Chapter 1

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        "Steve, what possessed you to think it was a good I idea to throw me in a tu-tu?" I ask in an angered whisper.

"Humor and a good plan, that's what" Steve answers through my ear piece.

        I'm in Barcelona Spain on a mission to stop a hitman. We tracked him, and found out he's going to be at some famous ballet taking place in the Liceo de Barcelona theatre and kill one of the dancers. The reason for that is because the dancer, Amanda Diaz, found out about a corrupted business that sells most of the shows supplies. Turns out, the business is also dealing in human trafficking. So now, I'm under cover as one of them, and I'm in tights, a jump suit, and a tue-tue. I hate this.
     I take a peek at the open stage from back stage, and start feeling really nervous. I look and see a full theatre of people waiting to see the show. You know that theatre from the movie "sing"? Imagine that, but bigger. I start sweating and turn away from the open stage.

"I don't think I can do this" I tell Steve through the ear piece.

"Course you can, Natasha taught you the basic moves" He counters.

"B–but what if I forget? What if the hit man finds out about me and leaves? I'll completely ruin the mission!" I whisper/shout. A stage light near by flickers.

"Calm down, Winky. You been in  situations a hundred times worse then this" the Captain assures me.

"Yeah but–" a new voice interrupts me.

"Is that Winky? Oh, please tell me she's in a tu-tu!" It's Clint.

"Steve you ass" I hear Steve chuckle on the other line, "you promised not to tell him"

"He forced it out of me" he defends.

"You have muscles the size of his head, I think you could've managed" I argue.

"Ok ladies, Places!" I hear someone say. I turn and see the ballet instructor lining up the rest of the dancers. I quickly join them in the line, standing right behind Diaz. I place a hand on her arm, and she looks behind. I give her a reassuring smile, telling her that I will keep her safe. She returns with a nervous smile, her dark brown eyes filled with worry. She turns back around and faces the head of the next dancer over.

      The lights dim, and the dancers and I march on stage. Once we are all in position, the lights turn back on. I squint a bit, the stage lights flashing in my eyes. How am I supposed to find a hit man with these freaking lights in the way? The music begins to play, and we start to dance. Right foot in, right foot out, then you shake it–no that's not right. I make a unamused sigh as I raise my leg as high as I can. I'm not flexible at all, but luckily I'm in the back, and there's ten dancers, so I hopefully won't get noticed too much.
    My deep, periwinkle blue eyes scan the theatre, but the place is so big, it seems impossible to find a specific person in here. Then I see it, movement in the corner of my eye. I look to the left, my head still facing the audience. I see someone dressed in black adjust their sniper. I look from the sniper, to Diaz who is up front, and gasp. I stop dancing, race over to her, and tackle her to the ground, seconds before a loud gunshot is heard. The audience gasp and scream as they get up off their seats and race over to the door. I look at Diaz all over to see if she was hit. Other then a little dazed, she's fine. I help her up, and point her off stage to safety.

"everything alright?" Steve asks.

"He took a shot but missed, now everyone's going ape shit" I answer.

    I jump off the stage and squeeze my way through the panicked crowd until I reach the exit door. I try pushing it open, but it's stuck. I turn to the crowd and take a deep breath. I find the nearest electricity source, a control panel for the lighting and speakers, and connect to it. A high pitch noise fills the room, making the crowd stop and cover their ears.

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