean," A boy said, smirking, "See? Nothing to be afraid of."

He rapped on the robot's metal chest, before walking back to us with his arms wide as if to boast what he did. But, the violent shade of orange and yellow behind him made me act on instinct.

I took in my surroundings and swiftly placed my left fingers on the right hand's webbing (or finger-gaps), leaving a cave-like structure inside. The ground around the boy obliged to my move and formed an enclosed cave to protect the boy from the fire wave.

"Everyone! This isn't a drill! Form small groups and take out those robots!" I commanded, "And don't leave anyone behind!"

I teamed up with a girl named Queen and a boy named Inzei. During our lessons, they were an exceptional duo, both totting the wind element.

I watched in awe as they both performed an attack together; Queen being the first to move and lift two robots,  along with Inzei, in the air with a powerful gust. 

Even in mid-air, the boy managed to execute an air slash at both of the opponents, causing their red lights to dim. With some help from Queen, he managed to drop back down, unharmed.

"Now that's teamwork!" Anti commented

I flashed a proud and slightly baffled smile at them before I moved forward to counter some of the robots' attacks.

"Finally! A semi-fledged battle!" Anti cried, "I can almost feel the wind through my elf ears!"

I hummed at the familiarity, 'Want to have a turn?'

"I thought you'd never ask!"

He took over and started wrecking the robots, like a boss!

Many of the robots realized that I (or Anti) was more of a threat than the others, and decided to split me from my group. I couldn't help but feel another tinge of deja vu when four of them wanted to fight.

'Anti...' I trailed off warily

'I know now, Jack,' he telepathically said, 'Let me handle it.'

Even with my conscience saying negations to his statement, I agreed and sat in the back, ready to switch in case things get out of hand.

"C'mon then!" Anti taunted, "Show me what you've got!"

They moved all at once and a bot sent a burst of flames at us, but Anti countered it with a jet of water, turning it into an almost invisible mist. Then, Anti shot back the mist at the direction of the attacker, the impact caused its red light to dim.

Right after that, two robots advanced and tried to blow us away with the vacuum-like contraption, but Anti resisted. My demon planted a fist on the ground and a rock pillar ascended from under my assailants, canceling their move.

With a downward motion from Anti's arms, the pillar abruptly came back down, leaving the two bots to collide with the hard ground.

"And there was one." 

The said robot had already drilled into the ground, leaving me to wonder where will it strike, but with one side-step from Anti, the robot popped out from the ground where Anti was standing a split-second ago.

One blazing punch later, it dropped to the ground, light gone.

I felt myself take control again as Anti started laughing in triumph.

"And the champion is-!"

"Thomas! Watch out!"

I wasn't listening to Anti, for out of the corner of my eye, I saw a robot aiming its flamethrower at Thomas, who was preoccupied with another robot.

He took a glance at me before noticing the flamethrower. But within that 2.57682501 seconds of the Alementor noticing me, I saw something that I both despised and feared...

red eyes.


Uh oh, cliffhanger!

Thank you King-Sensei_0118 for allowing me to use two of your characters (Queen and Inzei). Go check him out!

Now! I have a question for you, which will be in the next chapter!

Anyways, thanks for reading and I'll see ya when I see ya!  

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