Chapter 22

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   "I need to see her"

"What you need is rest, Bucky"

"I'll rest after I see her"

     Steve runs a hand through his blond hair in frustration. I was always stubborn, so is Steve. Steve once came home from a mission with two stab wounds, he needed at least three days of rest since they were fatal. But every time I offered to help, he would always refuse it saying that he could handle it. Truth is, he couldn't, and Winky gave him a lecture on why he was an idiot for refusing help. You could be the most thick headed, stubborn ass out there, and she would still lecture you until you caved.
     After we got back yesterday, I was taken to the infirmary to get patched up. I haven't seen her since, in fact, I was barely conscious during the ride back. My ribs still hurt like hell but that's not stopping me from trying to see her again.

"She's not exactly stable, mentally" Steve points out.

"Rarely any of us are mentally stable, Steve" I reply. The blond sighs.

"I just don't think it's a good idea to see her right now. You know...because she nearly killed you" he counters. I stare at my feet dangling from the table I'm sitting on and sigh. 

        He's right, but I have to see her. I need to know if she's actually ok. I need to know that she's herself again. I found out she's alive a while ago, but I still can't believe it and probably never will. I look back up at Steve again, my blue eyes pleading him.

"Please" I say. Steve makes a big sigh and nods, finally caving.

"If anything goes south, leave" he says. I nod in agreement and hop off table. Small shoots of pain go through as I did that, but I hide it as best I can so Steve doesn't change his mind.

      I walk out into the hallway rather slowly. The windows on the walls give me a faint reflection of my face. Scraps and purple bruises cover my face, The cut on the right cheek covers almost all of it.
    I continue walking down the hall until I reach the door leading to her cell. It's a large metal door that needs a key card, a code, and fingerprint scan to open it. It doesn't have a door knob so I assume when you enter in the code, swipe your keycard, and scan your fingerprint it opens by itself. I sigh and start to walk away, but a sudden buzz and the creaking of a metal door stops me.
"Bucky?" I hear a voice call from the room. I squeeze my eyes shut for a second to stop tears from coming. I take a deep breath, turn around and walk in. I see a girl sitting on the floor with her knees to her chest and back against the glass wall separating her from the world. I walk up to the yellow and black line that says 'Caution, stay five feet away from glass'

"Winky?" I say to the dirty blonde. Winky turns around and looks at me with wide eyes. She looks exhausted. Bags and dark circles are under her eyes, matching her messy hair sticking out at all angles.

"How're you feeling?" She asks me. Her voice sounds sad and tired. It's not her usual cheery voice, this is low and...scared. Like she's on the verge of snapping, but is just barely holding on.

"Forget about how I'm feeling" I answer, "you look like shit"

"That's expected" she responds flatly, "I'm sorry" I give her a sympathetic look.

"You don't need to apologize, Winky" I reply, "it wasn't your fault"

"I don't care if it was my fault or not, I beat you to shit and nearly killed you" the dirty blonde responds sharply.

"Let's not worry about that right now" I walk over the line so I get closer to Winky, "how are you feeling" she sighs.

"I'm fine" she answers. I shake my head, knowing full well that she's lying. She's sickly pale, and looks like she hasn't slept for a week. Her periwinkle blue eyes look wild, but exhausted as well. I start walking closer to the glass.

"I know you're lying" I say. Winky sighs.

"I'm just tired. Don't worry about it" she responds. I know she's still not telling the whole truth, but I don't pry her.

"I can't help it" I reply. I realize our noses are almost touching the glass. Winky must've realized it too, because she moves back like she's afraid to get any closer.

"You should leave" the short girl whispers. I give her a confused and concerned look.

"Was it something I said?" I ask.

"No, I just...I don't want to hurt you more than I already have" she answers, her voice still low.

"You're not gonna hurt me, I'm not made of glass" I counter.

"Then I'll hurt your friends. I don't want to do that" she replies.

"You won't hurt us. If anything, we were all a wreak without you. Clint went back to his family, Steve's been in the gym destroying every punching bag we have. And Tony passed out from lack of sleep and nutrition–"

"Wait, what?!" Winky exclaims. I stare at her for a moment before answering.

"Steve found him passed out on the floor. It was just lack of food and sleep–"

"Where is he?!" She asks, her voice raised to almost a shout.

"I can go get him for–"

"Yes, do it! I got a bone to pick with him!"

      I turn to walk towards the door and into the hallway, leaving it a crack open so it doesn't lock on its own. I walk down the hall of the Avengers tower, careful not to hurt my ribs too much. Tony is going to get a long rant and I'm going to see it. I open one of the doors that lead to a break room and see Tony, Natasha, Wanda and Vision in there sipping coffee. They turn to look at me, both concern and slight confusion fill their faces.

"Winky wants to see you, Tony" I say. The playboy gives me a confused look.

"Why?" He asks.

"I might've accidentally let something slip out about Steve finding you passed out in your lab" I answer. Tony gives me a betrayed look and runs out of the room. I leave the room and follow him, Natasha trailing behind me.

"Why are you coming?" I ask her.

"I'm not missing this" she answers.

       We reach Winky's cell just in time to see Tony walk in. I see Winky standing there and beaking off at him about taking care of himself and other things.

"Seriously?! Honestly, Tony, just eat a damn sandwich and then continue your work. It's not that hard!" Winky scolds.

     She rants to him for another minute until she's so flustered that she switches to Russian. Tony looks at Winky with confusion at first, but then just lets it happen. The short girl switches between German and Russian, which Natasha and I can both understand.

"Oh" Natasha says, her eyebrows raised. Tony looks at her.

"What? What's she saying?" He asks.

"Oh!" I exclaim, listening to Winky chew Tony up without him even noticing.

"OH!" Natasha and I both exclaim and laugh at Tony.

"What? What's she saying?" He asks.

"S-she–" Natasha tries to explain, but is laughing too hard. Tony glares at the two, but it's only used to hide the ever growing smile on his face.

"And that's why you should be more responsible, dammit!" Winky finishes, taking a deep breath. She notices Tony's smile and gives him a confused look.

"Why are you smiling?" She asks. Tony chuckles before he answers.

"I just really missed you"

This was sad, and then it was cute. Thanks Spyro for giving me the amazing idea of this scene. Vote and comment letting me know what you think if this chapter!!

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