Chapter 31

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"Steve! Hey c'mon!" I try to stir the blond awake again. Gosh he's so cold! That's not good.

I attempt at trying to get the half unconscious captain's arm around my neck so I can drag him away. I suddenly hear racing footsteps from behind and look to see one of those golden freaks about to jump on me. Oh perfect. I practically throw Steve out of the way and get tackled by the golden man.

I land on my back onto the freezing cold concrete. I barely have a second to blink the daze away once I see a knife heading straight towards my face. I cross my arms and block the knife from going any closer to my face. The golden man pushes it closer to my throat as I try to push it away. Suddenly, he falters. I take that moment and throw a punch at his face. He falls off of me like a sack of bricks. I get up quickly and grab his two knives that fell to the floor and throw them over the edge into the mountains. I then look at Steve sitting down and leaning on one of the few empty crates in the large concrete room, holding a snow ball.

"Did you throw a snow ball at him?" I ask while rushing over to the cold blonde. He nods and makes a weak smile. I return with one back and take off my black jacket. It's way too small for him but I have to try and get him warm, his fingers look like they're turning blue. I drape my jacket over his chest and Steve folds his arm in them for warmth.

"Ok" I say, "let's get you—" I suddenly feel something long and icy cold press against my throat, choking me. A metal pole. The golden man, I assume, lifts me off my feet by my neck as I struggle to free myself. He drags me to the cliff, the freezing wind biting me as I look down at the very long drop.

"Let's see if you survive this one" the golden man whispers darkly.

"Not–today" I reply through clenched teeth.

I kick the freak in the knee with my heel as hard as I can. Before he can drop me, I lean forward and flip the golden man over me, the metal pole going down with him. I roll off the edge in process, but grab onto a piece of rebar sticking out of the narrow edge and watch the golden man fall into the mountains.
I take a second to catch my breath and hoist myself back up. I get up and see Bucky battling the golden woman. She's seems like a skilled fighter if she's making him work up a sweat. I rush over to Bucky and the golden women, knowing that we're not gonna be getting Steve to safety if she's in the way.
Once I reach them, the golden women already has her sword to Bucky's throat. I interfere by sneaking up behind her and kicking her in the back. She grunts and the former assassin takes that chance to punch her. The golden women stumbles back, giving herself a minute to catch her breath while Bucky and I stand just three yards away, menacingly. There's not a chance she can fight both of us and win, but she doesn't cower, or surrender. Instead, she smirks at us and pulls out a strange object out of nowhere, obviously not from earth.

"Nobody. Move" she demands, strands of her pure gold hair falling In front of her face. She holds the purple circular glowing object in her hand.

"Or I'll drop it, and then: boom" she says with an unsettling amount of calmness in her voice, "you failed. So, come with me, and I might spare the brunette's life" I glare at her with piercing periwinkle blue eyes. The golden women starts to look impatient.

"Come with me, Nightmare. Or I'll drop it" she says the last part with clenched teeth. Neither Bucky or I move.

"Fine" her mouth twitches into a sneer as she holds out the purple glowing object in front of her. I look in the corner of my eye and see Steve behind a small wall of empty metal crates. He's safe.

"Have it your way" the golden women drops her device.

The second it hits the floor, a faint but noticeable purple glow picks us off the ground and flings us in opposite directions. I slam my back into a concrete pillar, black spots dotting my vision. I shake my head to get rid of them, and I see Bucky leaning his back against the wall and wincing. I then see his pistol lying on the floor. It must've fallen out when...whatever that was threw us. I'm about to get up and grab it, but the golden women beats me to it.
She picks up the black pistol, her finger slipping over the trigger like its second nature for her. She looks at it curiously, then points it at both Bucky and I.

"You know what?" she says, turning to point the gun at the brunette. My eyes widen as I see the psycho ready to kill one of my closest friends.

"I change my mind" the golden women pulls the trigger. I close my eyes, unable to look, and I hear a loud bang I'm all to familiar with. I open my eyes expecting the worse.

But Bucky isn't the one who got shot.

It's Steve.

Wowzers I FINALLY posted. Happy Halloween btw🎃

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