Chapter 27

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          It's been three days since I was released. I've been hanging on to my sanity like it's all I have left. In a way, it almost is. If I give in and let Nightmare take over, then I could kill everyone in the Avengers tower.
     I walk down the hall trying to find Bucky. I think he's been avoiding me–no, I know he is. Every time I'm in the same room with him, he leaves before I can strike up a conversation with him. I don't know what the hell is wrong with him, but I'm going to find out.
      I walk to the elevator and push the button for Bucky's floor. After a minute, the doors open and I step in. I stand in the metal box, it feels so empty. Bucky and I almost always take the elevator together he can barely say two words to me. The metal doors slide open and I walk out onto Bucky's floor.

"Bucky? You here?" I call out. A moment later, a man with a metal arm comes around the corner.

"Oh, hey Winky" he greets, "I gotta go so I can't–"

"I'm not leaving until you tell me what the hell is wrong with you" I demand. The former assassin gives me an obvious fake confused face.

"Uh–" he starts.

"Don't even start trying to bullshit me, Barnes" I interrupt, my voice dangerously low. Bucky sighs.

"Why are you trying to avoid me like I have the plague-" I ask, venom lacing my voice.

"Because it feels just like it did when I thought you were dead!" Bucky answers quickly.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I'm glad that you're back, but...i-it hurts to know that I left you there"

"Why are you blaming yourself for–"

"Because of our promise!" Bucky yells. I stare at him with wide eyes. The promise he gave me the day before the mission. He promised we would see the world, but when he thought I died...

     I start feeling guilty for yelling at Bucky, but it's still not an excuse to avoid me instead of talking to me. I walk closer to the brunette and take a deep breath to calm myself down.

"I shouldn't have made you promise me anything" I say in almost a whisper.

"We had no idea what was coming" he replies.

"Which is why you shouldn't blame yourself" Bucky sighs.

"I need you. You, of all people, know what I'm going through" I continue.

"I know, I just can't-" the former assassin starts.

"Can't what?" I raise my voice. Bucky looks at me, unable to finish. I sigh.

"Listen Bucky, for a while, we were friends. Now I...I don't even know who I am to you. Please, look me in the eye and tell me, who am I to you?"

          Bucky looks at me, but not in the eye. He opens his mouth, but nothing comes out. He looks down again, and whispers four words to me.

"I can't answer that..." my eyes burn holes into him, a light behind him flickers slightly. I take a deep breath so I don't break anything.

"Can't or won't?" I ask with more venom than a rattle snake. When I don't get an answer right away, I turn on my heel and head for the elevator.

                      •     •     •     •

       I find myself wandering into the gym, where I find Steve beating up a punching bag, as usual. I walk up to him and wait until he takes a break to talk to me. After a minute, the blond finally notices me and stops.

"Hey, Winky" he greets, out of breath.

"Hey" I return, "you mind if I train with you?" Steve smiles and nods his head.

     I walk over to get some wraps for my hands, and then head to one of the punching bags. Steve and I go at it for a couple minutes, it feels good to let out some of that anger on Bucky. I see why Steve does it so much.

"That was so entertaining to watch" the voice says. I try to ignore it and continue punching.

"You two fight like an old married couple" I grit my teeth and start swinging even harder.

"'Who am I to you?' You guys act like you're in a soap oper–"

"Shut up!" I yell. I take one more swing and rip the punching bag off its chain. Sand starts spilling out of the leather bag as I stare at it while taking deep breaths.

"You alright, Winky?" Steve asks. I turn to look at him, and see that he stopped.

"You know what?" The blond says, "how about we go to my floor and make something to eat?" I smile at him and nod. I can make Chinese noodles and stir fry, that'd be nice.

       We go to the elevator and head to Steve's floor. We stay silent the whole time, but I don't really care. My mind wanders off, thinking about whether or not I should tell Steve about what I'm going through right now. I didn't want to tell anyone at first because I thought it would go away...and I didn't want anyone to think I'm crazy. In a way I kinda am, everyone is. Its just hidden deep inside, waiting...watching...


     The elevator doors open to reveal Steve's floor. Its modern, but it has a 40s feel to it. I've always liked hanging out in Steve or Bucky's floor because they both have a 40s feel to them. It makes me feel at home more. My floor doesn't have that feel, but I made sure it didn't. I like the feel of the 40s cause it reminds me of my childhood, but sleeping in it would be hard to do.

"I'm gonna go take a shower" Steve states walking towards the bathroom, "you can make whatever you want"

     I nod and walk over to the fridge in the kitchen. I look inside and search for ingredients to make chicken stir fry. Red peppers, green peppers, onions. I gather the vegetables up and place them on the counter beside the fridge. I take a cutting board and a large kitchen knife, and start cutting up the red peppers.
    I hear Steve turn the shower on, and hear him hum some old song. I make a quiet chuckle, and continue cutting. I take out the stem, alone with the insides, and cut vertical lines into the red pepper–

"Ow!" I exclaim, dropping the knife onto the cutting board. I cut my finger while chopping vegetables. I swear under my breath as I go to the sink right beside the counter and wash the blood off. I glance up at the window above the sink once in a while–what was that?

      I look back up at the window and see my reflection staring back at me. I lean in closer to get a better look. I swear I thought I saw something.

"Winky!" I hear Steve call out to me. I jump and spin around to look at the door to the bathroom.

"Y-yeah?" I call back.

"You know where my towel–wait, never mind! I found it!" I smile and shake my head as I turn around to face the wind–

      I gasp and jump once again. In the reflection, I see blood running down my nose and eyes. My breathing starts to quicken, my heart beat thumps against my chest.

"I'm...coming..." my reflection whispers darkly to me. I try to deny it, try to fight back, but I can't talk, I can't move. All I can do is grip the edges of the counter until my nuckles turn white. No no no, this can't be happening! Not now!

    I finally tear my eyes from the window and look down. I take deep, heavy breaths, trying to compose myself again. Slowly, I look back up at the window, seeing if whoever was talking to me is gone. I look and see my reflection again, but this time, it has an evil, malicious look in its eyes.

"You know what to do" it says, gesturing to the kitchen knife with its eyes. I look at the knife and see that I'm gripping it very tightly. I stare at it with dead eyes, knowing that I'm not in control anymore. Its Nightmare.

Get ready, chapter  28 is gonna be a doozy!!

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