Chapter 14

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     I toss and turn as I try to fall asleep. I don't know why, I should have give up on trying to sleep a long time ago. I sigh and sit up on the bed. But I jolt when I see who's sitting on the end of it, her face revealed in the moonlight from my window.

"Winky?" I say in disbelief.

"Heya soldier" she says. I'm dreaming. This is too perfect to be real.

"Am I dreaming?" I ask anyways. She nods in response.

"Remember when we first met? You threatened to kill me" she laughs, "not like you could, you were barely conscious" that smile, I didn't realize how much I missed it.

"Remember when you asked me to go on a run with you?" She asks me again, "you were so nervous" I just stare at her, trying to take in as much of her as I can with my eyes.

"Remember the time–"

"Why are you telling me this?" I ask, cutting her off. Winky sighs then shifts closer to me. She places her hand on mine, but I can't feel it.

"Because you're trying to forget me" she answers. I am. I couldn't stand remembering her, because all that came up was that image of her on the rocks, bloody and bruised.

"How did you know?" I ask her.

"You see this?" Winky asks, gesturing to her shirt. A blue flannel that I always thought made her eyes stand out.

"it's your favourite shirt on me. You love it when I wear it because you thought it made my eyes stand out. And you love my eyes" she answers. I give her a confused look.

"Don't you get it? I'm what you always imagine in your head. I'm what appears when you dream. I'm not real" I only stare at her, and she sighs once again.

"And I also know how you feel about me" she adds. My eyes widen.

"Of course you do" I say. Winky laughs and moves even closer to me.

"I don't want you to forget me Buck, I love you" she says. It's obvious she would say that since this is in my head, yet I still feel butterflies in my stomach when she says it.

"I'm sorry" I respond.

"I want you to promise me, Bucky. Promise me that you will remember me, because if you don't, I basically never existed" I only nod, not sure what to do.

"Can you say it?" She asks me.

"I promise" I finally say. Winky smiles at me, her periwinkle blue eyes practically glowing in the dark. She motions for me to lay down, and I obey, suddenly feeling exhausted.

"Sleep, weary Soldier. Darker days are coming" she says. I suddenly hear her sing. It's a sad, sweet song that makes you want to listen to it again and again:

"I could build a spaceship for you, but it wouldn't get us anywhere tonight. You could start a revolution, but we both know it will never end, it won't end this stupid fight. I just want to laugh with you. Burn our ships and start a new. Don't you want to try?"

• • • •

"Riiiiiiiiing" goes my phone. I turn on my side in my bed. I look at the caller ID and groan. The only people who text me are Steve and Tony. Steve mostly texts me when I'm out getting groceries, or when he has a funny joke to tell me. Tony only texts me these things called "me-mes" and they're quite weird. But this is Agent Coulson calling me, so it's obviously for a mission. I haven't been really motivated to go on missions. I grab my cell phone and press the answer button.

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