Chapter 20

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      My eyes slowly open, my head pounding. A groan almost escapes my lips, but I hold it back. I don't want Nightmare to know I'm awake and knock me out again...or kill me. I shake the stars away from my eyes and try to see where Bucky is. I see him lying on the ground with Nightmare on top of him, punching his face repeatedly. Blood splatters onto the floor and the girl as she drives her small but strong fists into the brunette. I see my shield close by, a tiny splatter of blood is on it as well.

"You're such a baby" I look and see Nightmare flicking her fingers, electricity dancing on her fingertips. I yelp and scramble up, already seeing her electrocuting Bucky. I grab my shield and throw it as hard as I can at the girl, and she's thrown off. She flys and hits the wall hard, knocking her out cold.

     I rush over to Bucky when I notice he's not moving. I sit over him and try to shake him awake, but it's not working

"Bucky, wake up! Please wake up" I plea but he's still not moving. I put my ear to the left side of his chest, but I don't hear anything. His heart stopped.

   I mutter a string of curses, not something I would usually do, but it doesn't matter right now. I put my hands on the brunette's chest and push down 30 times, then I try mouth to mouth, blowing air into his lungs. Back and forth I do this.

"Come on, Bucky" I say under my breath. I do mouth to mouth again, and then back to his chest. Wake up dammit, wake–

     Bucky's eyes suddenly shoot open and gasps for air. He coughs as he takes big, heavy breaths.

"H–holy shit, Bucky" I breathe, grabbing him and wrapping my arms around him. I rest my chin on his shoulder, feeling tears build up behind my eyes. I blink them away and release Bucky. He's alive, he's ok. That's all that matters. I help him up and let him lean on me, still too weak to hold himself up.

"W–wait" Bucky croaks, stopping and looking behind him. Nightmare is still unconscious, a small cut on her forehead from when I knocked her off. We can't just leave her here.

"Tony, we found her" I inform Ironman through my ear piece.

"What? Where are you?" He asks.

"We're in the building, uh, room number 45. Hall to your right" I answer.

"On our way" he responds.

       I sit Bucky down and let him lean on the wall. He's still out of breath, he needs a break. I check him for any wounds, noticing the bleeding on his side. I barely touch it and I hear Bucky's breath hitch. Broken ribs. I'm about to check for more, but Tony and Rhody come in.

"Is he alright?" Rhody asks me, gesturing to Bucky. I answer with only a nod. Tony's helmet opens up to reveal his face and runs to Nightmare. He sits beside her to check if she's alright.

"What the hell happened?" He asks me.

"She stopped Bucky's heart, I had to do CPR to get him back" I answer. Tony looks back at the unconscious girl, his brown eyes welling up with tears.

"Let's get her to the Quinjet" he says just above a whisper.

Just imagine if Steve did CPR in any CA movies, Stucky shippers would go insane😂 sorry there's been so many short chapters, there's going to be a couple long ones after this. Enjoy!

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