Chapter 28

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Jack's P.O.V

I let out a disgruntled groan before shaking my way out of the toppled cabinet that was once the place of mutliple Erlenmeyer Flasks filled with strange multi-colored substances. A multitude of cuts littered my arms and I couldn't help but hiss as the liquids seep into the open wounds, but being poisoned by those unknown fluids cannot compare to the actual problem we're facing now.

Mark (more specifically the demon possessing him) let out another animalistic shout as he tossed a metal chair at Cry, who skillfully avoided the attack. We've been fighting for probably an hour now and almost half of us are either down, unconscious, or tending to our friends' wounds. Mark, on the other hand, barely has a scratch, for we don't have a heart to counter since Mark could probably still feel every burn or wound we were to give to him.

"Mark! C'mon!" I pleaded, voice slightly hoarse from shouting (wow, that's a first), "You've got to snap out of it!"

"Mark is not here right now." He replied calmly, dusting himself off formally before conjuring another fireball, "And I doubt that he's going to return soon."

He threw the sphere of flame and it landed straight at my chest, the blazing inferno eating the fabric of my clothes and giving me second degree burns. I cry out in pain as I stagger backwards and into the wall, using the water I created from the minuscule water droplets in the air to at least soothe the stinging.

"Insolent elementals," the demonized Mark scoffed, "You are no match for me, for I am Dark, the heir of the Demon Clan!"

"Just as I thought." Anti muttered, "Let me take control, Jack. It looks like I have a bone to pick with this damned fool."

Drained from any energy to argue, I accepted and welcome the numbness in my system, but after that came an unknown jolt of raw energy that coursed through my veins. It was unsettling at first, since I could practically sense the hostile aura that it was emitting, but it soon transformed into power. Demon power.

"Ah, so the traitor finally makes an appearance," Dark smirked, but in his eyes hid an expression that I couldn't decipher, "I didn't think you're going to show up."

"Well, you wanted me here," Anti raised up his arms, "So here I am!"

"In this world, on one of us could be king," the black-haired demon growled, "So why don't you just run away and go home."

"I don't need to go home," Anti laughed maniacally, "I'm already here!"

"Let's just see about th-"

He wasn't able to finish his sentence due to Anti already making the first move. Fist encased in green flames, he shot forward and landed a hard jab to Dark's side, sending him flying into the laboratory apparatuses on the left side of the room.

"That's more like it!" Dark cried, lighting his own fists with red fire, "Bring it on, glitch!"

He shot out blast after blast at us, who flipped and rolled away in the nick of time. Nobody dared to interrupt the two literal spawns of hell in their spar to the death...well, until Cry made a rock wall rise up just in time to save Anti from an air strike.

"And who do you think you are to interfere with my attacks?!" Dark fumed

"It seems like you have forgotten me." Cry (more specifically Mad) muttered, red eyes shining brightly through the eye holes of his mask

"Ah yes, the local servant, aren't you?" The demon Alementor taunted

Mad narrowed his eyes before responding with a sharp flick of his hand; a gesture which the rock wall obeyed as it slammed itself into Dark, pushing him back before crushing him between the walls.

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