Chapter 28

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           I hear Steve walk out of the bathroom, the smell of hot water and men's shampoo fills the air briefly. I grip the edge of the counter with my left hand while holding the kitchen knife in the other tightly.

"You need any help there, Winky?" He asks. Don't hurt him. Don't hurt him.

"Uh, you ok?" The blond questions a second time. I hear him walking closer, until I feel him at least a yard away from me. I want to scream at him to stay away, but I can't. Move. Anything.

"Do it"

     It feels like my body has a mind of its own as I spin around and swing the knife at Steve. He jumps back, but I don't stop. The blond sprints around the island, while I stand on the other side.

"Winky! What the hell is–" he starts, but I interrupt him with a loud scream before jumping onto the island.

   I hurdle myself at Steve and tackle him to the ground. He tries to push me off, but I punch his face until it starts bleeding. Steve goes limp, then slowly moves his head to look at me. I raise my knife over my head, aiming it at the blond's chest. I look at him straight in the eyes. His ocean blue eyes with a touch of green in them. My best friends eyes.

"Don't..." he croaks out. My body doesn't listen to him. I scream as I drive the knife into–

    I'm taken aback by the unexpected feeling of stainless steel going through fake wood flooring. I look and see that Steve is gone, and the knife is stuck in the kitchen floor. I pull it out with a bit of effort, and finally realize what I have done.

"No..." I whisper darkly to myself, dropping the knife.

"Well done" I hear a heart dropping, mind numbing, voice say. I jump and snap my head up to see an all gold women standing above me. Ayesha.

"W-what did..." I try to form words, but whatever came over me is still trying to claw its way back into my brain.

"That's none of your concern" the high priestess answers. None of my concern?! I want to jump up and choke the bitch, but I can even talk move, let alone move.

"Meet us where it all started, and we'll see if you're worthy enough to join The Sovereign again. And if not, we'll kill you, and your friend. You have 12 hours" Ayesha disappears out of thin air just as she appeared.



     I look at my shaky hands, they're bruised from punching Steve. There's blood on them too, not mine though. My breath starts to quicken, to the point where I'm hyperventilating. I hurt him, they took him, because of me! I suddenly hear the door burst open.

"Steve! Winky!" I hear Tony call out in a panicked voice. I hear another pair of footsteps, Bucky's. His are heavy, uneven footsteps thanks to his metal arm. FRIDAY must've alerted them about what was happening.

"Winky?" Tony says as he spots me sitting on the floor shaking like a leaf. It doesn't help that there's a kitchen knife right beside me. The billionaire rushes to my side, and grabs my shoulders so I could look at him. Tony's face is filled with worry and confusion. He looks scared, I hate scaring him.

"What happened, Winky?" The brunette asks me in a desperate voice. Tears start spilling out of my eyes, but I try to form words anyway.

"S-she made me..." I whisper under my breath.

"Who made you? What did you do?" Tony demands more than asks.

"She made me hurt S-Steve" I finally say, breaking into sobs, "I-I hurt him, then she took him away!"

                       •     •     •     •

          I watch on the security camera as two SHIELD agents drag Winky back into her cell. She tries to resist them, screaming and rambling what sounds like complete nonsense. Did Winky finally snap? I wouldn't blame her. I start feeling guilty for trying to avoid her. What the hell was I thinking? I look away from the live video surveillance, unable to look at Winky screaming and banging on the glass any longer.
    The Avengers and I gather in Tony's lab with Nick Fury. We can still hear Winky screaming from her cell, saying things like: "I know where Steve is! In the place where it all started! I know where that is!"

    She's screaming so loud that the lights in Tony's lab are flickering uncontrollably. Can't imagine what it's like in her cell, I'm surprised the camera is still working.

"You didn't have to throw her back in the cell, we could've just talked to her!" Wanda tells Fury, anger in her voice.

"Agent Lomen was the last person seen with Captain America, and she had a knife" he explains, "She is clearly unstable–"

"She's scared" I butt in, "if you let her be in there any longer, she could blow the power to this whole building, maybe even the whole block. And that's when she's not even trying"

"Sorry, Barnes, but I'm not letting anyone of you near her" the man with eyepatch declines.

"Um–" Vision starts, but Natasha cuts him off.

"Fury, please. Let at least one of us go talk to her. She deserves to be able to explain what happened" Fury shakes his head. Not even Natasha can try and convince the director.

"Excuse me–"

"This isn't fair, we need to do something–" Clint is the one who cut Vision off this time, but he obviously had enough.

"EVERYONE STOP!" A loud, screeching feedback wail screamed over the speakers in the room, making all of us jump and clap hands over our ears, blocking out the horrifically sharp noise. It was gone in the next second, all of us whirling to stare at the android in disbelief. He never yelled. Like, ever.

"Do you hear that?" He asks. We all listen, but we don't hear anything. I feel my heart skip a beat the second I realize what Vision means. I look at the video surveillance and see Winky lying on the ground. she isn't moving.

Yeah, I'm evil. This will probably be the last chapter for a while because now that I've ran out of pre written chapters, you're just going to have to wait for me to post them when I'm done. But for now, ENJOY YOUR FEELS!

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