Chapter 17

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       Steve paces the lobby floor, which is driving me insane. He could never stay put when he's nervous. We're waiting for Tony and Rhodes to get back. They went to go question Dr. Arnold Reese about Winky, to clarify if she's alive or not. I hope she's not. If that's her, then that means she killed all those people, and left one to be haunted by it for the rest of his life.

"Steve, could you please stop?" I say, sitting on one of the leather arm chairs. Watching Steve pace the floor back and forth is making me dizzy.

"I can't, Buck. I'm too nervous" he replies.

"There's a chance it could be a false alarm" I try assure him, but it doesn't seem to work.

"Yeah, but what if it's not?" He counters.

"Then we'll...figure it out" I answer.

"What do we do if it is actually Winky?" The blond now stands still, looking at me. I remember when it was the other way around. I would usually be the one freaking out and Steve would be there to assure me. Oh, how the tables have turned.

"Try to get what ever the hell is in her out" I finally say. I don't know what possessed her to do those things, but I'll do anything to get it out. Suddenly, Tony's car pulls up in front of the building.

      I jump up from my leather arm chair and follow Steve out the door. We walk up to the two expecting an answer right away, but they look too spoked to say anything. Tony looks like he's seen a ghost, his eyes wide and face as pale as a sheet of paper. They walk past us like we aren't even there, and go inside the Avengers tower. Steve and I look at each other with worried faces, and follow the two inside.

"Hey, guys" I say to get their attention. They turn around and face Steve and I.

"Well?" I ask. Rhodes sighs, and nods. As in yes, she's alive.

"She's alive?" Steve asks in disbelief.

"Yes, it's her" Rhodes confirms.

     I run a hand through my brown hair while Tony sits down on one of the leather arm chairs, just as shocked as we are. For the first time in a long time, Steve is scared. Not nervous, not sad, scared. He's terrified of what's gonna happen to her, and so am I. What if they think she's a criminal and lock her up? What if she's being controlled by someone? What if she was forced to kill those people in that research lab because whoever took her threatened to hurt one of us?

"She had to have a good reason to do something like that" Steve says, "it's not like Winky to just go and kill innocent people"

"I think we should focus on the fact that Winky is supposed to be dead" Tony says.

"And if she's somehow alive, who's body did we bury?" Rhodes adds.

      He's right. Winky didn't just drag herself out of her grave like a zombi, she somehow survived that fall. And she obviously got injured, which means she could still have a few weak spots. Like a broken leg or something. There also could be a chance that whoever found her wanted us to stop looking, so they could've used someone who was already dead and used that as a cover up.

"There's a chance, and I'm just spit balling here, that whoever took Winky could have also planted that body" I suggest. The three look at me like I'm crazy.

"Like I said, I'm just throwing ideas" I defend.

"It's not a bad idea to plant a body so we don't have too look anymore. But it is a stretch" Rhodes says.

"Sorry to interrupt" says FRIDAY, "But Agent Coulson is trying to reach you, Mr. Stark" Tony runs a hand down his face before responding.

"I'll be right back" the brunette mumbles, grabbing his phone from his pocket. He walks to a corner of the lobby, and answers his phone. I turn my attention back to Rhodes and Steve.

"We need to see where Nightmare will strike next. It's the only way we're going to catch her" I say.

"But we have no idea where. The last attack was at a dinky research lab in California, and she didn't even steal anything" Rhodes counters.

"Maybe she's trying to get our attention. I mean, it certainly worked" Steve suggests. Suddenly, Tony comes back. He has a scared look in his eyes, and he's starting to look pale just after he started to get back colour in his face.

"Guys" he says with a deep breath, "we gotta go"

"Why?" Steve asks, getting worried.

"It's Winky–or Nightmare. She's attacking one of the SHIELD weapons research facilities"

This is where it starts going dooooooooown. You thought it was bad before, get ready for whole new level. 😈



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